Okamuro-saketen-chokubaisho - Osaka

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okamuro-saketen-chokubaisho

住所 :

3 Chome-2-13 Higashinodamachi, Miyakojima Ward, Osaka, 534-0024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Postal code : 534-0024

3 Chome-2-13 Higashinodamachi, Miyakojima Ward, Osaka, 534-0024, Japan
deniya phoenix on Google

念願だったこちらのお店、やっとは入れました。 リーズナブルでいいですね。タバコの吸い殻は、床に捨てます。入口の上に、いろいろ書いてあります
I finally entered this long-awaited shop. It's reasonable and good. Throw cigarette butts on the floor. There are various things written above the entrance
SP yamashi on Google

いつもにぎやかで活気がある。 お刺身は新鮮、串カツは揚げたての熱々で美味しくいただけました。 客同士初対面でもすぐに意気投合して盛り上がれますよ。 ただし、静かに飲みたいなら向きません。
Always lively and lively. The sashimi was fresh, and the skewered cutlet was delicious with freshly fried food. Even customers can meet each other for the first time and get excited. However, it is not suitable if you want to drink quietly.
Kinoko Hinting on Google

A friendly shop assistant, a variety of cheap and delicious food, and above all, alcohol, a standing bar where you can have a great time. You can spend a good time with standing drinkers in a group of men and women of all ages. At the counter, you can easily talk about the distance with your neighbors. The best deals on the menu are the Oteman, Yakitori, and Tempura service menus. It's 300 yen for 5 kinds. This is really a good deal. I missed eating this time for the first time, but I want to order next time.
fuu san on Google

立ち飲み屋さんが多くひしめくこの辺りで、一際人の入りが多いお店。 平日、土日問わず満員。 人が多くて入れないなぁと思い、帰ろうとしたら店員さんが気づいてくれていれてくれました。 スペースは無理やり作るかんじでした。笑 料理が安い! 串5本で300円。 どんな串や?と思ったら意外と小ぶり。 でも色んな味が低価格で味わえる。 灰皿がないので、吸い殻やゴミは地面に捨てるスタイル。 こういうのが、苦手な人はきついかもしれないが、そもそも立ち飲みで京橋だし、気にならない。 コスパがいいお店でした。
There is a lot of standing shops and a shop with lots of people. It is full on weekdays and Saturdays and Sundays. I thought that I could not get many people, and the clerk noticed me when I was going back. Space was forced to make. Lol Cooking is cheap! ¥ 300 for 5 bottles. What kind of jealousy? It is surprisingly small if you think. But you can taste various tastes at low prices. There is no ashtray, so you throw away butts and trash on the ground. People who are not good at such things may be tight, but in the first place they are standing in a row and they are Kyobashi, and they don't care. Cospa was a good shop.
miigoro 5656 on Google

京橋で人気の立ち呑みのお店です。 並びには人気の立ち呑みのお店が並んでいて どこも大盛況ですね! この日は平日の1時前でしたが、店内はいっぱい! しかしそこはダークスタイルで斜めに並んで呑みましょう(笑) メニューも豊富で気になる物も沢山ありますが 軽くカラスミとニラ玉でビールを飲みました♪ ビール大瓶¥450 カラスミ¥400ニラ玉¥250 とやはりコスパは最高‼️ カラスミはダイコンと食べると美味しい! ニラ玉は丁寧に焼いて下さいます❣️ 丸くて可愛くてとにかく安い!!(笑) ここもまたゆっくりと来たいお店です!
This is a popular drinking shop in Kyobashi. In the end, there are popular standing drink shops Everywhere is a great success! This day was 1 o'clock before weekdays, but the inside of the store is full! But let's have a dark style and line up diagonally and have a drink (laughs) The menu is abundant and there are many things to worry about, but I drank beer lightly with radish and leek ♪ Large beer bottle ¥450 Kasumi ¥400 Chinese chive ball ¥250 After all cospa is the best! ️ Karasumi is delicious when eaten with Japanese radish! Boil the leek carefully ❣️ It's round, cute and cheap! ! (Lol) This is also the place where you want to visit slowly!
はやしこみち on Google

儲けゎ、度外視。安過ぎますね? おすすめメニューを頼みました。やすっ アルコールも安過ぎますね!
Profitable, disregarded. It's too cheap ? I ordered a recommended menu. Easy Alcohol is too cheap!
新聞まとめチャンネルぬりちゃん7 on Google

The ⭐︎ Is it like a standing bar in Osaka? Anyway, it's lively. I don't speak anything and swallow silently by myself, but I get distracted by the conversation of people who rely on sake ?
Yutaka Sugita on Google

朝九時の開店に、平日にも関わらず行列。そしてあっという間に満席。 雰囲気も和気藹々として一見さんでも構えることなく酒を楽しめる
The store opens at 9 am, and there is a line even though it is a weekday. And it was full in no time. The atmosphere is harmonious and you can enjoy sake without even looking at it.

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