Okazaki Country Club - Okazaki

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okazaki Country Club

住所 :

町下北山-2-39 Ikeganecho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-3501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 444-3501
Webサイト : https://reserve.accordiagolf.com/golfCourse/okazaki

町下北山-2-39 Ikeganecho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-3501, Japan
山本和彦 on Google

The general public can also dress freely and enjoy the lunch buffet. Reservation required. Cheaper than I expected.
新井定雄 on Google

At worst, at worst, I visited for the first time in a long time in a competition, but the course, clubhouse, etc. were renovated and cleaned, but the service was the worst. You will not be able to lower the club yourself and wipe the club after play. If the price is cheap, you can put up with it, but it is a normal price. I don't think I'll go next time unless there's a lot to do.
ken n. on Google

アコーディアグループになって、値段が少し安くなりましたが、サービスはパブリック以下になりました。 バックは自分で車からおろして、さらにカートにも自分積み込む必要あり。 カジュアルも良いけど、流石にサービス落としすぎかと。 コースメンテは良いので、割り切っていけば楽しめます。 ただし、詰め込みすぎるので、ハーフ3時間超えはざらですので、覚悟していきましょう。
As an Accordia Group, the price is a little cheaper, but the service is less than public. You need to remove the bag from the car and load it into the cart. Casual is good, but I wonder if the service is too low. The course maintenance is good, so you can enjoy it if you divide it. However, since it is packed too much, it will be rough for more than half an hour, so be prepared.
那須秀子 on Google

The green was fluffy and the course was good. Starting at 7:30, I'm eating at a restaurant for a half break, but I only have a set meal, so I'd be happy if you could prepare a ladies' set with a sandwich plate ☺️
なかむらただお on Google

トリッキーなコースです! ティーグランドは手入れが行き届いていませんでした。 家から近いのでよく利用しますが、やや不満足です。
It's a tricky course! The tea ground was not well maintained. I often use it because it is close to my house, but I am a little unsatisfied.
工藤博 on Google

初めて岡崎カントリーでゴルフをしました。 まず最初に驚いたのは、ゴルフバックやカバンなどの荷おろしを誰もしてくれなくて、車の中で数分待ちました。後ろに着いた車の人が自分で下ろしているのを見て、気付きました。いろんなゴルフ場に行っていますが、自分で下ろすのは初めてです。食事も受け取りも返却もセルフでした。ラウンド中も待ち時間が長くてイラつく事もあります。 全てセルフなのに、ちょっと料金が高いですね。
I played golf in Okazaki Country for the first time. The first thing that surprised me was that no one was unloading golf bags, bags, etc., so I waited for a few minutes in the car. I noticed when I saw the person in the car behind me unloading me. I've been to various golf courses, but this is the first time I've dropped it myself. Meals, receipts and returns were self-contained. Even during the round, the waiting time is long and it can be frustrating. It's all self-made, but the price is a little high.
なおかり on Google

アコーディアさんの経営だそうで、そこここに合理化の嵐が吹き荒れています。颯爽と玄関に車を横付けしても、誰も来てくれず、誰もバッグを運んでくれません。そうです。自分で運んで、所定位置に置くのです。 レストランも例外でなく、2階レストラン入口でオーダーし、引換券をもらって席に着きます。で、画面表示&アナウンスで自分の番号が呼ばれたら、厨房に取りに行くシステム。高速道路SAのレストランみたいです。そして食べ終わったら自分でお片付け。 面白いといえば面色い。けど、慣れないと色々躊躇しちゃいます。この先、この手のゴルフ場が増えていくのかなぁ。
It seems that it is managed by Accordia, and a storm of rationalization is blowing here and there. Even if you dashingly lay your car next to the front door, no one will come and no one will carry your bag. that's right. Carry it yourself and put it in place. The restaurant is no exception, and you can order at the restaurant entrance on the 2nd floor, get a voucher, and take a seat. Then, when your number is called on the screen display & announcement, go to the kitchen to get it. It's like a restaurant on the highway SA. And when you finish eating, clean up yourself. Speaking of interesting, it is interesting. However, if you don't get used to it, you will hesitate in various ways. I wonder if this kind of golf course will increase in the future.
上田竜也 on Google

今回、初めてコースをまわりましたが楽しくプレーすることが出来ました。 ただ、昼食の時間が90分あったのでもう少し短くしてほしかったので星を-1にしました。
This time, I went around the course for the first time, but I enjoyed playing. However, I had 90 minutes for lunch, so I wanted it to be a little shorter, so I set the star to -1.

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