
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 栄楽飯店

住所 :

Oeda, Kasukabe, 〒344-0023 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
街 : Saitama

Oeda, Kasukabe, 〒344-0023 Saitama,Japan
飯沢宏司 on Google

今回はカツカレーをいただきました。黄色い甘いカレーがたっぷりで、カツもそこそこの品質で、千切りキャベツと福神漬が載ってます。量もあり、これで700円はお値打ちと思います。 但し、前回の評価と合わせて、☆3としました。前回は、鳥チャーハンと餃子、そして日本酒をいただきました。チャーハンはパラパラのほうが好きですが、しっとり系でした。お酒は350円でコップから溢れています。残念だったのは餃子。焼くときに水が多いのだと思いますが、ビチャビチャでした。ニンニクたっぷりでせっかく味がいいのに残念です。たまたまかもしれませんので、餃子は再チャレンジしたいと思います。
I had cutlet curry this time. There is plenty of sweet yellow curry, and the cutlet is of reasonable quality, with shredded cabbage and Fukujinzuke. There is also a quantity, and I think that 700 yen is a good value. However, together with the previous evaluation, it was set to ☆ 3. Last time, I had chicken fried rice, dumplings, and sake. I like fried rice better, but it was moist. Sake is 350 yen and overflows from the cup. It was a pity that dumplings. I think there is a lot of water when baking, but it was fluffy. It's a shame that it has plenty of garlic and tastes good. It may happen, so I would like to try the dumplings again.
yuki tatsu on Google

味噌ラーメンを注文。 コスパ良く、味良しボリューム良しで美味しく頂きました。 ご馳走さまでした。
I ordered miso ramen. The cost performance was good, the taste was good, and the volume was good. It was a feast.
面接太郎 on Google

仕事で近くに来たので寄ってみました。お昼ちょっと前に入ったら先客が3組ほどいましたが、すぐ座れました。例の如くラーメンと炒飯を頼んでこちらのお店の力量を確かめようと企んだんですが、ラーメンと半チャーハンセットみたいなのはやってないとのことだったので仕方なくラーメン400円焼飯(炒飯)550円を一人前ずつ頼んでしまいました。 ものの5分くらいで着丼しました。早いなぁと感心しつつ熱いうちにラーメンを食べ始めました。今時400円でこのクオリティのラーメンが頂けるとはびっくりです。とても優しい醤油味ラーメンなのでお年寄りにぴったりだと思います。 焼飯も具沢山でまさに王道の炒飯という感じでボリュームもありましたが、もうちょっと味が濃くて油っぽい方が好きかな…とにかくお年寄りの胃袋に寄り添った味付けなので若い者には物足りないかもしれません。ただコスパはいいのでなるべく安く腹一杯食べたい方にはおすすめです。 店員さんはこちらの質問にも丁寧に答えてくれましたし、愛想も良かったです。駐車場は4台くらいは停められます。ご馳走さまでした。 追記:久しぶりに再訪問しました。11時半過ぎに行きましたが先客が2人いました。風が強くて寒い日だったので味噌チャーシュー麺の大盛850円を注文しました。大体5分強で着丼です。相変わらず出来上がりが早いですね。 前回は普通の醤油ラーメン食べたらかなり淡白な味だったので味噌味にしてみたんですが…まあ醤油ラーメンよりかは味は濃かったですが、味噌のスープがただただしょっぱいだけで味噌ならではの甘味やまろみが感じられませんでした。 チャーシューは味といいボリュームといい普通です。麺は大盛にしただけあって量は凄かったのでお腹はいっぱいにはなりました。 今までいなかった若い女性の店員さんが丁寧に接客してくれました。店内はキレイだしコスパもいいのですが、やはりあと1歩感が否めないのが残念ですね。とりあえずごちそう様でした。
I tried to stop by since I came close to at work. There were three servers when I entered a few days ago, but I was sitting immediately. Example I's plotting trying to ascertain here shops of competence asking for noodles and fried rice as it, ramen and half fried rice because it was that of a set like a of is not doing reluctantly ramen 400 yen fried rice (fried rice) 550 the circle was would ask one by one servings. It was Chakudonburi Monono in about 5 minutes. I started to eat the noodles in hot while impressed Naa early. This surprised the ramen of this quality is able in today 400 yen. Since the very friendly soy sauce ramen I think that it is perfect for the elderly. Fried rice was also there just be volume with the feeling that the fried rice of the royal road in the ingredients Plenty, might be unsatisfactory to young people because it is seasoned nestled in a little taste of thick and oily it is like kana ... Anyway, the elderly stomach Hmm. But COSPA is recommended for those who want to eat as cheap as possible glutted ourselves so good. It clerk gave me answer carefully in here of the question, is amiable it was also good. Parking is about four cars will be parked. It was a feast. Postscript: I visited for the first time in a long time. I went to 11 am too, but there were preceding visitor two people. Since the wind was cold day strongly we ordered a large Sheng 850 yen of miso pork noodles. It is wearing bowl in roughly 5 minutes strong. It is very early as ever. Although one than ordinary soy sauce because it was ramen pretty bland taste After eating I tried to miso taste, but ... Well soy sauce ramen is the last time you taste was darker, Ya miso unique sweetened with only simply just salty miso soup Maromi was not felt. Barbecued pork is usually referred to as the good taste and volume. Noodles amount There is only was the large Sheng stomach because it was amazing is now in full. Young woman of the clerk, who was not ever gave me politely hospitality. The store is I's a beautiful good also COSPA, It is regrettable that not be denied is one step feeling after again. I was so sick.
りぼんまる on Google

