Ueyama rice terraces - Mikata District

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ueyama rice terraces

住所 :

貫田 小代区 香美町 Kami, Mikata District, Hyogo 667-1544, Japan

Postal code : 667-1544
Webサイト : http://uheyamamai.com/

貫田 小代区 香美町 Kami, Mikata District, Hyogo 667-1544, Japan
あきさん on Google

再訪しましたが・・・ まだ水が入っていなかったですが 景色は最高です! GW明けが見頃でしょうか・・・ R482からの案内表示が少ないのでナビ頼りで向かわないと 行きすぎたりしてしまいます。 坂の途中から覗き込むように見える棚田ですが 交通力の少ない道路なのでクルマでも脇に停めておけます。 谷間の棚田ですが絶景です!
I visited again ... I didn't have water yet The scenery is amazing! Is the end of Golden Week in full bloom? Since there are few guidance displays from R482, I have to rely on navigation I will go too far. It's a terraced rice field that looks like you're looking into it from the middle of the slope. Since it is a road with little traffic, you can park your car aside. It is a terraced rice field in the valley, but it is a superb view!
三谷良輔(ろんぱ) on Google

小代地区より、メイン道路から脇に入ったコンクリートで舗装された細い道を進んでいきそのうちたどり着きます。 周囲は自然にかこまれていましが、棚田だけが開かれた環境です。 棚田単体でも良かったですが、そこから見た空とのコラボした景色がとてもいい!晴れた日の夕方ならもっと良かっただろうなと思いました。
From the Oshiro district, you will follow a narrow road paved with concrete from the main road. The environment is surrounded by nature, but only terraced rice fields are open. Tanada alone was fine, but the view from the sky was very good! I thought it would have been better if it was a sunny evening.
kiyo taka on Google

The road along the way is wide and you can rest assured that you will be separated. The scale of the rice terraces is not large, but since you can see almost the whole area, it is a place where you can think of the rice terraces in Satoyama.
あおちゃん on Google

うへ山の棚田は山に囲まれて居ます。田んぼに水が入ると山や空が写り綺麗ですね〜♪ 別宮の棚田より規模は小さいです。 また、山に囲まれてるためか鷹等が近くを飛んでる事も。この日はまた、水が入っている途中で空の天気も曇り空でした。ゴールデンウィーク明けが良さそうですね。 駐車場は車を寄せる程度で3台くらい停めれます。 トイレはありませんので注意。また、道中は1車線のみの道です。運転に注意して下さいね。
The rice terraces of Ugeyama are surrounded by mountains. When water enters the rice fields, mountains and the sky are visible and it looks beautiful ~ ♪ The scale is smaller than Tanada in Beppu. In addition, we are flying around because we are surrounded by mountains. Also on this day, the sky was cloudy on the way of the water. It looks good after the Golden Week. The parking lot can be parked around 3 cars just by pulling the car. There is no toilet, so be careful. Also, on the way there is only one lane. Please be careful about driving.
にゃんこ先生 on Google

A terraced rice field landscape point that has been selected as one of the 150 Hyogo landscape view points on the way to Yoshitaki. You will be healed by the beautiful rural rice terraces that look like the original scenery of the old Japanese countryside. There is a peaceful landscape that makes you forget the hustle and bustle of every day. There is no parking lot, but the road is wide so you can park a few cars, but avoid staying long for other visitors.
Kou (Kou) on Google

日本の棚田百選に選ばれた棚田の一つ 時期が四月と言う事もあり、水張った状態でなかったのが残念? 綺麗に整備された道とは言い難いので、バイクで赴く時は注意が必要。
m Yamada on Google

こぢんまりとした棚田なので期待度が高いと「あれ?」と感じる方もおられるかもしれませんが、所有者の方が綺麗に手入れされており、非常に美しい形状が保たれています。 また、稲穂がついて金色に輝く時期か、水をはったばかりの時期に訪れてみたいです。 *吉滝同様、アクセス自体はあまり良くありませんので車の運転にはくれぐれもご注意を。
Since it is a small terraced rice field, some people may feel "that?" When expectations are high, but the owner is in good condition and the shape is very beautiful. Also, I would like to visit when the rice ears are attached and shine golden, or when the water has just been drained. * As with Yoshitaki, the access itself is not very good, so please be careful when driving.
Toyonaga Yasuhiro on Google

2021/7/23 たじま高原植物園→うへ山の棚田→裏見の滝である、吉滝と言う犬連れ日帰り旅行で立ち寄りました。 駐車場はないですが、GoogleMapで案内されるビューポイントあたりの道幅が広くなっているので、5台位までなら停められます。 急な坂道なのでパーキングブレーキはしっかりと。 近年耕作放棄地も多く、有名ないくつかの棚田も昔とは違う景観になっているところもありますが、 ここは青々とよく手入れされた棚田が見られます。 たじま高原植物園まではクルマで30分 吉滝駐車場まではクルマで10分ほどです。
2021/7/23 Tajima Plateau Botanical Garden → Ueyama Rice Terraces → Uramino Falls, I stopped by on a day trip with a dog called Yoshitaki. There is no parking lot, but the road width per viewpoint guided by Google Map is wide, so you can park up to 5 cars. The parking brake is firm because it is a steep slope. In recent years, there have been many abandoned cultivated land, and some of the famous rice terraces have different landscapes than before. Here you can see the lush and well-maintained rice terraces. 30 minutes by car to Tajima Plateau Botanical Garden It takes about 10 minutes by car to the Yoshitaki parking lot.

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