
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小関整形外科

住所 :

Ogicho, Nasushiobara, 〒329-2726 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12:30PM
Tuesday 9AM–12:30PM
Wednesday 9AM–12:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 9AM–12:30PM
街 : Tochigi

Ogicho, Nasushiobara, 〒329-2726 Tochigi,Japan
maki yano on Google

It was my first time to take a child other than pediatrics, and I was thrilled, but the receptionist, nurses, teachers, and everyone were very kind to the children and I was impressed!
木下直美 on Google

先生の対応は 優しく丁寧で 良い感じです✨
The teacher's response is kind and polite, and it feels good ✨
ma. sato on Google

Two women at the reception. Both have a bad attitude. Especially middle-aged women have an attitude that seems to be troublesome.
みー on Google

口コミで行きましたがいろいろ残念でした。 勘違いかもしれませんが 患者さんはまだいるのに爪を切るパチンパチンって音がカウンターから聞こえて ゾっとしました。
I went by word of mouth, but I was disappointed. You may have misunderstood Even though the patient is still there, I can hear a clicking sound from the counter I was horrified.
シバイヌクルミ on Google

かかとが痛くて診察に行ったことがあります。50代のクールな印象の男の先生です。しかし診断は適格でわかりやすかった。平日の午前中でしたが、それほど待たずに診察してもらえた。夕方7時まで開院してるので仕事帰りに寄れるのが助かります。 リハビリ担当の若い方は親切丁寧です。 気持ち良い対応をしてくれます。
I have had a pain in my heel and went to see a doctor. A cool man teacher in his 50s. However, the diagnosis was qualified and easy to understand. It was in the morning on weekdays, but I was able to see him without waiting too long. The hospital is open until 7 pm, so it's helpful to be able to stop by after work. Young people in charge of rehabilitation are kind and polite. It will give you a pleasant response.
N Matt on Google

膝に違和感があり伺いましたが、淡々と診察してくださり、こちらの事情を伝えるとそれに対応した治療をしていただけたので助かりました。 ただ、症状に無い筋肉痛、関節痛の薬が処方された理由が分からないため星4といたしました。
I heard that there was something wrong with my knees, but I was grateful for the medical examination, and when I told him about this situation, he was treated accordingly. However, I did not know the reason why the medicine for muscle pain and joint pain that had no symptoms was prescribed, so I gave it 4 stars.
ぴょんきちたろう on Google

他の方の口コミにあるように、 受付の女性が、確かにあんまり愛想が良くないかな~という印象でしたけど、 私は、そんなに気分を害するほどではなかったです。 患者さんによっては『感じ悪い?』と思う人いるかもしれません。 先生は、近場の某整形外科の先生より、わかりやすく説明してくれるので、今後、整形外科にかかりたい時は、こちらにかかりたいと思います。 午前中はバタバタ忙しいので、平日午後2時半前に行くようにしてますが、 リハビリに来る人もいるし、ちょっとまたされる事もあります。
As in the reviews of others, I had the impression that the female at the reception wasn't very friendly. I wasn't so offended. Some patients may find it "unpleasant ?". The teacher will explain in an easy-to-understand manner from a nearby orthopedic surgeon, so if you want to get an orthopedic surgery in the future, I would like to go here. I'm busy in the morning, so I try to go before 2:30 pm on weekdays, Some people come to rehab, and sometimes they do it again.
きき on Google

先生や看護師さん、リハビリのお兄さんはとても親切で優しく、丁寧に説明していただきとても感謝です。この方達だけでしたら、文句無しで★5でした! ただ受付の態度がちょっと...なので−★2です。 基本二人とも無愛想ですが若い方はまだマシで、中年の方は残念で仕方ありません。受付時に、電話させていただいたんですが診察お願いできますか?と言いに行ったら、少し間を空けて強い口調&眉間にしわ寄せながら「今日はどうしたんですかっ!?」とイライラされました。こっちは事前に電話連絡もしているし、どうしたじゃねーよ診察以外用ねーわって感じです。(ちなみに電話対応は若い方。) 待ち時間の間観察してたら、基本冷たく偉そうな態度。(初診に関わらず)しかし、若い男性の患者さんが来たら一変、急に猫なで声になり聞いてて寒気がしました。 隣に座ってる部下、ましてや待ってる患者さん達、みんなあなたの対応見えてますよ。ご年配の方が無愛想なだけですでにキツいのに...見るに耐えません。 勤務年数長いからなのか、誰からも注意されず腫れ物に触るように扱われてるって感じですが、ちゃんと教育した方が良いですよ。
The teachers, nurses, and rehabilitation brothers are very kind and kind, and I am very grateful for the polite explanation. If it was only these people, it was ★ 5 without complaint! However, the attitude of the receptionist is a little ... so- ★ 2. Basically both of them are unfriendly, but the younger ones are still better, and the middle-aged ones are disappointed. I called you at the reception, can you give me a medical examination? When I went to say that, after a while, I was frustrated with a strong tone and wrinkles between my eyebrows, "What happened today !?" I've also contacted you by phone in advance, so what's wrong with it? It's for purposes other than medical examinations. (By the way, young people are available for telephone calls.) When observing during the waiting time, the basic cold and bossy attitude. (Regardless of the first visit) However, when a young male patient came, I suddenly felt chills when I heard a cat stroke. The subordinates sitting next to me, let alone the patients waiting, can all see your response. Elderly people are just unfriendly and already tough ... I can't stand to see them. Perhaps because I have been working for a long time, I feel that no one is paying attention and I am treated as if I were touching a swollen object, but it is better to educate me properly.

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