
4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 塩谷町こども未来館しおらんど

住所 :

Okubo, Shioya, Shioya District, 〒329-2334 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88778
Webサイト : https://www.town.shioya.tochigi.jp/info/1243
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–3PM
Sunday 10AM–3PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–3PM
Friday 10AM–3PM
街 : Tochigi

Okubo, Shioya, Shioya District, 〒329-2334 Tochigi,Japan
on Google

廃校を使った遊び場で冬でもストーブで暖かく広くて最高でした。 無料で1歳から6歳まで連れて行きましたが嬉しそうに走り回って遊んでいました! おにぎりなど持っていけば食べる所もあります。 色んなおもちゃに乗り物、ボールプール、室内アスレチックみたいなのに、滑り台、小さい子が乗れるブランコ。 2〜3時間いてもあっという間でした。 雛人形もいっぱい飾ってありました。 教室なのでかくれんぼでも楽しめました! 子供服のリサイクルもあり自由に持っていっても、着なくなった服を置いていってもいいみたいです。 日曜に行ったけど空いていて良かったです。
It was warm and wide with a stove even in winter at a playground using a closed school. I took it for free from 1 to 6 years old, but I was running around happily and playing! There are also places to eat if you bring rice balls. There are various toys, rides, ball pools, indoor athletic, slides, and swings where small children can ride. It took just a couple of hours. A lot of dolls were also displayed. Because it was a classroom, I could enjoy it in a hide-and-seek! You can recycle your children's clothes and have them free, or you can put the clothes you don't wear. I went on Sunday but it was nice to be vacant.
Tomomi Takashio on Google

1歳児を連れて、数回遊びに行きました。 廃校になった小学校の2階で遊べるようになっています。無料です。 特に登録などもありませんでした。入るときに記名するだけです。 各教室にはマットがひかれ、屋内遊具やボールプールなどがあります。 うちの子は廊下を歩くのが楽しいみたいです。 大型の木製遊具がある部屋もあります。うちの子にはまだ早いですが、子供達はとても楽しそうです。 またピアノもあり、少し触らせて貰いました。 オムツ替えできる場所もあります。 ただトイレは学校らしいトイレなので、子供を座らせる椅子など無いのが難点です。 駐車場は校庭ですので、広々です。 また夕方4時位になると、この地域の学童保育の子達が遊びに来ていました。指導員の方と少しお話ししましたが、子供達が「早く迎えに来ないでほしい」というくらい楽しんで遊ぶそうで、廃校の再利用としてはすごくいいなぁと思いました♪ エアコンはないっぽいので、真夏と真冬は服装に注意ですね。ストーブはつけてくれるみたいですが、足元冷えますので。 塩谷町に住んでいなくても、どこの方でも遊びに来れるそうです。
With her 1-year-old, I went to a few times to play. Of elementary school became closed down looks like play on the second floor. Free. In particular, it did not have such registration. Only register to when entering. Each classroom mat is run over, and an indoor playground equipment and ball pool. Child of out is like is fun to walk down the hallway. There is also a room where there is a large wooden play equipment. The child of out is still early, but the children are very happy. There is also a piano, I received so little touch. There is also a place where you can change diapers. But toilet so seems toilet school, the no chairs to sit the children is the difficulty. Since the parking lot is the schoolyard, it is spacious. Also in the evening 4 o'clock position, the children of school care in the region had come to play. But was a little talk with people of coaches, so children can play and enjoy much of "please do not come to pick early", I thought that I wonder really nice as the re-use of closed school ♪ Since ish there is no air conditioning, I midsummer and midwinter is the attention to the dress. While the stove is like me wearing, so you cold feet. Even if not live in Shioya-cho, it is also so is coming to play you were anywhere.
はな on Google

何部屋かあり平日はゆっくり遊べてすごくいいですよ! フリーワイハイ完備 古着いただけます! 不用になった子ども服なども持っていけます!
There are several rooms and it's really nice to be able to play slowly on weekdays! Free Wi-Fi complete You can wear old clothes! You can also bring your children's clothes that are no longer needed!
黒澤翔 on Google

廃校を利用した児童館のような場所。 もとが学校のため、広くて開放的。 遊具も多くて、色々遊べます。 長い廊下を思う存分バギーに乗ったり、アスレチックをしたり本を読んだり。 市外の方でも遊べます。無料です。 屋内のため天候にも左右されず真夏でも雨でも快適に遊べます。 投稿時点では穴場スポット的な感じですが、これから人気が出てくる予感です。
A place like a children's house that used a closed school. Originally a school, it is spacious and open. There are many playsets, and you can play in various ways. Ride a buggy, play athletics or read a book in the long corridor. Even people outside the city can play. Free. Because it is indoors, you can play comfortably in midsummer or rain regardless of the weather. At the time of posting, it feels like a little-known spot, but I have a feeling that it will become popular in the future.
25にょこ on Google

2020年12月からトイレ等リニューアルしてます(o^^o) 土日限定で段ボール部屋やってますよ❤️
Toilets etc. have been renewed since December 2020 (o ^^ o) I'm doing a cardboard room only on Saturdays and Sundays ❤️
インチキたぬき on Google

温もりがある廃校を利用しています。 フリーWi-Fiあります。 トイレも子供用が完備されてます。 冬季はスリッパを持参すると快適です。
We are using a closed school with warmth. There is free Wi-Fi. The toilet is also fully equipped for children. It is comfortable to bring slippers in winter.
R C on Google

廃校を利用した子供用の施設です。 教室の扉が取り払われ、廊下と教室数部屋で構成された遊び場は解放感抜群! 木張りの床が気持ちいい。 混雑も無く、のんびりあっという間に2時間過ぎます。 職員の方の対応も丁寧で、無料なのが申し訳ないぐらいです。
It is a facility for children who used the closed school. The doors of the classrooms have been removed, and the playground, which consists of a corridor and several classroom rooms, has a great sense of liberation! The wooden floor feels good. There is no congestion, and it takes 2 hours to relax. The staff are polite and I'm sorry that it's free.
太郎 on Google

It was a very fun facility where you can play for free using the closed school! Taking advantage of the characteristics of the school, I was able to drive in the corridor by car, and it was fun to have various games in each classroom! The facility is also beautiful with the warmth of wood! In addition, there is also a corner where you can get used clothes for free with donations from local people!

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