Okayama Shiritsu Senoo Junior High School - Okayama

3.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Okayama Shiritsu Senoo Junior High School

住所 :

1212 Senoo, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0205, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 701-0205
Webサイト : http://www.city-okayama.ed.jp/~senooc/

1212 Senoo, Minami Ward, Okayama, 701-0205, Japan
masa on Google

のん on Google

ぐれやん on Google

もう居ないとおもうけども音楽教師は生徒の教科書パクります。 美術教師はたまたま校内で会ったきょうだいの交流さえ許さず別室指導する位には頭おかしかった。
If you don't have it anymore, the music teacher will be a student textbook. The art teacher did not allow even the siblings who happened to meet in the school, and was crazy at the level of teaching in another room.
大平哲也 on Google

この中学の敷地は、古戦場とマニアに聞いたことある 妹尾氏三つ巴* (藤原姓、平姓、源姓)表記は、妹尾、瀬野尾 瀬尾は、同族 *見聞諸家紋には妹尾氏の家紋 として「花輪違いに菊」が収 録されている。 妹尾氏の先祖は中臣鎌足と云われている。(藤原氏で始まり、桓武平氏や清和源氏の女性を妻として家名を保った)夫婦養子を迎えた 大化改新で功績のあった鎌足は、朝廷から藤原姓を賜った。 鎌足の流れ以外は大中臣氏を名乗り、一族から卜部(うらべ)氏が分かれ、卜部氏は京都吉田神社の社務職に補せられた。 『徒然草』を著した兼好法師も一族である。 ●妹尾氏、平家方として活躍 卜部氏の六代目の康遠は備前・備中・備後の領主となり、備中の瀬尾(せのお)城に拠り、地名に因んで瀬尾氏を名乗った。 しかし、その子兼門は平治の乱の時は、源頼朝の父の源義朝方(源氏方)となり、敗れて賊軍となってしまった。 戦後、鳥羽上皇から発せられた院宣により、瀬尾姓は使用禁止となる。 兼門の妹は白河天皇の寵愛を受けて、天皇の男子を生んだ。(隠し子) 生まれた子は朝敵瀬尾氏の血を引くということで、平家の手で養育されることとなり、無事に成長、平家の有力武将の一人となった。 これが有名な妹尾太郎兼康で、廃された瀬尾姓を「妹尾」と替えて名乗ったと伝える。 源義経など共に平家に育てられて平姓妹尾家を名乗る(幼少期の源義経とも交流があった)子供同士遊んだ旧友 太郎兼康は有能な地方政治家でもあったようで、新田を開発し、用水を整えている。 特に、かれの築いた用水は「湛井十二ヶ郷用水」と呼ばれ、備中の広い範囲の用水として、後世に至るまで使用されている。 全盛を誇った平氏であったが、後白河天皇の子の以仁王(1代限りの武士)や源行家(源頼朝や源義経の叔父)が挙兵。 以仁王に呼びかけで全国の源氏も挙兵(源行家が全国を行脚)以仁王の死後 鞍馬寺に居た義経も自分が源氏の血筋である事を行家に聞かされる 兼康は中央に召され、平家の大軍の一将として、源義仲(木曽義仲とも呼ばれる?源頼朝や義経の従兄弟で・頼朝の長女の大姫の夫の父) の軍勢を越中国の?倶利加羅峠くりからとうげ?付近で迎え討った。 この戦いは義仲による「火牛の奇襲作戦」で有名。(三国志の作戦をまねた) 平家軍は義仲の奇襲作戦の前に大敗し、兼康は義仲軍の将である倉光成澄に捕らえられてしまった。 捕えられた兼康は天皇の御落胤ということもあってか、一命を救われ、義仲とともに上洛。 その後、寿永二年(1183)義仲が平家を追って山陽道を攻め下る際、先鋒の倉光隊の道案内を務めた。 ところが、兼康は備前国の三石駅において義仲方を裏切り、倉光成澄、倉光成氏の兄弟を殺害。 兼康の裏切りを知った義仲軍は壮絶に攻めかかり、板倉宿の付近でついに兼康とその子 妹尾小太郎宗康は討ち取られてしまった。寿永三年のことであったという。 おそらく、兼康は一旦義仲に降ったものの。 家名断絶となったのを助けたうえに育ててくれた平家への忠誠心が、彼ら裏切り行動となったものであろう。 ●妹尾家その後 板倉宿の戦の翌寿永四年、平家は長門国の壇ノ浦で滅亡するが この時、三種の神器の一つである鏡を拾い上げたのが妹尾太郎兼康だという言い伝えがある。 しかし、前年に備前国の板倉宿で源義仲軍と戦って兼康死んだ 壇ノ浦話に登場するのは、兼康の子(長男の宗康以外の)、又は宗康の子(兼康の孫)ではないか思われる。 うじれにしても、兼康とその子孫の系譜は謎に包まれている。(現在の岡山県でその子孫は、多い) 室町期には足利氏に仕えた一族もいたようで、『見聞諸家紋』に、妹尾氏の紋として「七宝に菊」が収録されている。 足利家に重用されて足利の女性を妻として源姓妹尾が誕生 ところで、兼康の次子に次郎兼吉という人物が居て、 父と兄が板倉宿で討死したあと、家臣の陶山氏によって、備中国の門田村の某方に匿われた。 その後、美作国の大庭郡の古見村に居た旧家臣に招かれて移住、のち鎌倉幕府で北条氏に仕えたという。 戦国時代に、兼吉の長男の藤太兼高の子孫という妹尾興右衛門兼輝が出た。(兼輝の母は、足利家女性) 兼輝は宇喜多秀家に仕え、関ヶ原の合戦で宇喜多家が改易された後 武士を捨てて勝南郡の木知ヶ原村に移住した。兼輝の孫の新左衛門兼昌は、津山城下に移住して商家となったと伝える。 一方、兼吉の次子の又二郎氏康の子孫という妹尾氏があり こちらも戦国末期に宇喜多家に仕え、宇喜多家の改易後、津山藩森家や松平家に従った
