本わらびもち専門店 小町 本店 明石直売処 - Akashi

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 本わらびもち専門店 小町 本店 明石直売処

住所 :

Okubocho, Akashi, 〒674-0065 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787777
Postal code : 674-0065
Webサイト : http://www.instagram.com/warabimochi_komachi/
街 : Hyogo

Okubocho, Akashi, 〒674-0065 Hyogo,Japan
さいとうちょろん on Google

初めてうかがいました。商品の説明をしてくれたので欲しいものを選ぶことができましたし、ポイントカードには誕生月サービスもついていて、たまたま誕生月だったこともありサービスのきな粉わらび餅をゲットしました(店員さんのおめでとうコールありがとうございます)。 すぐに息子と食べて見ましたが。ふわとろをうたうだけに本当に柔らかかったし、あんこ練り込みの商品もあんこが主張し過ぎず美味しくいただけました。月替わり商品もあるようなので、また来てみます。
I asked for the first time. He explained the product, so I was able to choose what I wanted, and the point card also had a birth month service, and because it happened to be the birth month, I got the Kinako Warabimochi service (clerk). Thank you for your congratulations call). I ate it with my son right away. It was really soft just because it was fluffy, and the bean paste-kneaded product was delicious without being overstated by the bean paste. There seems to be monthly products, so I'll come back again.
tsuyoshi t. on Google

とにかくふわとろです。 こんなタイプのわらびもちは初めて食べました! 季節に応じたこだわりのフレーバーもあり、バリエーション豊富に楽しめます! 店主さんのお人柄が良いところもポイントです!
It's fluffy anyway. I ate this type of warabimochi for the first time! There are also special flavors according to the season, so you can enjoy a variety of variations! The point where the owner's personality is good is also a point!
シンヤビン on Google

The moment I put it in my mouth, the taste and feel of the warabi mochi I ate more than 60 years ago was revived. I miss it very much and thank you for remembering that time. For me, this price is quite convincing. Change is coming.
Q bayoenist on Google

本わらびもち?の専門店。 玉子大のわらびもちが5つで760円と安くはないがとても柔らかくて美味しい。 砂糖なし?のきな粉であっさり。抹茶やほうじ茶もあり。
Is this warabimochi? Specialty store. There are 5 egg-sized warabimochi, which are not as cheap as 760 yen, but they are very soft and delicious. No sugar? Lightly made with Nokinako powder. There are also matcha and hojicha.
くまきち on Google

2019年に出来たわらびもち専門店です。新しいお家ばかり建っている住宅地の一角でした。駐車場はあるみたいですが、来店されている方はほぼ路駐されてます。次々と来店される方もあるので、ちょっとカオス状態。 テイクアウト専門なので、注文口でオーダーします。箱に入ったものもあるので、人様に差し上げるのに良いですね。 きなこのわらびもちをいただきました。 美味しかったです。 ごちそうさまでした。
A shop specializing in warabomochi in 2019. It was a corner of a residential area where only new houses were built. There seems to be a parking lot, but those who come to the store are almost parked. Some people come to the store one after another, so it's a little chaotic. I specialize in take-out, so I will order from the order entry. Some are in a box, so it's good to give to people. I had Kinako no Warabimochi. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal.
y m on Google

わらびもち専門店です 当たり前ですがわらびもちしかありません おいしいです 店員さんも感じいいです
Warabimochi specialty store Obviously, there is only warabimochi it's delicious The clerk also feels good
小西敏夫 on Google

わらび餅の美味しさでは星5個です。 ただ、あくまで個人的な感想ですか…きな粉が大量過ぎて始末に困るんです。過ぎたるは及ばざるが如しと言う感想です。 捨てるのはもったいない。 最後に口の中に残るのは、きな粉味だけで…きな粉食べた見たい。 そのきな粉の味、香りはイマイチです。 本わらび餅の美味しさで勝負出来ると思うんですけどね。
The deliciousness of Warabimochi is 5 stars. However, it's just a personal impression ... There is too much soybean flour and I'm having trouble getting rid of it. It is an impression that it is not enough to pass. It's a waste to throw it away. The last thing that remains in my mouth is the kinako flavor ... I want to see the kinako I ate. The taste and aroma of the soybean flour is not good. I think you can compete with the deliciousness of this warabi mochi.
ちぃ on Google

Warabimochi lovers should definitely eat it. There were various types such as matcha and chocolate. The one I bought this time was a large grain type and was very satisfying to eat.

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