和菓子菓寮 ocobo

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和菓子菓寮 ocobo

住所 :

Kangetsucho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0831 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Webサイト : http://ocobo-wagashi.com/
街 : 区画 Aichi

Kangetsucho, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0831 Aichi,Japan
T E on Google

覚王山の駅近くの静かな喫茶です。和菓子とお茶(煎茶やお抹茶)をイートインできます。 オコボという、クルミの入ったお菓子とさつまいものぜんざいをいただきました。 ぜんざいはかなり甘めでした。 あんみつなどもありました。 とても所作が美しく、音をたてない静かな接客で、心が落ち着きます。そのため、お客様も騒がしい人はいません。 カウンターのみ7,8席位なので、時間によっては座れないかも。満員のときは空いたら電話をしてくれるようです。
It is a quiet coffee shop near the station of Mt. Kakuo. You can eat in Japanese sweets and tea (sencha and matcha). I had Okobo, a sweet with walnuts and a sweet potato zenzai. Zenzai was pretty sweet. There was also anmitsu. The behavior is very beautiful, and the quiet customer service without making noise calms the mind. Therefore, no one is noisy with our customers. Only the counter has 7 or 8 seats, so you may not be able to sit depending on the time. It seems that they will call you when it is full.
725 Fairy on Google

こちらはお気に入りの甘味処♡ 何度かお伺いしていますが…投稿は2度目(≧∀≦) この日はイベント終了後 美味しいお蕎麦を食べたあと 私よりも抹茶好きの家族に こちらの抹茶ソルベを食べさせてあげたくて 訪問いたしました 運良く座席も空いていたので コインパーキングに車をとめに行ってくれていた家族もすんなり合流できました おすすめは何と言ってもコチラ↓ ★濃厚抹茶ソルベのあんみつ仕立て(単品880円) (冷たいほうじ茶セットは1190円) かき氷のように見えますが違います! 良質なお濃茶(抹茶)のソルベを削った贅沢なも 香りも口解けも良くとても美味しいです♡ それにふっくら柔らかく炊きあげられたつぶ餡 更にほんの少しずつですが 寒天・糖蜜羹 2種類の求肥・糖蜜寒 が添えてあります 全てが手作りとのことですから その手間を考えると シロップをかけるだけのかき氷とは 比べものになりません 京都の和菓子作りをきちんと学んでこられた方が作るとこんなに上品なお菓子になるんですよね 最初から最後まで味が変わることもなく 美味しくいただけるのも嬉しいです 繊細なガラスの急須にいれてくださる 冷たいほうじ茶も上品で とても癒されました
This is my favorite sweets shop ♡ I've been to you several times ... Posting for the second time (≧ ∀ ≦) This day is after the event After eating delicious soba For families who like matcha more than me I want to feed you this matcha sorbet I visited Luckily the seats were vacant The family who went to the coin parking lot to park the car was able to join us smoothly. The recommendation is here ↓ ★ Anmitsu tailoring of rich matcha sorbet (single item 880 yen) (Cold roasted green tea set is 1190 yen) It looks like shaved ice, but it's not! Luxury sorbet made from high-quality dark tea (matcha) The aroma and mouthfeel are good and it is very delicious ♡ Besides, the bean paste cooked softly and softly Even a little more Agar / molasses Two types of fertilizer and molasses cold Is attached Because everything is handmade Considering the time and effort What is shaved ice just sprinkled with syrup? Incomparable If someone who has learned how to make Japanese sweets in Kyoto makes them, it will be such an elegant sweet. The taste does not change from the beginning to the end I'm glad that you can enjoy it Put it in a delicate glass kyusu Cold roasted green tea is also elegant I was very healed
シーホース14 on Google

I had a zenzai at the clean counter seat. The cute teapot tea was also delicious.
食べ歩き女の記録マップ on Google

気になってたocobo 3回行ってきました。 看板メニューのocobo餅 中には クルミが入っていてほんのり甘くてむに〜ってモチモチしておいしかったです。 ごちそうさまでした
I went to ocobo 3 times that I was interested in. Inside the ocobo mochi on the signboard menu It had walnuts in it and it was a little sweet and delicious. Thank you for the meal
敬子 on Google

Tea and sweetness here in the afternoon when it started to rain in winter. It's a good shop like an aunt, and I'll come back again. You can enter even one person. Today, I got a bite of white azuki bean zenzai, a dark tea sorbet that my friend ordered, and it tasted good! This time I want to enjoy this alone slowly.
白玉あずき(もちもち) on Google

テイクアウトでの利用です。 少し分かりにくい場所にあるのとコインパーキングが近くに無いのでウロウロしてしまいました。 看板商品のおこぼ 柔らかいだけで味がない!! 少し甘いかなってくらい。 私の味覚が変なのかなと家族にも食べてもらったところ 「これ味しないねー」との事 ふわふわの味のしない羽二重餅って感じでした。 これでこの値段は高い!! わらび餅と和プリンは美味しかったです。
It is used for takeout. I was wandering around because it was in a place that was a little difficult to understand and there was no coin parking nearby. Signboard product It's just soft and has no taste! !! It's a little sweet. I asked my family to eat it because my taste was strange. "I don't taste this" It was like a habutae mochi with no fluffy taste. This price is high! !! Warabi mochi and Japanese pudding were delicious.
Dr K on Google

If you want to eat super delicious Japanese sweets, here. You can eat quietly at the counter. Japanese tea (Shirakawa tea) makes Japanese sweets even more delicious. You can buy souvenirs.
Nut Kats on Google

I liked it. Extremely clean,modern Japanese cafe. Japanese sweets with style. Only counter seats available. Matcha pudding was delicious !

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