The site of this junior high school has been heard from ancient battlefields and mania Mr. Senoo's threesomes * (Fujiwara surname, Hei surname, original surname) Notation is Senoo, Senoo Seo is a family * The crests of Senoo are the crests 菊 Chrysanthemums in the wreath are collected as It has been recorded. The ancestor of Senoo is said to be Nakasho Kamatari. (Started with Mr. Fujiwara and kept the family name as a wife of Mr. Muhei Hirano and Mr. Kiyowa Gen) Wife adopted Kamatari, who was successful in the Dahua Reformation, was given the last name of Fujiwara from the Imperial Court. Except for the flow of sickles, he took on the name of Otanaka Otomi, and Mr. Urabe was separated from the family, and Mr. Urabe was supplemented to the office of Yoshida Shrine in Kyoto. The family who also wrote "Kazurekusou" is a clan. ● Mr. Senoo, active as Heike 家 Mr. Utobe, the sixth generation of Yasunori, became the lord of Bizen, Bichu, and Bingo, and based on Seo Castle in Bichu, named himself Seo after the place name. However, during the rebellion of Heiji, his child, Kanenmon, became the father of Gen Yoritomo and became Genji-cho (Genji-kata), and was defeated and became a bandit. After the war, the surname Seo was banned by the institution issued by Emperor Toba. Emperor Shirakawa's beloved sister of Kanemon gave birth to an emperor boy. (illegitimate child) The newborn was brought up by Heike by drawing the blood of Mr. Seo Asaemi, and he grew up safely and became one of Heike's leading warlords. This is the famous Senoo Taro Kaneyasu, who reports that the name of the obsolete Seo was changed to "Seno". An old friend who was raised by the Heike family, including Yoshitsugu Minamoto, and named himself Heian Family It seems that Taro Kaneyasu was also a competent local politician, developing Nitta and preparing water. In particular, the water he has built is called the “Tanji Jungosato Irrigation Water,” and has been used as a wide range of water in Bichu until later generations. 平 He was a great priest, but Emperor Goshirakawa's son, Nijin (a samurai for one generation only), and the Gengyo family (the uncles of Gen Yoritomo and Yoshitsune Gen) were soldiers. Genjis from all over the country are also called upon to call on King Nihito Yoshitsune, who was in Kurama-ji Temple, was told by Gyoya that he was the source of Genji. Kaneyasu is called in the center, and Yoshinaka Nakamoto (also known as Kiso Yoshinaka, the cousin of Yoshimoto and Yoshitsune, the father of the daughter of Daihime, the eldest daughter of Yoritomo) as a general of the Heike's great army. Arrested in the vicinity of Kurikara Pass Kurikara Toge in Vietnam. This battle is famous for Yoshinaka's "Fire Cattle Surprise Operation". (Mimicking the Three Kingdoms strategy) The Heike army was defeated before Yoshinaka's surprise attack, and Kaneyasu was captured by Yoshimitsu Narumi, the General of the Yoshinaka army. ‥ Kanebei, who was captured, may have saved his life, perhaps because he was the emperor's fallen god, and he was working together with Yoshinaka. After that, when Yoshinaka pursued the Heike and went down the Sanyo road in 1183, he served as a guide for the pioneering Kuramitsu corps. However, Kaneyasu betrayed Yoshinaka at Mitsuishi Station in Bizen, killing his brothers Kurumitsu Narusemi and