Ogasawara Shoin - Iida

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ogasawara Shoin

住所 :

3942 Izuki, Iida, Nagano 399-2434, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 399-2434
Webサイト : https://www.city.iida.lg.jp/site/bunkazai/ogasawarashoin.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM

3942 Izuki, Iida, Nagano 399-2434, Japan
秀久仙石 on Google

千石の交代寄合の旗本の陣屋‼️ 掛け造りの書院‼️一部欠損部分があるが 「輿」が書院玄関から入って直ぐある。 他ではあまり見られない古様な物‼️ ガイドあり❗ 近くに小笠原氏の墓所がある❗
Hatamoto's Jinya, a replacement of Sengoku! ️ Kakezukuri Shoin! ️There are some missing parts "Litter" is right after entering from the entrance of the Shoin. Old-fashioned things that are rarely seen elsewhere! ️ There is a guide ❗ There is a graveyard of Mr. Ogasawara nearby ❗
hisui “vvvv” Yata on Google

行った時間が遅くて中の見学できず… 次回は中も見学したいと思います。
I went there late and couldn't see the inside ... Next time, I would like to visit the inside.
怒ケンジ on Google

The Tenryukyo from bicycles, good condition of preservation, I received a solid explanation.
はったりばんちょ on Google

It's an old building, the same hanging structure as Kiyomizu-dera, and I understand that it's very valuable, but the uncle's explanation at the reception is too aggressive ... I was willing to listen, but the customers who came later stopped me saying, "I have to listen to the story," even though I didn't feel like it. Some people want to see it slowly at their own pace. I explained that the oldest castle is Matsumoto Castle, but that's not the case.
森野ナナスケ on Google

旧小笠原家書院は国指定重要文化財です。 隣接する資料館の斬新なデザインと対照的でね。 訪問時は他に訪問者がいなかったからか、説明員のかたが、30分くらいかけて説明してくださいました。
The Former Ogasawara Family Shoin is a nationally designated important cultural property. In contrast to the novel design of the adjacent museum. At the time of the visit, there was no other visitor, or the explainer took about 30 minutes to explain.
くるりma on Google

大変貴重な書院で、清水寺と同じ造りも観ることができます←是非下から見ると素晴らしいです(*^^*)どういう思いで建てたのかとか、ガイドの方の説明を聞きながら考える楽しさですね、有名な建築家妹島和世さんとの建物もあり、現代と江戸の融合を観ることができます。 紅葉や桜の時期はいい写真も撮れるのでオススメです。
It's a very valuable Shoin, and you can see the same structure as Kiyomizu-dera ← It's wonderful to see from the bottom (* ^^ *) It's fun to think about how you built it while listening to the guide's explanation. There is also a building with the famous architect Kazuyo Sejima, and you can see the fusion of modern times and Edo. It is recommended because you can take good pictures during the autumn leaves and cherry blossom season.
Zeba maru on Google

早い時間に行ったので周りを見るだけのつもりだったけど、早くいらっしゃった管理人さんが開けてくれて丁寧な説明までしていただきました。 この貴重な文化財は善い人に管理されています
I went there early so I was only going to look around, but the manager who came early opened it and gave me a polite explanation. This precious cultural property is managed by good people
源頼親 on Google

小笠原家書院 書院は3分の1が崖上に突き出ている懸造りが特徴。東南西の三方に一間巾の入側縁を廻らせ、南一の間と二の間境にある大菱欄間を設けた建築様式は桃山時代の典型的形式。江戸初期の武家書院は二条城の二の丸御殿と旧小笠原書院だけ。1952年(昭和27)3月、国の重要文化財に指定される。書院に隣接して1999年(平成11)10月に小笠原家にゆかりのある建築家妹島和代氏が西沢立衛氏と設立したSANAA(サナ)の設計した小笠原資料館が開館。小笠原家ゆかりの武具・日用品・小笠原流の秘伝書などが展示されている。
Ogasawara Family Shoin The Shoin is characterized by a hanging structure with one-third protruding above the cliff. The architectural style is typical of the Momoyama era, with the entrance side edge of the width of one ken on three sides in the east-southwest and the Obishi-banma on the border between the south one and the two. The only samurai shoins in the early Edo period were Ninomaru Palace in Nijo Castle and the former Ogasawara Shoin. In March 1952 (Showa 27), it was designated as a national important cultural property. Adjacent to the Shoin, the Ogasawara Museum designed by SANAA, which was established by Kazuyo Sejima, an architect associated with the Ogasawara family, with Ryue Nishizawa, opened in October 1999. Arms, daily necessities, and Ogasawara-style secret books related to the Ogasawara family are on display.

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