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Contact 長良整形外科クリニック

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Yashiro, 〒502-0812 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : http://website2.infomity.net/8252147/
街 : Gifu

Yashiro, 〒502-0812 Gifu,Japan
mu ra on Google

手の痛みでかかりました。 担当は院長でしたが、診察の際に手を取られて思わず痛いと言ったら(本当に触るだけで痛かったので)、「何もしてない!触っただけだ!」と突然キレられました。 以前に副院長が担当だった時は患部を見も触りもせずパソコンだけ見て診断を下していました。 次からは他の外科に行きます。
I had a pain in my hand. The person in charge was the director, but when I was taken by the doctor and said that it hurts (because it really hurt just by touching it), I suddenly said, "I haven't done anything! I just touched it!" Previously, when the deputy director was in charge, I made a diagnosis by looking only at the computer without looking at or touching the affected area. Next time I will go to another surgery.
テルテル on Google

My wife's mother was examined for pain in her hands, but she was given only a compress because she didn't understand the cause. After that, I was told by a certain internal medicine that it might be tendonitis, and when I was examined by another orthopedic surgeon, it was true. Is there such an orthopedic surgery that a compress is handed over without knowing the cause? ?? I still can't believe it.
あいあい on Google

手足が痛くて受診した際に病名を言われただけで病気の説明もなくその病気に関するパンフレットを渡されただけでした。 その後、他の病院で痛み止めや治療をして頂き痛みがかなりなくなりました。 何より不安な気持ちを受け止めて頂けた事が私の中では大きな治療でした。 今後の患者さんのため改善して欲しいなぁと思います
I had a pain in my limbs and was told the name of the illness when I visited the clinic, but I was given a pamphlet about the illness without any explanation of the illness. After that, I had pain relief and treatment at another hospital, and the pain disappeared considerably. Above all, it was a big treatment for me that I was able to accept my anxiety. I hope it will be improved for future patients.
takeちゃん on Google

手指の痛みで 院長先生にお世話になってますが、とても親切で自宅で出来るリハビリを教えてくれたり とにかく明るく 笑いが絶えない親しみやすいドクターです。 いい病院を見つけれて 安心です。 でも なかなか 良くならないのが どうなんだろう?とは思います。笑
I am taken care of by the director because of the pain in my fingers, but he is very kind and teaches me how to rehabilitate at home. Anyway, he is a cheerful and friendly doctor who keeps laughing. It is safe to find a good hospital. But what about the fact that it doesn't get better? And I think. smile
peace on Google

近いと言う理由でかかりましたが 開院時間前から患者さんがいっぱいです。 愛想悪く機械的な診断でとても患者の事思ってる様には感じませんでした。他探します。
It took me because it was close, but there are a lot of patients before the opening time. I didn't feel like I was thinking about the patient because of the unfriendly mechanical diagnosis. I'm looking for another.
Nexus6スマホ on Google

他の方も書かれてるように酷い! 確認も触りもせず、めんどくさそうな態度で雑対応 処方される薬の説明もなく会計の高額に驚きました。 整形外科選びの失敗に心身と財布が悪化しました。 クチコミが良いか悪いかの二択の様で5000円超もする ガチャ診察 (説明無しで処方されていたのは湿布と痛み止め…)
It's terrible as others have written! I didn't confirm or touch it, and I was surprised at the high amount of accounting without explanation of the prescribed medicine. The failure to choose an orthopedic surgeon made my body and mind worse. Gacha examination that costs more than 5,000 yen depending on whether the word of mouth is good or bad (The poultice and painkillers were prescribed without explanation ...)
うえさん on Google

昨日、膝の骨が損傷していると診断を受け、サポーターのようなものを頂きました。 頂いた際に教えてもらった付け方が少し低かったようですぐに落ちたので相談に行きました。 結論としてはつける場所を高くすればサイズは大丈夫だったのですが、その説明をされている間に、看護師2名が私の足の太さについてジェスチャーをつけながら笑っている姿がありました。 前日の病院のサポーターの付け方指導の問題だと思うのですが、容姿について笑われるのは大変惨めでした。それなのに今日の分の診察代を取られました。 もう二度と行かない。笑うならせめて本人が居ないところでやれよ。せめてそれが最低限のマナー。 あと、昨日の先生と指示が違うのはよく分からないです。昨日の先生は足をつかないように松葉杖でっておっしゃってました。でも、痛みがあるのに骨に異常があるのに足ついて歩いて良いって本当ですか?
Yesterday, I was diagnosed with a damaged knee bone and received something like a supporter. It seemed that the method of attachment that I was taught when I received it was a little low, and it fell off immediately, so I went to consult. In conclusion, the size was okay if I put it on higher, but while I was explaining it, I saw two nurses laughing while gesturing about the thickness of my feet. .. I think it was a matter of guidance on how to attach supporters to the hospital the day before, but it was very miserable to be laughed at about his appearance. Even so, I was taken the medical examination fee for today. I will never go again. Make me laugh and do it in the absence of the person. At least that is the minimum etiquette. Also, I'm not sure that the instructions are different from yesterday's teacher. Yesterday's teacher said that he used crutches so that he wouldn't touch his feet. But is it true that I can walk with my feet even though I have pain and my bones are abnormal?
もも on Google

I took it because I used a large body under the arm of my hand. Mr. Kodama was a person who said, "I haven't broken my bones and it will be healed in 3 days." I didn't feel any pain even after a week, so if I had a different orthopedic surgery, I was diagnosed with a bruise, and even had a compress and electrical treatment. I will never go to Nagara shaping again. When I asked my acquaintance and my mother, she said, "Mr. Kodama is cold," so it seems to be ruthless and famous. I was hurt by the doctor who relied on me while it was painful and painful. .. I won't go again. It's not worth adding a star, but if you don't add it, it won't be reflected, so add it.

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