製麺屋食堂 阿賀野店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 製麺屋食堂 阿賀野店

住所 :

Okayamacho, Agano, 〒959-2025 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8:30PM
Sunday 11AM–8:30PM
Monday 11AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–8:30PM
Thursday 11AM–8:30PM
Friday 11AM–8:30PM
街 : Niigata

Okayamacho, Agano, 〒959-2025 Niigata,Japan
長沼朝夫 on Google

?人気ナンバーワンの触れ込みのタレかつをいただきました❗ 揚げ油が?切れ揚がっていません。 タレはしょつぱくて?美味しくありませんでした。 ナンバーワンは?ウソです。 ?再考すべきですね。
? I got the most popular sauce ❗ The frying oil is ? not fried. The sauce was so hot ? it wasn't delicious. The number one is ? lies. ? You should reconsider.
エヌエム on Google

あごだしらぁめん頂きました。 塩味薄めの出汁を感じさせるラーメンでした。 かなり細麺ですが、スープに合ってました。 美味しかったのですが、次回注文するかと言ったら、他のメニューにしますね。 定食メニューも多いです。
I'm sorry for the chin soup stock. It was a ramen that made you feel the salty soup stock. It's pretty thin noodles, but it goes well with the soup. It was delicious, but when I asked if I would like to order next time, I would choose another menu. There are also many set meal menus.
mar s on Google

最近何故かこの辺りでランチを食べることが多い気がします。 今回はこちら「製麺屋食堂」さんへ。 初めての来店でしたがビビるほどのメニュー量!ファミレスかよ!っていうくらいの量でした! 焼肉定食屋やら、魚定食やら、子供も大喜びナポリタンまで!! すごいですね、家族連れが多いのもそのおかげでしょうか?近所にあってランチに迷ったらきてしまいそうです。 しかし今回は初めてだったので王道ラーメンをチョイス。 セットもつけて大満足でした。
Recently, I feel that I often eat lunch around here for some reason. This time, to "Menya Shokudo". It was my first visit to the store, but the amount of menu was amazing! Is it a family restaurant! That was the amount! Yakiniku set meals, fish set meals, and even children are delighted with Napolitan! !! It's amazing, is it because of the large number of families? If you're in the neighborhood and get lost for lunch, you're likely to come. However, this was my first time, so I chose the royal road ramen. I was very happy with the set.
hirohisa hasegawa on Google

When I entered the shop thinking that it was a ramen shop, I was surprised at the large number of menus. In addition to ramen, there are also set meals and Niigata's specialty sauce and katsudon, which will make you feel at ease. The spicy miso ramen I ate had chewy noodles and was very satisfying. Please note that the soup is spicy even if you do not dissolve the spicy miso.
Toshi on Google

支那そばと半チャーハンを食べてみました。 支那そばは結構好きな味わいでした。半チャーハンは残念ながら油っぽくて参りました。 今迄で食べた中では、タレカツ丼がリーズナブルで一番良いかも。
I ate Chinese noodles and half fried rice. I really liked the taste of Chinese noodles. Unfortunately, Han Charhan has been oily. Of all the food I've ever eaten, the Tare Katsu Don is probably the best and reasonably priced.
Hide S on Google

もやしラーメンと野菜タンメンがおすすめです。 サイドメニューも豊富です。
Bean sprout ramen and vegetable tanmen are recommended. The side menu is also abundant.
k k on Google

