Sukawa Kougen Onsen - Ichinoseki

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sukawa Kougen Onsen

住所 :

林班ト 祭畤-山国有林46 Genbicho, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0101, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 021-0101
Webサイト :
Description : Remote hot spring property featuring a communal bathhouse with indoor & outdoor soaking pools.

林班ト 祭畤-山国有林46 Genbicho, Ichinoseki, Iwate 021-0101, Japan
Papa Black on Google

建物はそこそこ古いですが、問題はありませんでした。 温泉が良いですね。 外の少し離れたところにすごく大きな露天。 内風呂も大きく、小さいですが屋根付き露天がついていました。 お湯は熱めです。厳選の温度のままの熱い風呂もありましたが、ぬるめが好きなのでそこは使いませんでした。 お風呂は、隣の栗駒山荘も無料で使えるので、温泉三昧です。こちらのお湯は少し緩くて私好みでした。 眺めが良い露天風呂になっていて人気もありそうです。 食事も鮎の塩焼きが付いてメインは豚の焼き肉、天ぷらと鱒の笹寿司も有り思ったより良かったです。 焼肉のタレ岩手、宮城、秋田の3種の味比べで、どれも美味しかったのでお土産で買って帰りました。 朝はこの日ビュッフェ形式で、和食中心のおかずも種類が有り満足でした。ご飯と味噌汁が美味しいので文句なしでした。 栗駒山登山後、日帰り湯を使う場合は、チェックアウト時に言えば350円でチケット買えます。 お土産屋さんもあり、稲庭うどんの端っこがキロ単位で売っていて驚きました。 ここはちょうど、岩手と秋田の県境。栗駒山荘は秋田、須川高原温泉は岩手となってます。 露天風呂の写真は、誰も居なくなったのでちゃんと許可貰いました。
The building is reasonably old, but there was no problem. Hot springs are good. A very large open air a little away from the outside. The indoor bath was also large and small, but it had a covered open-air bath. The hot water is hot. There was a hot bath with carefully selected temperatures, but I didn't use it because I like lukewarm. You can use the bath at Kurikoma Sanso next door for free, so you can enjoy the hot springs. This hot water was a little loose and I liked it. It is an open-air bath with a nice view and seems to be popular. The meal was also grilled with salted sweetfish, and the main dish was grilled pork, tempura and trout sasa sushi, which was better than I expected. Compared to the three flavors of yakiniku sauce Iwate, Miyagi, and Akita, they were all delicious, so I bought them as souvenirs and went home. In the morning, it was a buffet style on this day, and I was satisfied with the variety of side dishes, mainly Japanese food. The rice and miso soup were delicious, so I didn't complain. If you want to use the day trip hot water after climbing Mt. Kurikoma, you can buy a ticket for 350 yen at check-out. There is also a souvenir shop, and I was surprised that the end of Inaniwa udon was sold in kilograms. This is just the prefectural border between Iwate and Akita. Kurikoma Sanso is in Akita, and Sukawa Kougen Onsen is in Iwate. The photo of the open-air bath was given permission because no one was there.
トシさん on Google

10/5(火)一ノ関・真湯経由で?➰行きました❗️?? 道はいたるところ狭く、急カーブで対向車に観光バス?が来るとバックせざるを得ません‼️?? 頂上付近は紅葉が?綺麗で、登山者も結構いました?? 大露天風呂700円は広く、コバルトブルーは感激します。ボディソープ、シャンプーも有ります❗️
10/5 (Tue) I went via Ichinoseki / Shinyu ?➰❗️?? The road is narrow everywhere, and when a sightseeing bus ? comes to an oncoming car on a sharp curve, you have to back up! ️?? The autumn leaves are beautiful near the top, and there are quite a few climbers ?? The large open-air bath for 700 yen is large, and the cobalt blue is impressive. Body soap and shampoo are also available ❗️
Akira Yagasaki on Google

