追分宿 町営無料駐車場

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 追分宿 町営無料駐車場

住所 :

Oiwake, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0115 Nagano,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.town.karuizawa.lg.jp/www/contents/1438853041799/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Nagano

Oiwake, Karuizawa, Kitasaku District, 〒389-0115 Nagano,Japan
yumoko H on Google

追分では、此処まで町営バスが来るから、無料で置いて移動するのに良い。 向かいにトイレ?もあるし。
In Oiwake, a town bus will come here, so it is good to leave and move for free. There is a toilet bowl opposite.
nakabaya 4 on Google

2019 yen May use. We walk a bit to the Oyorijuku town, but it's convenient and easy to use.
吉佐美さき on Google

追分宿にある駐車場で無料で利用できます。 数もあり、大型枠もあります。 敷地内には天皇陛下の歌碑もあります。
You can use it free of charge at the parking lot in Oiwake-shuku. There are many, and there are also large frames. There is also a monument to His Majesty the Emperor on the premises.

Daitai You can stop whenever you go. Oiwake-shuku is within walking distance. The toilet is also close.
桐野利秋 on Google

Please note that you cannot enter from No. 18. There is also a newly built public toilet nearby (in winter, the heating is switched on when the door is opened).
笠井江理子 on Google

無料である程度広いので、使いやすいです。 何より近くにトイレがあるので便利❗ 近くのRK GARDEN?さんに良く行くので混みあってそうな時はこちらに止めます? 歩いて数分なのでとても助かります。 週末や大型連休の時でも、満車になっていた事はなくいつもスムーズ。
It's free and wide to some extent, so it's easy to use. Convenient because there is a toilet nearby ❗ I often go to nearby RK GARDEN ? so I will stop here when it seems to be crowded ? It's a few minutes walk, so it's very helpful. Even on weekends and during the Golden Week holidays, it has never been full and is always smooth.
佐藤恵子 on Google

Free town-run parking. There is a toilet (wheelchair OK) across the road. Since it is located at the eastern edge of Oiwakejuku, it is necessary to have a good foot to stop here and see all of Oiwakejuku on foot.
クロ on Google

追分宿の中にある無料の駐車場です。休憩などで駐車している方がいましたが、24時間開放されている訳ではないようなのでその辺りは注意したほうが良いと思います。 駐車場の目の前にはきれいな公衆トイレがあります。追分宿を歩いて散策することを考えるとこの駐車場に駐車場すればちょうど良いかと思います。ただ、ひと休みで駐車する場合にはすぐ近くが国道18号線なのでとてもうるさいので注意です。
It is a free parking lot in Oiwake-shuku. Some people parked for breaks, but it doesn't seem to be open 24 hours a day, so I think you should be careful about that area. There is a clean public toilet in front of the parking lot. Considering walking around Oiwake-shuku, I think it would be just right to park in this parking lot. However, if you park for a break, be careful as it is very noisy because the immediate vicinity is National Highway No. 18.

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