焼き芋専門店 oimo_tokyo 日本橋店

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼き芋専門店 oimo_tokyo 日本橋店

住所 :

Nihonbashiyokoyamacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88899
Webサイト : https://ooimo.official.ec/
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashiyokoyamacho, Chuo City, 〒103-0003 Tokyo,Japan
Pake Te on Google

日本橋に行った際、おもしろい自転車で引き売りしていたので気になり購入しました。きっかけは自転車でしたが、お芋のおいしさにびっくりしました。 今度はお店に買いに行こうと思います。
When I went to Nihonbashi, I bought it because I was selling it on an interesting bicycle. The trigger was a bicycle, but I was surprised at the deliciousness of the potatoes. I'm going to go to the store next time.
増田竜巳 on Google

Unlike the grilled rice that I usually eat, it was soggy and very sweet and delicious. There are many ways to eat it, but it goes great with ice cream! The packaging was also polite.
趙云龍 on Google

蜜たっぷりの焼き芋がお美味しい。 甘いだけじゃなくて、食感も最高! 特に冷やして食べられるので大満足!!!
The roasted sweet potato with plenty of honey is delicious. Not only is it sweet, but it also has the best texture! Especially, I am very satisfied because I can eat it chilled! !! !!
Kay Nishi on Google

口コミでおいしい焼き芋があると伺い、何回も焼き芋フェスに行くほど焼き芋好きの夫婦としては是非食べてみたい!と思い試してみました。 結論としてはなかなかレベルが高かったです! 焼き芋フェスに出店している有名店に負けないくらいこだわりが感じられます。(むしろこっちの方がおいしいと思う人は一定数いると思う) ネットリ系の焼き芋で個人的に好みなタイプでした。 包装もきちんとしているので今度両親や兄夫婦にもお土産としてプレゼントしようと思ってます。
I heard from word of mouth that there are delicious roasted sweet potatoes, and as a couple who loves roasted sweet potatoes, I definitely want to eat them as I go to the roasted sweet potato festival many times! I tried it. In conclusion, the level was quite high! You can feel the commitment as much as the famous stores that are open at the roasted sweet potato festival. (Rather, I think there are a certain number of people who think this is more delicious) It was a netri-type roasted sweet potato and was my personal favorite type. The packaging is also neat, so I'm thinking of giving it as a souvenir to my parents and brother and wife next time.
masa mo on Google

先日お店に伺い紅はるか2種類と安納芋をいただきましたが関東圏内では1番美味しいと思います。なにより店主がとても素敵な方でした。 また伺います
I visited the shop the other day and received two types of Beni Haruka and Anno potatoes, but I think they are the most delicious in the Kanto area. Above all, the owner was a very nice person. I will visit you again
Z O on Google

色々な焼き芋を食べ比べしたくて、安納芋と紅はるか(2種)を購入しました。 とにかく蜜がいっぱいで、自然な甘さなのになんでこんなに甘いの⁈ととても驚きました。 個人的には紅はるか大分県産が1番美味しかったです。
I bought Anno Imo and Beni Haruka (2 kinds) because I wanted to eat and compare various grilled potatoes. Anyway, it was full of honey and I was very surprised that it was so sweet because of its natural sweetness. Personally, Beniharu Oita Prefecture was the most delicious.
岸達也 on Google

家族で食べさせて頂きました。 甘くてねっとりとても美味しくて 6本ありましたが すぐに食べ終わってしまいました。 おやつにも食後のデザートでも食べれますので とてもオススメです。 リピートして買いたいと思います。 引き続き美味しいお芋楽しみにしております。
I ate it with my family. It ’s sweet and soggy and it ’s very delicious. There were 6 I finished eating immediately. You can eat it as a snack or as a dessert after a meal. I highly recommend it. I would like to repeat and buy. I am looking forward to the delicious potatoes.
kathleen chang on Google

友人宅で初めてこちらの焼き芋を頂いてから大好きになりました。 最初はねっとり系の焼き芋ってどうなんだろう?と思って食べてみたのですが、、、。 密がたっぷり!とても甘くて、美味しさに感動してしまいました! oimo_tokyoさんの焼き芋は温めて食べるのももちろん美味しいのですが、冷やして食べると甘さがより一層引き立つので、私は冷やし派です! ラッピングにも高級感があり、ギフトにもオススメですよ。 土日祝は移動販売もしているみたいなので、いつか出来たてホヤホヤの焼き芋を食べに行きたいと思います。
I loved it since I got this roasted sweet potato for the first time at my friend's house. What about a sticky roasted sweet potato at first? I tried to eat it, but ... Plenty of denseness! It was so sweet and I was impressed by its deliciousness! Of course, oimo_tokyo's roasted sweet potato is delicious to eat warm, but when you eat it cold, the sweetness is even more pronounced, so I'm a chiller! There is a sense of luxury in wrapping, and it is also recommended as a gift. It seems that weekends and holidays are also sold on the move, so I'd like to go eat freshly made sweet potatoes someday.

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