トータルエステサロン まるる

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact トータルエステサロン まるる

住所 :

Ogikubo, Suginami City, 〒167-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://maruru-lomilomi.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–11PM
Sunday 9AM–11PM
Monday 9AM–11PM
Tuesday 9AM–11PM
Wednesday 9AM–11PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–11PM
街 : Tokyo

Ogikubo, Suginami City, 〒167-0051 Tokyo,Japan
Mi on Google

We took plenty of time to perform the treatment carefully and comfortably. The therapist was very good and I was able to spend a relaxing time. After the treatment, my shoulders became lighter and I no longer had the tiredness that I always suffered from.
Junko Misawa on Google

痩身のハイパーナイフの施術をうけたくて、まるるさんに伺いました。 サロンに着くとアロマの良い香りが? ハイパーナイフ初体験でしたので、1回の施術でどれだけ効果あるの?と半信半疑な思いもありましたが、施術後の鏡を見てびっくり! 翌朝もまだちゃんと施術直後のくびれがあって嬉しくなりました。 オーナーのかわいさんとのお喋りもとても楽しくてお値段以上のまるるさんです(笑)
I asked Maruru-san to have a slimming hyper knife. When you arrive at the salon, you can smell the aroma. It was my first experience with Hyper Knife, so how effective is it with one treatment? I was skeptical, but I was surprised to see the mirror after the treatment! The next morning, I was happy that there was still a constriction right after the procedure. Talking with the owner's cutie is also very fun and it's more than the price (laughs)
maa_ 7122 on Google

コロナ禍で身体に締まりがなくなり、近所でハイパーナイフをかけれる完全個室で他人との接触が無いサロンを探していて見つけました! リンパマッサージやキャビテーション経験はありますが、ロミロミは初体験でした。 心地良くウトウト、全身にナイフもかけてもらい一番気になるウエストにくびれが出来ました!! 健康診断もあるので続けていきたいです!
I was looking for a salon in my neighborhood where I could hang a hyper knife and have no contact with others. I have experience of lymphatic massage and cavitation, but Lomi Lomi was my first experience. Comfortably out, I got a knife on my whole body and I got a constriction on the waist that I was most worried about! !! I also have a health checkup, so I want to continue!
photo mokichi on Google

I found it when I was looking at a store that can use premium gift certificates in Suginami Ward on Instagram. I was a little tired from working from home, so I went to do some preliminary research. It's a room in an apartment, but it's easy to understand because there is a signboard. The impression I got when I entered was that the inside of the store was the minimum necessary. But I thought after receiving the treatment. "This is enough." I don't know the price of the machine, but after receiving the treatment, the body line changed obviously and my body became lighter. The lightness of the body continues the next day. You said that you are planning to offer a special course that allows you to use premium gift certificates, so I am looking forward to revisiting with gift certificates.
Tomozo T on Google

前回ハイパーナイフを受けた時に、皮下脂肪と体脂肪が、3~4%減っていて、嬉しくなり再来訪です♪(ジムに行ってもなかなか減らない脂肪達です) 今回は、ハイパーナイフ痩身120分 お得な回数券で施術してもらいました。オーナー様の「施術するのが好きなんです!」という言葉にひかれ、今回も身体を任せました。施術は、身体の状態に合わせて行って頂けます。 エステ店は、今まで利用した事をありませんでしたが、こんなにリラックスできるものなんですね。あっという間120分でした。 又、次回楽しみしています♪
When I received the Hyper Knife last time, my subcutaneous fat and body fat were reduced by 3-4%, and I am happy to visit again ♪ (Fats that do not easily decrease even if I go to the gym) This time, Hyper Knife Slimming 120 minutes I had a treatment with a great coupon. I was attracted by the owner's words, "I like the treatment!", And I left my body to this time as well. The treatment can be performed according to your physical condition. I've never used an esthetic shop before, but it's such a relaxing place. It was 120 minutes in no time. Also, I'm looking forward to next time ♪
渡麻(mami) on Google

Instagramでずーっと気になりつつも、なかなか予定が合わず…先日ようやく行けました(^ ^) スタッフの方の対応がとにかく丁寧で、身体の状態・マッサージの内容や何が今の状態に合ってるかなど、一つ一つ聞きながら教えていただきました。 そして、いざ施術が始まると…どれもこれも気持ちよく、そして対応と同じく丁寧!かといって、強さもしっかりあり(マッサージの強弱についても聞いてくれます。)、本当に大満足でした。気付いたら夢の中へ…という感じです。笑 対応・施術共に文句なし!リピート決定!です。 本当にありがとうございました。 これからもよろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m
I've been worried about it all the time on Instagram, but I couldn't quite meet the schedule ... I finally got there the other day (^ ^) The staff were very polite, and they taught me one by one about their physical condition, the content of the massage, and what suits their current condition. And when the treatment starts ... Everything is comfortable and polite as well as the response! On the other hand, it was strong (he asked me about the strength of the massage) and I was really satisfied. When I notice it, I feel like I'm in a dream. Lol No complaints about correspondence and treatment! Repeat decision! is. I'm really thankful to you. Thank you for your continued support m (_ _) m
近藤三喜子 on Google

まるるさん、先日は大変ありがとうございました。 疲れ果てていて身体は悲鳴をあげているところに 大切な方からご紹介していただき、まるるさんに 施術していただきました。 久しぶりのゆっくりした時間、幸せな時間、あっという間に過ぎ去り施術も素晴らしく、次の日はあれ?身体が軽い!と楽になりました。 次回もお願いしたいので必ず、予約させていただきますね〜 みなさまもまるるさんにぜひぜひ、施術受けてほしいーと心底思いました。
Maruru-san, thank you very much the other day. Where I'm exhausted and my body is screaming Introduced by an important person, Maruru-san I had you perform the treatment. Slow time after a long absence, happy time, passing by in a blink of an eye, the treatment is wonderful, what's the next day? The body is light! It became easier. I would like to ask you again next time, so I will definitely make a reservation ~ I really hope that Maruru-san will receive the treatment.
Sa T on Google

癒し空間であり、痩身エステも色々できるオススメな場所。 ホットストーンで温かく、スッキリ感のアロマで身体ほぐしがとても心地よいです。 ハワイアン音楽も眠りを誘い施術後は、目も身体もスッキリしました。 オーナーさんのお人柄が素敵です! コロナ対策もしっかりされているので、安心できます?
It is a healing space and a recommended place where you can do various slimming esthetics. It is warm with hot stones and has a refreshing aroma that makes your body feel very comfortable. Hawaiian music also invited me to sleep, and after the treatment, my eyes and body were refreshed. The personality of the owner is wonderful! You can rest assured that the corona measures are also solid ?

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