Kuramatsu Naruse. After learning the betrayal of Kanekasu, the Yoshinaka army attacked fiercely, and finally Kanae and his child near Itakura-juku Kotaro Seno has been sacked. It was said that it was the third year of Toshinaga. Probably, though, Kanekasu once descended on Yoshinaka. Their loyalty to the Heike who helped and raised the family name would have been a betrayal. ● The Senoo Family 平 In the 4th year after the battle of Itakura-juku, the Heike is destroyed at Tannoura, Nagato At this time, there is a legend that it was Taro Kaneyasu Senoo who picked up the mirror, which is one of the three types of sacred treasures. However, he died in the previous year at Itakura-juku in Bizen, fighting against Genji Nakanaka. It is likely that the child appearing in the Dannoura story is a child of Kanekasu (other than the eldest son Muneyasu) or a child of Muneyasu (Kaneyasu's grandson). Even if he is terrified, the lineage of Kaneyasu and his descendants is shrouded in mystery. (There are many descendants in Okayama prefecture today) During the Muromachi period, there seemed to be a clan who served Mr. Ashikaga, and in the "Kamimon Mormon Family Crest", "Chippo ni Chrysanthemum" was recorded as the crest of Senoo. Genpo Senoo is born with Ashikaga's wife as a wife after being used by Ashikaga family By the way, there is a person named Jiro Kaneyoshi in the next child of Kaneyasu, After his father and brother were killed in Itakura-juku, his vassal, Mr. Suyama, hid him away in Kadota village in Bichin. Later, he was invited by a former veteran in Komi-mura, Oba-gun, Mimasaka-kun to emigrate and later served Hojo in the Kamakura Shogunate. During the Sengoku era, the descendant of Kentayoshi's eldest son, Fujita Kanetaka, came out of Sen-oh Koemon Kateru. (Kaneki's mother is a lady from Ashikaga) Kaneki served the Ukita Hideya, after the Ukita family was remodeled in the battle of Sekigahara Abandoned samurai and emigrated to Kichigahara-mura, Shonan-gun. Kaneki's grandson, Shinzaemon Kanemasa, moved to Tsuyama Castle and became a merchant. On the other hand, there is Senoo, a descendant of Kaneyoshi's next child, Matajiro Masuyasu. This also served the Ukita family at the end of the Warring States, and after the conversion of the Ukita family, they followed the Tsuyama clan Mori and Matsudaira clan.
岡林健一 on Google

妹尾兼康の墓所跡とも伝わる 知る人ぞ知るパワースポット 子煩悩な父親という面も持つ武将である事も有名 岡山県や関西圏に子孫が多く居る 数十人居た我が子の名前を全て覚えていた 江戸時代には、子供を危険から護ってくれる‼神様として親しまれたが 今は、忘れ去られている
It is also transmitted to the remains of the graveyard of Keno Senoo Power spots for everyone It is also famous that he is a military commander who also has the aspect of being a troubled father There are many descendants in Okayama prefecture and Kansai area I remembered all the names of my child, who had dozens of them In the Edo period, it protects children from danger! I was familiar as a god Now forgotten
NAR “popo” UHODONE on Google

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