Oishi Ladies Clinic - Yokohama

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oishi Ladies Clinic

住所 :

2 Chome-1-21 Katakura, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0865, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 221-0865
Webサイト : http://www.oishi-clinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12PM

2 Chome-1-21 Katakura, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0865, Japan
石橋優衣 on Google

Both the first child and the second child go to the examination. The teacher is kind and interesting, so it's not a pain to go to the hospital frequently. I don't like injections anyway, but they always take care of me and I am very good at it. The hospital is also clean and comfortable. I look forward to working with you in the future ^^
もえ on Google

初診のみ予約可。 産婦人科の場合はその後も予約が可能。 ただし! 婦人科は予約ができないので平気で3時間待たせ挙げ句診て貰えない。 最悪。 3時間も待ってるとか有り得ない。 予約の合間に呼べるだろ。 1歳児を連れて3時間も待って診て貰えなくてキレそうになった。 もう二度と行かない。 平日の午前中だったのに!
Only the first visit can be reserved. In the case of obstetrics and gynecology, reservations can be made after that. However! I can't make a reservation for gynecology, so I can't wait for 3 hours and get a medical examination. worst. It's impossible to wait for three hours. You can call it between reservations. I was almost sharp because I couldn't get a medical examination after waiting for 3 hours with my 1-year-old child. I will never go again. Even though it was a weekday morning!
りーりー on Google

生理不順、アフターピルなどで違う病院に通ってましたが生理の出血の量が異様に少ないしこのままでいいのかな?ってなって こちらを。 薬の種類やメリット、値段などとても丁寧に説明してくださいました。 行った日が雨だったせいもあるかもしれませんがすぐに終わりました。 院内は綺麗でした。
I went to a different hospital due to irregular menstruation, after-pills, etc., but the amount of menstrual bleeding is unusually small, so is it okay to keep it as it is? What Here. He explained the types of medicines, their merits, and their prices very carefully. It may have been raining on the day I went, but it ended soon. The hospital was beautiful.
m hachi on Google

出血や痒みで不安で、 クチコミがよかったので行きました。 男性の先生が丁寧に説明してくださり、 質問もしやすく優しくて安心しました。 院内も綺麗で、受付の方も優しかったです
Anxious about bleeding and itching, I went because the word of mouth was good. A male teacher explained politely, It was easy to ask questions and I was relieved. The hospital was beautiful and the receptionist was kind.
riri Wata on Google

今は変わってるかもですが、 口コミどおり受付の方の態度がでかいしなんかキツめの口調で感じ悪いです。 あと、受診理由を待合室で聞かれるのって普通なんですか? みんなに聞こえるし、すごい嫌です 先生はハッキリ言うことは言うので たまにグサっときますが基本的には優しいです。
It may have changed now, According to the word of mouth, the attitude of the receptionist is huge and I feel uncomfortable with a tight tone. Also, is it normal to be asked the reason for the consultation in the waiting room? Everyone can hear it and I hate it Because the teacher says clearly It's sometimes awkward, but basically it's kind.
emiri on Google

昨年、妊婦検診で通いました。 先生は毎回気になる点等聞き取りをして下さり、診察も丁寧で、とても信頼できる産婦人科だったと思います。 引越しの為、通う機会が無くなってしまいましたが、ブルーライン沿線、片倉近辺にお住まいの方には是非お薦めしたいクリニックです。 ちなみに、私は受付対応が気になった事は特にありませんでした。
Last year, I went to a pregnant woman's examination. The teacher asked me what I was interested in every time, and the examination was polite, so I think it was a very reliable obstetrics and gynecology department. Due to the move, I have no chance to go to the clinic, but I would definitely recommend this clinic to those who live along the Blue Line and near Katakura. By the way, I wasn't particularly concerned about the reception.
まえざわきき on Google

たまに待つこともありますが、 柔らかい雰囲気の先生で安心できます。 疑問にも答えてくれ、診察が丁寧だと感じます。 以前引っ越しをした際あたたかく応援してくださって嬉しかったです。ありがとうございました。
Sometimes I wait, but You can rest assured that the teacher has a soft atmosphere. He answers my questions and I feel that the examination is polite. I was glad that you warmly supported me when I moved before. Thank you very much.
モリ on Google

I was taken care of from the beginning to before giving birth in the maternity examination. Since I gave birth to a general hospital, the waiting time was overwhelmingly shorter than that, and the teacher had a soft atmosphere and it was easy to ask questions. In addition, you can rest assured that you will not be able to see each other's faces during the pelvic examination.

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