Zosenji - Iida

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zosenji

住所 :

4066 Osegi, Iida, Nagano 395-0157, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 395-0157
Webサイト : https://msnav.com/navi/kanko/sakura/zosenji

4066 Osegi, Iida, Nagano 395-0157, Japan
satoru koyama on Google

I was impressed by the magnificence of the hanging cherry blossoms.
みい on Google

The hanging cherry blossoms that cover the mountain gate are wonderful
藤原静子 on Google

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, but the blue sky and the alps were matching and wonderful.
Red Orca on Google

Sakura is big.
山崎勝三 on Google

Please come to the illuminated cherry blossom season. You can enjoy the canopy cherry tree.
kazu “初心者ゼロ” matsu on Google

飯田市のガイドブックで取り上げられ桜の時期には観光客が連日訪れる名所。 写真で見るより実際に訪問したほうが迫力がある。 住宅街の中にあるので、大型バスで来た場合は駐車場からそれなりに歩く必要があるが、自家用車で来られる方は、是非朝の早い内~午前中がおススメ。 夜間ライトアップもあるが、近年中にライトを取りやめるとの噂もあり。 観光客のマナーによるものなのか(住宅街だし)、維持管理の問題なのかはわからないけれど、住民に嫌われない観光マナーをもって長く愛されて欲しいものです。 また、境内には桜管理の募金箱があるので、拝観したらお賽銭を是非お願い致します。
It is a famous spot that tourists visit every day during the cherry blossom season, which is featured in the guidebook of Iida City. It is more powerful to actually visit than to see in the photo. Since it is in a residential area, if you come by large bus, you need to walk from the parking lot as much as possible, but if you can come by private car, I recommend you to come early in the morning or in the morning. There are night lights, but there are rumors that the lights will be turned off in recent years. I don't know if it's due to the etiquette of tourists (because it's a residential area) or the problem of maintenance, but I want people to love it for a long time with the etiquette that is not disliked by the residents. In addition, there is a cherry tree management donation box in the precincts, so please give us a donation when you see it.

残念、今年は昨年よりも開花遅く東京より訪れた4/5時点ではまだ咲いてませんでした。 もう4,5日かかるのでしょうか
Unfortunately, this year, the flowering was slower than last year, and it did not bloom yet when I visited Tokyo from April 5th. Will it take another four or five days?
Yoshikatsu Saito on Google

しだれ桜の名所。 門から大きくはみ出した桜は、遠くからみても存在感がある。 今回は時期を外したが、4月の上旬が見頃。
A famous spot for weeping cherry trees. The cherry blossoms that largely protrude from the gate have a presence even when viewed from a distance. This time I missed the time, but the beginning of April is in full bloom.

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