罰ゲーム又はありえない飯屋体験をしたい方向けのお店で、常人であれば近隣のひさごや百福楼を勧めます。 店員の態度は他のレビューどおりであり期待値高め。これはこの会社がこの品質で良しとしているか、店員の意識がこのレベルで改善の余地がないかのどちらかと推察します。こういう体験型アトラクションだと諦めて着席しましょう。 12時過ぎに入りましたが、ざるラーメンが品切れというありえない状態からスタート。「ざるラーメンが売り切れみたいです」と他人事みたいに言われるプレイで、ギャグ要素もあるのかとこの店の懐深さを思い知らされます。 気を取り直し、味噌ラーメン、チャーハン、レバニラ炒め定食をオーダー。 味噌ラーメンは辛めの味噌スープで、自家製麺らしいんですが、角張っていて下手に弾力があるため、グミのような食感が新しい体験。自家製麺を売りにしているお店でグミの角材を提供するサービス精神に脱帽。 レバニラ炒め、レバーは薄くカットされており、コゲて硬く、苦味しかない。調味料でごまかしてセルフ調理をさせる目的なんでしょうが、どうやってもリカバーできず無理ゲー感を味わえます。 チャーハン、口に運ぶと雑巾の香りがかすかに薫るという、飯屋で致命的なプレイをやってのけます。しかもほんとにかすかなので、苦いレバニラを食べて麻痺した味覚のまま食すと、なんとか食べれてしまう。味覚チートでしょうか。 このような美味しくないお店に共通するのは、付け合せの漬物やスープがウマく、この店も漏れなくそうでした。 事前レビュー通りの体験ができた訳ですが、何故か客は結構入るお店で、飯を食べ始めるとお客さんが総じてうつむき無言になるため、お察しな様子を眺めて共感できるメリットがありました。 なお、オーダーから提供まで5分かからないため、秒で奇抜な料理アトラクションを体験できる点もメリットでしょう。 食べ終えて30分経ちますが、口直しに駄菓子を食べております。冒頭にも書きましたが、罰ゲームのネタに困っている方、怖いものに飢えている方、普通の料理に飽きたというチャレンジ精神旺盛な方が近所におられましたら、ぜひ勧めてあげてください。私は二度と行きません。
It is a shop for those who want to experience a punishment game or an impossible restaurant, and if you are a regular person, we recommend the nearby Hisago and Hyakufukuro. The attitude of the clerk is the same as other reviews and the expected value is high. I guess this is either the company is good at this quality or the clerk's awareness is not at this level there is room for improvement. Let's give up and take a seat as it is such an experience-based attraction. It was past 12 o'clock, but we started from an impossible state where the Zaru ramen was out of stock. The play, which is said to be like other people's affairs, "Zaru ramen seems to be sold out," reminds me of the nostalgia of this shop as to whether it has a gag element. I regained my mind and ordered a set meal of miso ramen, fried rice, and fried levanilla. Miso ramen is a spicy miso soup, which seems to be homemade noodles, but because it is angular and poorly elastic, it has a new experience like gummy. Take off your hat to the service spirit of providing gummy lumber at a shop that sells homemade noodles. Stir-fried Levanilla, the liver is thinly cut, it is koge and hard, and it has only a bitter taste. The purpose is to cheat with seasonings and make them self-cook, but I can't recover it anyway and I can enjoy the feeling of unreasonable game. Fried rice, when you bring it to your mouth, the scent of the rag is faintly scented. Moreover, it is really faint, so if you eat bitter Levanilla and eat it with a paralyzed taste, you will manage to eat it. Is it a taste cheat? What all these unsavory restaurants have in common is the garnished pickles and soup, which seemed to be perfect. I was able to experience the experience according to the preliminary review, but for some reason, the shop is quite crowded with customers, and when I start eating, the customers generally look down and become silent, so I had the advantage of being able to sympathize with what I was expecting. In addition, since it takes less than 5 minutes from ordering to serving, it is also an advantage that you can experience a strange cooking attraction in seconds. It's been 30 minutes since I finished eating, but I'm eating sweets to fix my mouth. As I wrote at the beginning, if you are in the neighborhood who is having trouble with the material of the punishment game, who is hungry for scary things, or who is tired of ordinary cooking, I would definitely recommend it. please. I will never go again.
Ash3 Li on Google

Love the place. The food was really good

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