沖縄料理 なんくるないさ

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 沖縄料理 なんくるないさ

住所 :

Ojidai, Sakura, 〒285-0837 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Ojidai, Sakura, 〒285-0837 Chiba,Japan
秀子新橋 on Google

ほんとの沖縄料理❕ ?もオリオンビール。
Real Okinawan food ❕ ? is also Orion beer.
R. S. on Google

グルクンの唐揚げ絶品でした! お店の雰囲気もいい感じ!
It was a delicious deep-fried tomato of Gurukun! The atmosphere of the shop is also good!
しきね文裕 on Google

You can enjoy authentic Okinawan cuisine. Every dish is delicious!
林和宏 on Google

おいしい 沖縄料理 が楽しめます ノンアルコール系の飲み物も充実していて、飲めなくても大満足です
You can enjoy delicious Okinawan cuisine. There are plenty of non-alcoholic drinks, and even if you can not drink it, you are very satisfied.
マット on Google

お店の雰囲気もママさんも感じが良く、料理も美味しいです。 ただ、ゴーヤーチャンプルーのゴーヤーの量が少なく、もやしが多めだったのは少し残念でした。 沖縄料理が食べたくなったらまた伺います。
The atmosphere of the restaurant is good for moms and the food is delicious. However, it was a bit disappointing that Goya Champloo had a small amount of Goya and had a lot of bean sprouts. I will come back if I want to eat Okinawan cuisine.
K N (t.k) on Google

I like the warm atmosphere of my parents' house
知念良敬(チンネン) on Google

You can eat all kinds of Okinawan dishes such as Okinawa soba, awamori, and pork dishes. There are books on Okinawan cuisine and history of Okinawa. There are three lines. I ordered Soki soba and Shikuwasa juice. I was wondering if the cartilage near Soki was something to eat, but I didn't. There was something called Koregusu, so when I added it to the soup, it was sake. I was worried that I would be confused because I was vulnerable to alcohol. Shikuwasa juice was 100% so it wasn't easy to drink.
on Google

どれも美味しいし、内装も沖縄感漂ってて素敵です 沖縄そば、角煮、海ぶどう、スクガラス豆腐、ゴーヤチャンプルーなど頂きました 店員さんも感じよくて楽しい時間すごせました!
Everything is delicious and the interior is nice with an Okinawan feel. We had Okinawa soba, kakuni, sea grapes, suku glass tofu, bitter gourd chanpuru, etc. The clerk also felt good and had a good time!

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