Ogura Dental Clinic - Setagaya City

5/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Ogura Dental Clinic

住所 :

小倉歯科医院 3 Chome-26-11 Oyamadai, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0086, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 158-0086

小倉歯科医院 3 Chome-26-11 Oyamadai, Setagaya City, Tokyo 158-0086, Japan
みやもとひろこ on Google

I've been working with you for more than 10 years, but I haven't had any major tooth problems during that time. We do not recommend treatment, and if you wish, they will be covered by insurance.
J U on Google

He explained the current condition and necessary treatment in an easy-to-understand manner. Periodontal disease was cured by insurance treatment, and I got a beautiful tooth insert out of insurance. All of them were treated very carefully.
o s on Google

尾山台を離れても 今年は開院60周年とか。前回オリンピック前に尾山台に越してきて以来、今は尾山台を離れましたが、これまで三代にわたりお世話になっています。祖母は長崎から何回かきた折に、通いました。母親は退職後移り住んだ山梨県から70代後半まで、3ヶ月に一回、先代の医院長の診察を受けに電車で通っていました。母親の元同僚もかよっているそうです。現在の医院長(先代のお嬢さん)の時代でも、娘の受験で尾山台を離れた人がよその区から地下鉄を使い通っている人や、隣県のナンバーの車が停まっており、尾山台から離れてもリピーターのかたも多いのではないかと思います。わたしも隣県から定期的に通院しています。高齢のご夫婦なと、高齢のかたも多く来ています。医療保険での治療をベースに、それ以外の必要がある場合は選択肢をキチンと示してくれ、安心感があります。丁寧で、違うニーズがあれば、そうしたところを紹介されたりもするようです。先代は、隣の尾山台中の歯科の校医をされていたこともあったのではないかな。地域医療などにも取り組まれたりと、尾山台でも実績のある歯医者さんだと思います。
Even if you leave Oyamadai This year is the 60th anniversary of hospitalization. I have left Oyamadai since I moved to Oyamadai before the Olympics last time, but I have been taking care of it for three generations. My grandmother went to Nagasaki several times. After leaving retirement, my mother traveled by train from Yamanashi prefecture to the late 70s, once every three months, for a medical examination by the previous director. It seems that his mother's former colleague also depends on him. Even at the time of the current doctor (previous daughter), those who left Oyamadai due to their daughter's examination are using the subway from other wards, and the number cars of neighboring prefectures are parked, leaving Oyamadai However, I think there are many repeaters. I also regularly visit the neighboring prefecture. Many elderly couples are coming, including elderly couples. Based on medical insurance treatment, it gives you peace of mind by showing you options when you need other things. If they are polite and have different needs, they will be introduced to such places. I wonder if he had been a dentist school doctor in the next Oyama Taichung. I think he is a dentist with a proven track record in Oyamadai, such as being engaged in regional medical care.

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