
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact マリエール諏訪

住所 :

Okitamachi, Suwa, 〒392-0013 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://www.marriyell-suwa.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 11AM–7PM
Tuesday 11AM–7PM
Wednesday 11AM–7PM
Thursday 11AM–7PM
Friday 11AM–7PM
街 : Nagano

Okitamachi, Suwa, 〒392-0013 Nagano,Japan
l00siki on Google

100人ベースで見積りを頼むと¥300万程度でまあまあその気になる。 でもそれは最低クラス、結婚式なんて何度もやるわけではないのでわからぬまま契約したが最後、もはや負け組。 見積り通りの式では激ショボなので追加料金確定、あれよあれよと膨らんで¥500万コース、ちょっと前までは¥400万オーバーだったので経営者が変わってさらに凶悪になった模様。 〇〇場跡地という立地、料理は仕出し、これにこれだけ出す意味が不明。 そしてうわさではあるが申し込みをすると契約書を盾に数ヶ月前でもキャンセル料は¥200万とか。 申し込みをすると手のひらを返したように、あれはダメ、それは無理と先方主導のペースに持ち込まれることになるらしい。 真偽は不明だが結局泣き寝入りで挙式を選ぶことになる。 使用曲についても契約前によく聞いてみてください、驚きますよ。 あえて危険なところに挑戦する価値はないと思います。 公表評価の高さが不自然で恐怖を感じます。
When asking for an estimate on the basis of 100 people, it is fairly bad if it is about 3 million. But it is the lowest class, I signed the contract without understanding because I will not do many weddings, but I lost anymore. Because it is a heavy shovel in the formula as estimated, it seems that the additional pricing was confirmed, the bicycle was expanding as much as \ 5 million course, and it was over ¥ 4 million over a while ago so the manager changed and he became even more violent. The location of the site site, the cuisine was catered out, and the meaning to give it to this is unknown. And although it is a rumor, if I sign up, I will use a contract as a shield and cancellation fee will be \ 2 million even a few months ago. It seems that it will be brought to the pace led by the leadership as it is impossible, as it returned the palm. True false is unknown, but eventually I will choose a wedding ceremony. Please also listen to the songs you use before contracting, you will be surprised. I think that it is not worth daring to challenge dangerous places. The height of published evaluation is unnatural and feels fear.
ウッディーはじ on Google

結婚披露宴にお呼ばれして行きました。 ロビー、会場ともに参列者が過ごしやすい雰囲気の良い会場でした。 残念な雨の日でしたが、天井が高く広々として、外の暗さを感じない宴会場で良かったです。 挙式を諏訪大社で挙げられて、披露宴をマリエールでとの設定は、なるほどと納得のロケーション。 ただ、タクシーで駆けつけたとき、降り場に屋根が無いのもどうかと‥。もちろん傘を持って係の方が迎えてくれたのは、とても良かったです。 そういえば、送迎バスなどは無いのでしょうか?
I was invited to a wedding reception. Both the lobby and the venue had a nice atmosphere where attendees could spend time. It was a disappointing rainy day, but it was nice to have a banquet hall with high ceilings and spaciousness that didn't feel the darkness outside. The location where the wedding ceremony was held at Suwa Taisha Shrine and the reception was held at Marielle was quite convincing. However, when I rushed by taxi, I wondered if there was no roof at the landing. Of course, it was very nice that the person in charge welcomed me with an umbrella. By the way, is there a shuttle bus?
junjun on Google

I visited at my nephew's wedding. It was a wonderful place.
月夜美 on Google

The fashionable feeling that is not over-decorated and the casualness with the guests are wonderful! In terms of the quality of the food, the sweets are in the best position! If you manage the backlit lighting of the chapel and the immaturity of the staff, there is no complaint ★★★★★
あっきー on Google

