
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 割烹阿部

住所 :

Okubo, Sukagawa, 〒962-0312 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://abe.fukushima.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–7PM
Sunday 8AM–7PM
Monday 8AM–7PM
Tuesday 8AM–7PM
Wednesday 8AM–7PM
Thursday 8AM–7PM
Friday 11:30AM–7PM
街 : Fukushima

Okubo, Sukagawa, 〒962-0312 Fukushima,Japan
幸喜 on Google

年に5回程度、仲良し仲間と日本酒を楽しみにお邪魔させて頂いております(^^) 料理がとても美味しく雰囲気の良い隠れ家割烹です!ランチもお弁当や仕出しオードブルまで何でも相談に乗ってくれるお店。いつも感動をありがとうございます? ※唐揚げは老若男女美味しいと思います!鉄板です(^^)
About five times a year, I am looking forward to drinking sake with my good friends (^ ^) It's a hidden cooking with a very delicious food and good atmosphere! A shop that will be happy to help you with anything from lunch to lunch boxes and catering hors d'oeuvres. Thank you so much for your continued support ? * I think fried chicken is delicious for men and women of all ages! It's an iron plate (^^)
Masataka Shibuya on Google

鶏から揚げ定食を頂きました。 にんにく風味の下味がつけられ、パリッと揚がった衣の食感が良かったです。 味付けは、甘辛いタレがからめられていますが、食感が損なわれることはありませんでした。 美味しくて、見た目も美しい定食でした。
I had a fried set meal from chicken. The garlic-flavored batter was added and the crispy batter had a nice texture. The seasoning was entwined with a sweet and spicy sauce, but the texture was not impaired. It was a delicious and beautiful set meal.
うにいくら on Google

からあげが有名です。 単品で頼む事もできます。 法事や集まりに最適なお店です。
Karaage is famous. You can also order it separately. It is the best shop for legal affairs and gatherings.
タンジマール on Google

噂によると唐揚げが人気のお店らしい 刺身定食 1100円と焼肉定食 880円(税込)を注文 刺身定食は内容からして高い、焼肉定食は焼肉というより生姜焼きでややしょっぱい、豚モモ肉使用はいただけないなぁ 食事以外も仕出し、宴会と地元に寄り添うお店なのでしょうね、訪れる方も地元の方が多いようです。 ホールには6人掛けテーブルが2つあり、畳の敷いてある広間には4人掛けテーブルが4つと4〜5人が座れるカウンター席がありました。 焼肉定食を注文した私に最初に運んで来たのは焼きそば、『注文したのは焼肉定食ですけど』と言うと持ち帰った。すると伝票片手に再度私の元へ来て『刺身定食と焼きそばですよね?』と聞いてきた。 貴女の聞き違え、書き違えなんですよ!!!!!と言ってやりたかったけど(笑) ごちそう様でした
According to rumors, fried chicken seems to be a popular restaurant. Ordered sashimi set meal 1100 yen and yakiniku set meal 880 yen (tax included) The sashimi set meal is expensive in terms of content, the yakiniku set meal is rather ginger-grilled rather than yakiniku, and it is a little salty, so you can not use pork thigh meat It's a restaurant that caters for more than just meals and serves as a banquet and locals. There were two 6-seater tables in the hall, and there were four 4-seater tables and counter seats for 4 to 5 people in the tatami room. When I ordered a yakiniku set meal, the first thing that came to me was yakisoba, and when I said, "I ordered the yakiniku set meal," I brought it home. Then I came back to me with a slip and said, "Sashimi set meal and yakisoba, right? I was asked. It's your misunderstanding and miswriting! ! ! ! !! I wanted to say that (laughs) thank you for the food
funadastudio on Google

割烹とはいえかなりリーズナブルで、1,000円以上は刺身定食だけ! から揚げ定食をたのみました。 から揚げは甘い味噌味で一口サイズになっていて、食べやすかったです。 女性には少し多いかも。 次はあんかけ焼きそばいってみます。
Although it is a Japanese-style cooking, it is quite reasonable, and only sashimi set meals are available for 1,000 yen or more! I ate a fried chicken set meal. Karaage had a sweet miso flavor and was bite-sized, so it was easy to eat. It may be a little more for women. Next, I'll try Ankake Yakisoba.
近内正昭 on Google

唐揚げが、とにかくまいう~❤️ ソースかつも、あんかけやそきばも、なんでもまいう~ 追加、チャーハン食べました。から揚げ単品とセットでたのんだんだんけど、から揚げが先に出てきて、5分後か、もっとあとに、やっとチャーハンが出てきた。一緒に持ってこないと、から揚げ先に全部食べちゃいそうでした。イライラ???してもうた。が、チャーハンおいちぃ?かったからええで☺️ 追記 今日は、ソースかつに、単品唐揚げつけました。お腹いぱいです。 うまうま~ 追記 2021*01*09 焼き肉定食食べました。やっぱり何でも美味い?甘辛いたれと、キャベチュ、チャキチャキOnion、豚肉、最高です。 ラーメンも、懐かしい味で美味い。そして、安い?✨? いつもの、唐揚げも単品で追加しますよ。 やっぱり最高です。 コーヒー☕️も、つきますよ? コーヒーが、でかくなりました? お茶も、水も、自動になりました。ホットもコールドも自由自在。機械の時代ですね? でも、うまいー?
The fried chicken is just right ~ ❤️ Sauce, ankake, sokiba, anything is fine ~ I ate fried rice. It was a set with fried chicken, but fried chicken came out first, and 5 minutes or later, fried rice finally came out. If I didn't bring it with me, I would have eaten everything at the fried chicken. I'm frustrated ???. But it was fried rice ? so yeah ☺️ postscript Today, I fried the sauce and fried chicken separately. I'm hungry. Umauma ~ Addendum 2021 * 01 * 09 I ate a yakiniku set meal. After all everything is delicious ? Sweet and spicy sauce, cabbage, chakichaki onion, pork are the best. Ramen is also delicious with a nostalgic taste. And cheap ?✨? I will add the usual fried chicken as a single item. After all it is the best. Coffee ☕️ is also included ? Coffee is big ? Both tea and water are now automatic. Freely hot and cold. It's the age of machines ? But good ?
toshi 120 on Google

これまで近くを通る事があっても、お店は初めて訪問。通りから少し入るけど、休日のお昼過ぎはちょうど満席になるくらいお客さんが入ってました。 定食、ラーメン、どれもおいしかった! 店内も座敷とテーブル席の両方があって、セルフでお茶やコーヒーもいただけます。
This is my first visit to the store, even if I have passed nearby. I entered a little from the street, but after noon on holidays, there were enough customers to fill up. The set meal and ramen were all delicious! There are both tatami mats and table seats inside the store, so you can enjoy tea and coffee on your own.
古川定栄 on Google

Today we have lunch at Kappo Abe in Okubo, Sukagawa City. The opening time was 8 o'clock today on the XX map, but it was 11:30 when I visited. However, he opened the shop at 11:10. The menu I had today is a small set meal of yakiniku. A generous amount of grated ginger and grated radish-based salad. My stomach and heart are full. Customers were coming in one after another while eating. It's a popular shop. Thank you for the meal.

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