お湯がいい。源泉掛け流し。硫黄泉。循環とか濾過とか言わない潔さがここにある。内湯と露天の二施設があるが露天を選んだ。正解だった。 栗駒山を須川温泉方面に下山。登山道から施設が見え近づくごとに硫黄臭。テンション上がる。洗い場にはシャンプーとボディーソープもありピカピカになれる。 帰路、身体から湧き出る硫黄臭を感じながらビールを飲みながら新幹線に乗る。 こんなの乗鞍温泉以来かも。
Hot water is good. Free-flowing from the source. Sulfur spring. Here is the cleanliness that is not called circulation or filtration. There are two facilities, an indoor bath and an open-air bath, but I chose the open-air bath. It was the correct answer. Go down Mt. Kurikoma toward Sukawa Onsen. Every time the facility is visible from the mountain trail, it smells of sulfur. The tension goes up. There is also shampoo and body soap in the washing area, so you can get shiny. On the way back, I got on the Shinkansen while drinking beer while feeling the smell of sulfur coming out of my body. Maybe since Norikura Onsen like this.
グスタボくえるてん on Google

日帰り温泉で利用しました。露天風呂は大きく、青白いお湯がとてもきれい。須川温泉行きのバスが到着した時間には日帰り利用可能なので、栗駒山登山前に入れます。 近くの栗駒山荘と比較すると、お湯はまろやかで、色もしっかり青白く濁っています。おそらく、浴槽の容量が大きいせいだと思います。どちらも素晴らしいですが、私は高原温泉の方が好みでした。
I used it at a day trip hot spring. The open-air bath is large and the pale hot water is very beautiful. You can use it for a day trip when the bus for Sukawa Onsen arrives, so you can enter it before climbing Mt. Kurikoma. Compared to the nearby Kurikoma Sanso, the hot water is mellow and the color is pale and muddy. Probably because of the large capacity of the bathtub. Both are great, but I preferred Kogen Onsen.
松橋美佳 on Google

Wonderful autumn leaves and first snow. I stayed on October 17th, and I heard that the autumn leaves are in the final stages, but I enjoyed the autumn leaves on the mountain road from Ichinoseki. The building is old but well cleaned and clean. The staff are also kind and at home. The room is heated, but it takes time to warm up. The corridors and cafeterias are wide, so it's cold. Above all, a good hot spring! The food was delicious at night, although I felt the volume was a little low. Viking in the morning. The Kaku Onsen is wonderful.
Ponz Oroshi on Google

登山客で賑わう温泉。日帰り入浴可能。タオルも販売。冬期は閉鎖します。宿泊もでき自炊部もあり。外に大きい露天風呂などあり。 紅葉も素晴らしい。温泉も素晴らしい白い濁り湯。一ノ関駅からバスが出ています。 ※周辺情報 秋田県側に入ってすぐのところにも温泉やお土産屋あり。 すぐ近くに市営の野営場もあり、そちらは1泊200円とのこと。秋田県川の須川湖も絶景。そちらには整備された湖畔のキャンプ場あり。
A hot spring crowded with mountaineers. One-day bathing is possible. Towels are also sold. It will be closed in winter. You can stay overnight and there is also a self-catering department. There is a large open-air bath outside. The autumn leaves are also wonderful. The hot spring is also a wonderful white muddy hot spring. There is a bus from Ichinoseki Station. ※nearby information There are hot springs and souvenir shops just after entering the Akita prefecture side. There is also a municipal campsite nearby, which costs 200 yen per night. The view of Lake Sukawa on the river in Akita Prefecture is also superb. There is a well-maintained lakeside campsite there.
中小路朋明 on Google

