Oda Internal Medicine - Hiroshima

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oda Internal Medicine

住所 :

1 Chome-2-29 Misasamachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 733-0003
Webサイト : https://www.oda-naika.com/

1 Chome-2-29 Misasamachi, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0003, Japan
Kico T. on Google

It is a very nostalgic atmosphere, but it feels clean and I feel relieved. The nurses also have a sense of security with the same set of veterans. The teacher also consults me politely, and I have been going for the first time since I went there for the first time.
gmsst2g gmsst2g on Google

患者(私)の意見もちゃんと聞いてくださり、踏まえた判断をいただけました。また、症状が辛いことを伝えると早い時間で診ていただけるように調整してくださったり。 とても患者のことを考えてくださる病院だと思います。
He also listened to the opinions of the patient (me) and made a decision based on that. Also, if you tell them that your symptoms are painful, they will make adjustments so that you can see them early. I think it's a hospital that thinks about patients very much.
サクラサクラ on Google

たたずまいが地味ですが、勇気を出して扉を開けてみてください。 昭和の良き時代の懐かしい院内です。 ベテラン看護婦さんが、優しく問診してくれ、お医者様が丁寧に診察してくださいます。 説明がはっきりとしていて、信頼できるお医者様です。薬だけ出して終わり!という流れ作業ではなく、インフルエンザで体力消耗時に点滴をしていただきました。 院内薬局なので、つらい体調の中の移動してまた問診表書くということがなくて助かりました。 近所にこういう医院があってよかったです。
The appearance is plain, but please be brave and open the door. It is a nostalgic hospital in the good era of Showa. An experienced nurse will kindly ask you, and a doctor will give you a thorough examination. A doctor who has a clear explanation and can be trusted. Just give me the medicine and it's done! Instead of the flow work, I had an intravenous drip when I was exhausted. Since it is an in-hospital pharmacy, I was saved because I didn't have to move in a tough physical condition and write a medical questionnaire again. I am glad that there was such a clinic in the neighborhood.
NOBU on Google

I am very grateful that you will be examined carefully. The correspondence and explanations of the nurses were also polite and easy to understand, and I was very impressed.
未来会計FAMZ on Google

As a teacher who is not only kind but also strict, I can trust that he is really kind to me. It is persuasive because I sometimes see him running as if he is training himself for health management.
山本大輔 on Google

小田内科でも、 1つ前の院長先生も、今の若い先生も小田先生ではありません。 1つ前の先生も、今の若い先生も同じ姓の先生です。 昔の建物や院内についてはもう言いません。現在建替え中ですから。 1つ前の先生についても、多分高齢引退で何も言いたくありませんが、 学術研究はともかく、この街の一角での臨床の態度は疑問でした。 今度の若い先生がどのくらい医院を良くしていくかだから、 取りあえず★1つと今はさせて頂きました。
Even in Oda Internal Medicine Neither the previous director nor the young teacher is Oda. The previous teacher and the young teacher now have the same surname. I won't talk about old buildings or hospitals anymore. It's currently being rebuilt. I don't want to say anything about the previous teacher, maybe because I'm retired from old age. Aside from academic research, the clinical attitude in one corner of the city was questionable. Because how much the next young teacher will improve the clinic For the time being, I've done one now.
hiroyasu eguti on Google

I asked Mr. Oda Internal Medicine for an inspection. It was convenient to be able to make a reservation online. There is a dedicated payment machine for payment, and since it is the first time, he carefully explained how to use it. It was also helpful to be able to use a credit card.
匿名 on Google

初めて受診した時、受付に元気で笑顔の感じ良かった子がいたけど、同じ受付の人に罵倒されてた。怒鳴り声で待合も凍りついてて、不愉快だった。いい歳したおばさんに怒鳴られて可哀想だねって隣の患者と話した。 若い子が、違います。集中して気づかずごめんなさい。患者さんに聞こえます。 的なことを必死に訴えているのに聞く耳もたず。気に入らないならはっきり言え。と怒鳴り散らし言っていた。本人涙堪えてたと、思う。 仕事に集中していただけなのに何故? 定期で通っていたがつい最近定期受診したらその子はいなかった。あんな言い方されても頑張って元気を出してた。行く度に表情がどこか苦しそうで可哀想だった。 誰も気付かないのか? 近所で評判良かった子が辞めてしまい、私も癒しの笑顔や元気がもらえないのは残念。 看護師は感じ良く先生は淡々と診察進めます。 医院もリニューアルされたばかりで綺麗です。待ち時間はコロナの影響もありバタバタしてて結構待たされます。 自分は近い為めんどくさいのもありそのまま通ってますが、怒鳴り声など聞きたくないので変えることも視野に入れてます。だからあまりお勧めしません。 たまに先生に話を切られてしまい丁寧な診察には欠ける所がありますので。 ご参考まで。
When I first visited the reception, there was a child who was cheerful and had a nice smile, but he was cursed by the same receptionist. It was unpleasant because the waiting was frozen with yelling. I talked to the patient next door, saying that I was sorry for being yelled at by a good old aunt. The young child is different. I'm sorry I didn't notice it. The patient can hear it. I'm desperately complaining about something, but I can't even hear it. If you don't like it, say it clearly. Yelled and shouted. I think he was able to endure tears. Why did you just concentrate on your work? I went to the commuter pass on a regular basis, but when I had a regular medical examination recently, the child wasn't there. Even if it was said that way, I did my best and cheered up. Every time I went, my facial expression seemed to be painful and I felt sorry for it. Does anyone notice? It's a pity that the child who had a good reputation in the neighborhood has quit and I can't get a healing smile or energy. The nurse feels good and the teacher goes through the examination. The clinic has just been renewed and is beautiful. The waiting time is fluttering due to the influence of corona, and I have to wait quite a bit. I'm close, so it's annoying, so I go through as it is, but I don't want to hear yelling, so I'm thinking of changing it. So I don't recommend it very much. Sometimes the teacher cuts me off and I lack a polite examination. For your reference.

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