Ofunato Hot Spring - Ofunato

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ofunato Hot Spring

住所 :

Marumori-29-1 Ofunatocho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8977
Postal code : 022-0002
Webサイト : https://oofunato-onsen.com/
Description : Serene rooms, some with ocean views, in a low-key hotel offering indoor & outdoor hot spring baths.

Marumori-29-1 Ofunatocho, Ofunato, Iwate 022-0002, Japan
若様 on Google

海側の最上階 絶景オーシャンビューに宿泊しました。あいにく雪雲がうっすら、水平線から昇る朝日は見れませんでしたが、太陽が昇るにつれ 雲が絶妙になり 素敵な 朝焼けになりました。 同じ風景は二度とないと言いますが、又訪れて日の出見たいと思います 夕食は海鮮三昧でマグロ煮付けがコラーゲンたっぷりトロトロで最高! 鮑のステーキ&お刺身、旬ワカメのしゃぶしゃぶも美味しく頂きました。 特別室にも満足しましたが部屋が広い割りに加湿器が小さく湿度が上がらず乾燥状態でした
We stayed at the ocean view on the top floor on the sea side. Unfortunately, I couldn't see the rising sun from the horizon, but as the sun rose, the clouds became exquisite and it became a wonderful sunrise. I say that the same scenery will never happen again, but I would like to visit again and see the sunrise. Supper is full of seafood and boiled tuna is the best with plenty of collagen! The abalone steak and sashimi, and the seasonal seaweed shabu-shabu were also delicious. I was satisfied with the special room, but the humidifier was small for the large room, and the humidity did not rise and it was dry.
9p. ppp on Google

お部屋から見える朝日が本当に綺麗で最高でした!お部屋自体がとても広いというわけではないですが、わたしはお部屋の広さに期待して行ったわけではないので充分でした。 お風呂もちょうどいい温度で、露天風呂はこじんまりとはしていますが朝は朝日を眺めながら、夜は海の静かな雰囲気を愉しみながらゆったりと入浴する事ができました。 また、他の方もレビューされているように夜ご飯はとてつもない量が出てきます!(笑)ただ、わかめも天ぷらもお刺身も兜煮もどれも美味しくて海の幸が好きな私は大満足でした〜従業員の方もみなさん親切で気持ちよく過ごすことができました!また是非利用させて頂きたいと思います。
The sunrise seen from the room was really beautiful and awesome! The room itself isn't very large, but I didn't expect it to be large enough. The temperature of the bath was just right, and although the open-air bath was small, I was able to take a relaxing bath while watching the sunrise in the morning and enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the sea at night. Also, as others have reviewed, the amount of dinner will be tremendous! (Laughs) However, the wakame seaweed, tempura, sashimi, and simmered helmet were all delicious, and I was very happy because I liked seafood. All the employees were kind and comfortable! I would like to use it again.
Kumar Gaurav on Google

Sarah Forsyth on Google

Beautiful view and a really good price. Only 450 yen for the onsen!
Dr. M. Ajmal Khan on Google

Great sea view from water tub and beautiful place. Love it to relaxed here
Trip.com Member on Google

Awesome dinner and nice onsen but the hotel doesn't have showers in the room
Jesse M on Google

I'm giving it 5 stars because the breakfast buffet was probably the best breakfast buffet I've ever had at a Japanese hotel. The view from the room was spectacular and the shower room has a GIANT window so you can enjoy the view while taking a shower. The price was fair and the hotel was comfortable. I really enjoyed my stay, hopefully I get the opportunity to come back. There aren't many restaurants in the area tho, so research where you want to eat dinner before getting to the hotel.
Green Odori on Google

The facilities are clean and spacious. The water is clear. The water is circulated and chlorine is added. Strong smell of chlorine is noticeable in open air bath. Except for the water, and the smell of chlorine at the dining hall, everything was very good. The food was very good, especially fresh wakame seaweed. The room is clean and the linens were also clean. Staffs were nice. If you are not hot spring lover, this place is perfect.

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