2021年10月上旬に訪れました。 (この日の目的地はおとなり秋田の泥湯温泉) 一関ICから西へ延びる国道342号 厳美渓を越えると段々と道が険しく細くなります。 岩手秋田の県境にある須川高原は標高1,100m越えであることから紅葉の時期も平地に比べて早いようです。 先行する大型観光バスがなかなか離合できず到着までかなり時間を要しました。 栗駒山の登山口にもなっている須川高原は多くのハイカーたちの車で混雑。コロナ禍であることから油断していましたが土日であることを考慮しても結構な人出でした。 須川高原には2つの温泉施設があり今回は須川高原温泉を日帰り利用させていただくことに。 ※もう一つは栗駒山荘 フロントで受け付けをし温泉へ。 タオルは販売もしているのでお土産に購入。 日帰り入浴料は700円(子供は350円) ※露天風呂大日湯と内湯でそれぞれ料金が掛かります。 ※誤った金額を投稿してしまったため訂正いたしました 今回は内風呂のみ利用。 館内は新しくはありませんが豪雪に耐える造りなど魅入る部分が多くありました。 また館内にはやたらとくまのぷーさんのぬいぐるみが置かれていたのが気になりました。 お風呂は宿の奥まったところにあります。 途中売店(土産処)の前を通り過ぎます。 お風呂場入口は男女の青と赤の暖簾が並ぶ形になっています。 脱衣所内には貴重品ロッカー(コインは戻らず)があるのでスマホや財布などはこちらに入れた方が安全です。 決して広いとは言えない脱衣所。 洗面台にはドライヤーが1機のみ設置されていました。 お風呂は内風呂と露天の2つで構成。 内風呂の温度はやや高め(体感44℃以上) 露天の方が気持ち低めに感じられました。 温泉はph2.2の硫化水素臭の強い酸性泉。 酸ヶ湯温泉なんかに近い感じでした。 露天風呂は湯舟が狭いので広い湯舟を楽しみたい方は屋外にある大日湯の利用をお勧めします。 湯上り後は食事処で山菜そば(800円)をいただきました。 冷水器の水が美味しかったのは湧水を利用しているからでしょうか? 冬季は積雪量が凄いので休業となります。 残念ながら2021年の営業は11月3日を最後に終了してしまいました。 次回は宿泊利用も検討してみたいと思います。
I visited in early October 2021. (The destination of the day is the mud hot spring in Akita next door) National highway No. 342 extending west from Ichinoseki IC When you cross Genbikei, the road becomes steeper and narrower. The Sukawa Kougen on the prefectural border of Iwate Akita is over 1,100m above sea level, so it seems that the season of autumn leaves is earlier than that of the flat land. It took a long time to arrive because the preceding large sightseeing bus could not be separated easily. The Sukawa Kougen, which is also the starting point for Mt. Kurikoma, is crowded with many hikers. I wasn't careful because it was a corona disaster, but even considering that it was a weekend, there were quite a few people. There are two hot spring facilities in Sukawa Kougen, and this time we will use Sukawa Kougen Onsen for a day trip. * The other is Kurikoma Sanso Accept at the front desk and go to the hot spring. We also sell towels, so buy them as souvenirs. One-day bathing fee is 700 yen (350 yen for children) * There is a charge for the open-air bath Dainichiyu and the indoor bath. * Corrected because I posted the wrong amount. Only the indoor bath is used this time. The hall is not new, but there are many fascinating parts such as a structure that can withstand heavy snowfall. Also, I was worried that there was a stuffed toy of Kuma no Poo in the hall. The bath is in the back of the inn. You will pass in front of the shop (souvenir shop) on the way. The entrance to the bathroom is lined with blue and red curtains for men and women. There is a valuables locker (coins will not be returned) in the dressing room, so it is safer to put your smartphone or wallet here. A dressing room that is by no means large. Only one dryer was installed in the washbasin. There are two baths, an indoor bath and an open-air bath. The temperature of the indoor bath is slightly higher (experience 44 ° C or higher) The open air felt lower. The hot spring is an acidic spring with a strong odor of hydrogen sulfide with a pH of 2.2. It was close to Sukayu Onsen. The open-air bath has a small bathtub, so if you want to enjoy a large bathtub, we recommend using the outdoor Dainichiyu. After the bath, I had edible wild plants soba (800 yen) at the restaurant. Is the water in the water cooler delicious because it uses spring water? It will be closed in winter due to the heavy snowfall. Unfortunately, the 2021 business ended on November 3rd. Next time, I would like to consider using accommodation.
Tammie Honda on Google

Very good place

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