中華料理 保昌

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華料理 保昌

住所 :

Okino, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0831 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8PM
Monday 11:30AM–8PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–8PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–8PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 11:30AM–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Okino, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0831 Miyagi,Japan
ナマックス on Google

あんかけ焼きそばを食べました(名前は違う名称だったかも)。ここは知り合いに美味しいと勧められ、以前から来たかった店です。 期待が大きかった為か、その期待には答えてくれない味でした。ちょいとしょっぱいかな。 夕食時に行きましたが、出前もやってるのでしょうか、電話がひっきりなしになっていたので人気があるのでしょう。あんかけ焼きそば以外の物はどうなんだろう、という余地はあります。 ただ、餃子が半生で出てきたのには愕然です。忙しいと言うのは言い訳になりません。飲食店は1発目勝負だと思っています。
I ate ankake yakisoba (maybe the name was different). This is a store that I have been recommending to my acquaintances for a long time and I have always wanted to visit. It was a taste that did not answer that expectation, probably because of high expectations. I wonder if it's a little salty. I went for dinner, but I wonder if it's done at home or not, so it's popular because the phone is busy all the time. There is room for wondering what's other than Ankake yakisoba. However, I'm surprised that the dumplings came out for half a year. Busy is no excuse. I think that the restaurant is the first game.
ねこすけまる on Google

まぁ空腹満たすには良いかなって感じ。 悪くはないけど、取り立ててなにもない。
Well, I feel like it's good to satisfy my hunger. Not bad, but nothing to collect.
鈴木仁 on Google

The price is reasonable and delicious ?
山田雅裕 on Google

I took my grandchildren. I ate chilled Chinese food for the first time this year. It contains both ham and shredded pork. There are no pictures. My grandson remembered a large amount from a previous visit, so we ate Miso Ramen together. There is a lot here.
roller cookie on Google

昔ながらの下町の雰囲気のお店です。 この雰囲気、大好きです! 私が子供の頃には既にありました。 確かにおじいちゃんが厨房にいらっしゃった頃から食べに来ています! 代々続いている中華屋さんです。 バイクでバンバン出前とイートインとで利用しています。 美味しい!素朴で下町好きな人には良いと思う。 あんまり豪華絢爛は想像しないでください!そこが良いところなのですから! あんかけ焼きそば、青椒肉絲!汁そばも美味しいです! 素朴な中華風コーンスープも個人的に好きです\(^^)/
It's a traditional downtown atmosphere. I love this atmosphere! It was already there when I was a kid. Certainly, my grandpa has come to eat since he was in the kitchen! It is a Chinese restaurant that has been continuing for generations. It is used for bang-bang delivery and eat-in by motorcycle. delicious! I think it is good for people who are simple and like downtown. Don't imagine a gorgeous gorgeous one! That's the good part! Ankake yakisoba, green pepper meat gourd! Soup soba is also delicious! Personally, I also like the simple Chinese-style corn soup\(^^)/
みやはら on Google

とある元レジャー施設中華厨房の年輩の人にて教えられて店にて初来店 五目焼きそばと半炒飯(オーダー) なかなかの町中華昭和雰囲気の店(仙台では珍しい)である+1 味の評価は両方普通一応完飲(ヤヤ薄系)カモ だがしかし 五目系焼ソバ皿の種類2店舗目デス 3人での切り盛り(一人は出前)だが出前可能であらばできる中華屋でもある ただメニューが見やすくないカモ 餃子よりも焼売のほうが良いカモ(悔) 次回予定焼売にて再挑戦カモ なおかつ、なんだかんだ懐かしいスープ(多分昔何処かで?)でした 日曜なのかほぼ満席でした
A former leisure facility, taught by an elderly person in a Chinese kitchen, visited the store for the first time Gomoku Yakisoba and Half Fried Rice (Order) It's quite a town Chinese Showa atmosphere shop (rare in Sendai) +1 Both taste evaluations are usually complete (Yaya thin duck) But but Type of five-eyed grilled buckwheat plate Second store Death It is a Chinese restaurant that can be delivered by three people (one is on delivery) but can be delivered if possible. Just a duck whose menu is not easy to see Ducks that are better for shumai than dumplings (regret) Re-challenge duck at the next scheduled shumai Moreover, it was somehow nostalgic soup (maybe somewhere in the past?) It was almost full on Sunday
篤司 on Google

住宅街に佇む地域に根付いた中華食堂って感じのお店です。漫画の本も豊富にあってゆっくりくつろげます、サラリーマンの求める食堂です! 麻婆ラーメンを頂きました、ボリューム満点な甘めの麻婆が癖になります!
It's like a Chinese restaurant rooted in an area in a residential area. There are plenty of manga books, so you can relax and enjoy the dining room that office workers want! I got a mapo tofu, and the sweet and voluminous mapo tofu becomes a habit!
Chabo on Google

週末のランチで中華が食べたいということになり、長町にあるこちら保昌さんに伺いました。 13:30頃に到着すると先客は一名のみ。あとから常連さんらしき方が一名入って来られましたが店内は割と静かです。 メニューに目をやるとかなり沢山あり迷いましたが、小海老入りの炒飯700円と叉焼ワンタン麺870円を二人でシェアして頂くことに。 叉焼ワンタン麺は叉焼とワンタンが5枚づつ浮いていて見た目は豪華です。ストレートの細麺で味は町中華にありがちな素朴な醤油ラーメンという感じでした。 海老チャーハンはリーズナブルですが、少しべちゃっとしていて塩っぱい味付けで残念でした。 お会計の際、事前にメニューで計算した金額を用意して出したところ、謎の20円上乗せの請求。こちらの計算ミスかと足して会計をしましたが、後で計算しても謎の20円でした。。
I wanted to eat Chinese food for lunch on the weekend, so I asked Mr. Hosyo in Nagamachi. When you arrive around 13:30, there is only one customer. Later, one person who seemed to be a regular came in, but the inside of the store is relatively quiet. When I looked at the menu, I was at a loss because there were quite a lot of them, but I decided to share 700 yen for fried rice with shrimp and 870 yen for fried wonton noodles. The roasted wonton noodles have 5 pieces of roasted pork and 5 wontons floating on each other, and they look gorgeous. It was a straight thin noodle and the taste was like a simple soy sauce ramen that is often found in Chinese food. Shrimp fried rice is reasonable, but it was a bit sticky and salty, which was a shame. At the time of payment, I prepared the amount calculated in advance from the menu and put it out, and I was charged a mysterious 20 yen extra. I added it to this calculation error and made an accounting, but even if I calculated it later, it was a mysterious 20 yen. ..

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