挙式会場は、落ち着いた雰囲気でステンドグラスから入る自然の光がとても綺麗で、こんな素敵なチャペルで式を挙げれたらいいなと思いました!見学の際に、実際にバージンロードを歩かせてもらえて、音楽やバブルシャワーなどの演出があり、より気持ちが高まりました。 披露宴会場は3会場から選ぶことができ、自分達に合った会場を選べるのもとてもいいと思います。 実際に会場で試食をすることができ、どの料理も美味しくて大満足でした。 なによりスタッフの皆さんの温かさ、気遣いにとても感激しました。いろいろアドバイスしていただき、結婚式に対してあまり具体的なイメージを持てなかったんですが、この式場でここのスタッフさんと一緒に一生に一度の思い出を作ることができたらいいなと思うことができました。
At the wedding hall, the natural light entering from the stained glass with a calm atmosphere was very beautiful, and I thought it would be nice to have a ceremony with such a wonderful chapel! During the tour, I was able to actually walk the Virgin Road, and there was a production such as music and bubble shower, which made me feel even more excited. You can choose from 3 venues, and I think it is very good to choose the venue that suits you. We could actually taste the sample at the venue and all the dishes were delicious and very satisfying. Above all, I was very moved by the warmth and care of the staff. I had a lot of advice, and I couldn't have a very specific image of the wedding, but I hope I could make memories in my life with the staff here at this ceremony. I did it.
ちゃんぽん on Google

結婚式場を探してて チャペルも披露宴会場も素敵だった事もあり マリエール諏訪さんにしました(˶ˊᵕˋ˵)プランナーさんが気さくな方で、相談しやすく 最後まで気持ちよく対応していただきました。 衣装合わせは タブレットから 選んでドレス、和装を持ってきてくれ選びました。私の場合前撮りもあったので、色等で 悩んでいると優しく衣装さんにアドバイスをいただき 嬉しかったです。 前撮り前に 衣装のサイズ、髪型、など事前打ち合わせがありました。前撮りの日にヘアメイク等は どうするかなど、相談出来たのは 有難かったですねˊᵕˋ 前撮りの時のポーズもカメラ屋さんが相談のってくれて 希望通りに仕上がり、プロは違うな。と主人と感動しました。また、ポーズもそこまで決めてなかったので、アドバイスをくれて撮ってくれた写真も素敵の一言。 我が子は まだ6ヶ月で お子さんがいる方にも 色々配慮してくれて 授乳時間、離乳食の温め等対応も素晴らしかったです。時には プランナーさん皆さん抱っこしてくれたり安心して当日を迎えられました。 私は 総合評価 100点以上です‪(*ˊᵕˋ* )♡めっちゃオススメします。素敵な日をありがとうございました。
I was looking for a wedding hall and the chapel and reception hall were wonderful, so I chose Marielle Suwa (˶ˊᵕˋ˵) The planner was a friendly person, and it was easy to consult and responded comfortably until the end. I chose the outfit from the tablet and brought me a dress and kimono. In my case, I also took a pre-shoot, so I was glad that the costumes kindly gave me some advice when I was worried about colors. Before the pre-shooting, we had a preliminary meeting about costume size, hairstyle, etc. Thank you for being able to talk about what to do with hair makeup etc. on the day of the previous shoot ˊᵕˋ The camera shop consulted with me about the poses for the pre-shooting, and the result was as desired, so the professionals are different. I was impressed with my husband. Also, I didn't decide the pose so much, so the picture taken with advice is a nice word. My child was only 6 months old and gave consideration to those who have children, and the breastfeeding time and warming of baby food were excellent. Occasionally, all the planners hugged me and I was able to welcome the day with peace of mind. I have an overall rating of 100 points or more (* ˊᵕˋ *) ♡ I highly recommend it. Thank you for a wonderful day.
toshi kichi on Google

娘の挙式 披露宴でお世話になりました。 スタッフ皆様の暖かな対応と気配り、そして何よりの笑顔での対応に感動しました。 清潔感にあふれ、ゆったりとした時間と空間を味わえる素晴らしい式場です。
We were taken care of at the wedding reception of my daughter. I was impressed by the warm support and attentiveness of the staff and, above all, with a smile. It is a wonderful ceremony hall where you can enjoy a relaxing time and space full of cleanliness.
J Classic on Google

とても演出が良い結婚式場。 大聖堂が落ち着く雰囲気。 ドレスの種類も豊富です。 リムジンもあるので会場まで花嫁さん、お婿さんを乗せてくれます。 好みもありますが、諏訪地方では一番良いのではないでしょうか。
A very good wedding hall. The atmosphere where the cathedral calms down. There are many types of dresses. There is also a limousine so the bride and groom will be on the venue. There are preferences, but isn't it the best in the Suwa area?

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