から揚げの天才 大今里店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact から揚げの天才 大今里店

住所 :

Oimazatominami, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0013 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : https://karaagenotensai.com/detail/%3Fid%3D2104
街 : Osaka

Oimazatominami, Higashinari Ward, 〒537-0013 Osaka,Japan
iam haru on Google

テレビで何度も紹介されていたので気になったので購入いたしました。 ところが、サンキュー丼に温泉卵がのっておらず、テイクアウトの購入でしたので自宅につき気付いてお店にお電話致しました。 そこで卵がのってないことをお伝えしたら あー、後日お名前言っていただけたら温泉卵お渡しします〜すみません〜と悪びれる様子もなすとりあえず謝りの言葉だけ言っておこうと言う感じに伝わりました。 まず、家が近いわけでないので温卵だけ取りに行くような距離ではないですし、温卵だけ取りに行ってその後丼の上にのっていてなんぼの卵をどう使えと言うのか、他のお客様は頂けているのに私だけ損した気分になり、その上対応が悪かったのでこの様な適当な対応に対してどうかと思いますし、ミスに対しての対応が不十分かと思います。 テレビで拝見した際社長は接客に対して、お店の味に対して細かくチェックしてると紹介されていましたが大阪の店舗にまでなると監視が不十分になるものなのかと期待をしていた分初回から残念な気持ちになりました。 テレビで観るだけでなく実際経験して残念な気持ちになるのは大変残念でした。
I bought it because it was introduced many times on TV and I was curious. However, there was no hot spring egg on the thank-you bowl, and I bought a take-out so I noticed that I was at home and called the shop. If you tell me that there are no eggs on it Ah, I'll give you a hot spring egg if you say your name at a later date. First of all, since the house is not close, it is not a distance to go to get only warm eggs, and after that I go to get only warm eggs and then I put it on the bowl and how to use what kind of eggs, etc. Even though the customer was able to get it, I felt like I was the only one who lost it, and the response was bad, so I'm wondering if I should respond to such an appropriate response, and I think that the response to mistakes is insufficient. When I saw it on TV, the president told the customer service that he would check the taste of the store in detail, but he was expecting that the monitoring would be insufficient when it came to the store in Osaka. I felt disappointed from the first minute. It was very disappointing not only to watch it on TV but also to actually experience it and feel disappointed.
ののの on Google

Chicken thigh. The seasoning of red is not as spicy as it looks (Lone's L ● Ki taste reddish variant). You can clearly see the soy sauce-based seasoning of black. White lacks punch, but is good for plain fried chicken. Personally, red has repeats.
y umajyaa on Google

デリバリーで頼みました。 から揚げが大きくて大変美味しかったです。 卵焼きも美味しかったです。
I asked for delivery. The fried chicken was big and it was very delicious. The omelet was also delicious.
大和桜子 on Google

とても大きな唐揚げで、味のバリエーションも多くて、選ぶのも楽しいです。 ご飯を家で炊いて、唐揚げと卵焼きだけ買いに行きました。 明太子マヨとハニーマスタードの唐揚げがお気に入りです。
It's a very big fried chicken, and there are many variations in taste, so it's fun to choose. I cooked rice at home and went to buy only fried chicken and omelet. I like fried mentaiko mayonnaise and honey mustard.
まさびー on Google

からたま2個弁当399円(税別)をテイクアウトしました。 おかずはから揚げ2個と玉子焼きです。 から揚げは2種類入っていて、黒(秘伝の黒醤油)と白(塩麹と極出汁)と違う味付け。 黒はしっかり醤油味がしみ込んでいて美味しかったです。 白はちょっと塩辛かったですね・・ 玉子焼きは甘いタイプなので好みが別れると思います。
I took out 2 Karatama lunch boxes for 399 yen (excluding tax). The side dishes are 2 fried chicken and omelet. There are two types of karaage, which are seasoned differently from black (secret black soy sauce) and white (salt koji and extreme soup stock). The black was soaked in soy sauce and was delicious. White was a little salty ... Tamagoyaki is a sweet type, so I think you will have different tastes.
四辻恵子 on Google

美味しい❗️ 何種類かあるのですが、どれもいい味です 店の人、皆んな愛想ガよくて、いいです^o^ ネットで注文できて、待つ時間がほとんどなくてすみます。 決済方法も色々あり便利です。 玉子焼きも少し甘めで美味しいです。 唐揚げが3個のお弁当なら400円代で買えます。 私は、ここの唐揚げが1番好きです。 色々な味があるので楽しめます。
Delicious ❗️ There are several types, but they all taste good. The people at the store are all very friendly and nice ^ o ^ You can order online and have little time to wait. There are various payment methods and it is convenient. Tamagoyaki is also a little sweet and delicious. You can buy a lunch box with 3 fried chicken for 400 yen. I like the fried chicken here the most. You can enjoy it because it has various flavors.
はるなえりか on Google

There was a store nearby and I was worried that it smelled good every time I passed in front of it, so I took the plunge and bought two white and two black from the famous deca! At first, I was wondering whether to buy it, and when I asked if it was okay to just ask about the size of one fried chicken, I was very impressed by the fact that he showed me the real thing and responded instantly, and I decided to buy it! The taste is very good and I would like to buy it again!
びりけん on Google

昼時には、人だかりができており、気になっていたテリー伊藤さんプロデュースのから揚げ屋さんに行ってきました。 ちょっと行列ができていたので、期待して最後尾へ。 順番が近づいてきて分かったこと 店員さんの要領の悪すぎる。 若い男の店員が2人いて、昼時だからか、客を見越して唐揚げを大量の揚げて置いているにも関わらず、手際の悪さと、要領の悪さで、客がさばけず、行列ができていただけ。 ってことで、揚げたての唐揚げじゃないってこと。 他の支店は行ったことないけど、みんな揚げ置きの唐揚げを出してるのかなぁ? テリーさんが見てたら、キレると思います。 そして、看板の弁当と違い過ぎてませんか? でっかい唐揚げが入ってると思いきや、開けたら普通サイズより気持ち大きいかなって思うくらいの唐揚げ。 玉子焼きも全く違う。 揚げたてでもない。 看板に偽りありって、このことですよね。 色々な味が楽しめて良かったですが、揚げたての唐揚げじゃない唐揚げ弁当は、残念でなりません。 置いてる分、衣もシナっとしてます。 味は、普通に美味しかったのですが、この値段に見合わない内容だと思います。 美味しい味付けだけに残念です。
At noon, there was a crowd and I went to a fried chicken shop produced by Mr. Terry Ito who was interested. There was a little line, so I expected it and went to the end. What I learned as my turn approached The clerk's point is too bad. There are two young male clerk, and probably because it is lunchtime, despite the fact that a large amount of fried chicken is fried in anticipation of the customer, the customer is not handled due to the clumsiness and the procedure, and the line is waiting. I just made it. That means it's not fried chicken. I haven't been to other branches, but I wonder if everyone is serving fried chicken. If Terry sees it, I think it will be sharp. And isn't it too different from the signboard lunch box? I think it contains huge fried chicken, but when I open it, I think it feels bigger than normal size. Tamagoyaki is also completely different. Not freshly fried. There is a lie on the signboard, isn't it? I'm glad I enjoyed the various flavors, but I'm sorry for the fried chicken bento, which is not freshly fried. As much as I put it, the clothes are also shining. The taste was usually delicious, but I don't think it's worth the price. It's a shame because it's deliciously seasoned.

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