日曜のお昼時に利用。 懐かしい感じの町の中華屋さん。 オムライスと五目そばを注文。ボリュームも、価格も良心的。 五目そばは若干麺が固まっていたのが残念でしたが、オムライスはとても美味しかったです。 店内は広くはないですが、常連客が沢山のお店でした。
Used at noon on Sundays. A Chinese restaurant in a nostalgic town. I ordered omelet rice and gome soba. The volume and price are reasonable. It was a pity that the noodles were a little hardened in Gomoku soba, but the omelet rice was very delicious. The store is not large, but there were many regular customers.
mono life on Google

I ordered Chinese noodles for 400 yen and Gomoku-yaki rice for 600 yen. Fried rice, which seems to be normal fried rice, was 550 yen. Chinese soba doesn't suit the price and the soup stock is good, so it's very delicious. I think this is a little too cheap. .. .. It's fried rice, but I think it's about 1.5-2 times as much as usual. It's delicious, but I'm glad that the half-fried rice was good. There was no half-fried rice on the menu, so I had to go here. I'm sorry I couldn't finish the meal. I would like to come again.
sachet on Google

めちゃめちゃ安いのにちゃんと美味しかった! ソース焼きそばはソースがスパイシーでかなり好み! 近ければ日参したいくらいです(o^-')b !
吉原智 on Google

カツカレー大盛は900円という安さでかなりボリュームもあります。 味は中華屋さんらしい味付けで辛かったりスパイスが効いている感じはないですが、昭和の懐かしい味がして個人的には凄く気に入りました。
Katsu curry large serving is as cheap as 900 yen and has a lot of volume. The taste is like a Chinese restaurant and it doesn't feel spicy or spicy, but it has a nostalgic taste of Showa and I personally like it very much.
NAO S on Google

I heard the reputation, but I heard it for the first time. The parking lot is next to the shop. Several bicycles can also be parked. Please note that the steps on the stairs at the entrance of the shop are subtle. Especially on the way home. There are quite a lot of menus. When I look around the store, I eat different things, so I wonder if there is a standard menu? There is no such thing as a lunch set, but each one is cheap, so it might be a good idea to combine them. Miso ramen, ramen and fried rice were all delicious with nostalgic taste. Garlic is more effective than I expected. Grilled rice has a lot of volume, so it may be hard to make a set. Next time I want to eat curry.

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