Obo Clinic - Shinjuku City

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Contact Obo Clinic

住所 :

宇田川ビル 5F 2 Chome-16-6 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0075, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 169-0075
Webサイト : http://www.oboclinic.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10–11:30AM
Tuesday 10–11:30AM
Wednesday 10–11:30AM
Thursday 2–6PM
Friday 10–11:30AM

宇田川ビル 5F 2 Chome-16-6 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0075, Japan
M. K on Google

I had postpartum depression, so I went to see the doctor's file, but I regret it immediately. When I talked about the symptoms, I didn't rush into it and suddenly said, "Let's see yourself as a warm teacher instead of a cold teacher." I was told many times to apologize. Suddenly I didn't know what that meant, and that alone cost me more than 3,000 yen. There is also a rip-off. Next time, I was told to receive counseling from the director's daughter, but it was too odorous to talk about. I don't think I'll go there again. I don't trust the doctor's file either ...
月子 on Google

この病院に合う人と合わない人がいるのは通ってる私にも理解できます。 心そのものにフォーカスして欲しいか、病気にフォーカスして欲しいかで求めてるものが変わると思います。 病気にフォーカスして、その病気にはこの薬が合いますって診察をして欲しい方には合わない病院だと感じました。 心の中にある自分への扱い方、そもそもの精神的病気に至る根源を診てくれるのがこちらの病院のやり方かなと感じました。 私は自分との病気を含めた生き方や接し方を考えたかったのでとても合っています。
I can understand that there are some people who fit this hospital and some who don't. I think that what you are looking for will change depending on whether you want to focus on the mind itself or on illness. Focusing on the illness, I felt that this hospital is not suitable for those who want to see the doctor because this medicine is suitable for the illness. I felt that the way this hospital treats me in my heart and the root cause of mental illness in the first place. I wanted to think about how to live and treat myself, including my illness, so it suits me very well.
ゆずきこはく on Google

カウンセリングは高値ですが、録音で何回も聞き直せます オンラインセミナーも何回か聞きましたが、重症の人は個人カウンセリングがいいかも ベースとしての、病気を治す根本治療は教えてくれるけど、根気強く通わないとかも、、 自分に向き合うことが大切だから カウンセリング受けたからって勝手によくなる訳ではない カウンセリングの後、日常でどれだけ 行動におとしこめるか 自分の感情と向き合えるか(感情を感じきる など) そこが重要 追伸 オンラインのかねこ先生カウンセリングを受けました 私にとっては値段以上の価値がありました いままで、いかに自分を押し殺していたか 自分の病気 家族の環境 すべて内側で起こっている 子供の自分を中心として生きる その後に周りの環境が整ってくる 日常で、日々 内面を見つめながら生活していきたいと思います
Counseling is overpriced, but you can re-listen to it many times by recording I've heard online seminars several times, but if you're seriously ill, personal counseling may be a good idea. As a base, I will tell you the basic treatment to cure the disease, but I may not be patient, Because it ’s important to face yourself Counseling doesn't mean you'll get better How much you can do in your daily life after counseling Can you face your emotions (such as feeling your emotions)? That is important PS Received online Kaneko-sensei counseling It was worth more than the price for me How have you been killing yourself until now? My illness Family environment Everything is happening inside Live around yourself as a child After that, the surrounding environment will be ready. I would like to live in my daily life, looking inside every day.
K Jk on Google

I felt that it was a well-balanced psychiatric hospital, aside from the pros and cons of counseling fees.
ピーマン一 on Google

I found out by looking at the book. I became interested in the treatment of not using medicine. The difficulty was that I had to come to the city center, but although it is expensive, it is available online and I can do a series of empathy treatments for a long time, so I am very convinced.
-椛- on Google

急性疾患、重症の方は投薬治療等を推奨する他病院の方が合ってるかと思います こちらはどちらかと言うと慢性疾患、軽度の抑鬱症が治らないという方にオススメです ですので自分の症状を良く知ってからかかる事をオススメします 様々な慢性疾患と親密な関係である「冷え」の原理や、カウンセリングによる認知行動療法を主とし、東洋医学的なアプローチの精神療法という、他とは違う視点での疾患への見方は非常に面白かったです
For those with acute illness or severe illness, I think that other hospitals that recommend medication etc. are more suitable. This is recommended for those who are rather chronically ill and have mild depression. Therefore, it is recommended that you take it after familiarizing yourself with your symptoms. The principle of "coldness", which is closely related to various chronic diseases, and the psychotherapy of the oriental medical approach, which focuses on cognitive-behavioral therapy by counseling, is a very different perspective on the disease. It was interesting
maru lavi on Google

治療法が特殊なので誤解されがちですが、ここのクリニックでは投薬や傾聴は重視しません。 過去がどんなだったとかは、治療する上では関係ないからです。 周りや環境はともかく、自分で自分自身のことを愛せるようになること、大好きになること、自分に対する自罰的な気持ちを緩めていく訓練を重視しています。 自分自身の生き方、考え方を改め直すという意味での根本治療を提供しています。 そのことは著書にも強調されています。 愚痴っぽくなりがちな人はすぐに診察を済ませるのは必定です。 負の感情に負けてるので、指導を守ってないよね、根本治療をやってみてね、としか言えないからです。 指導を守る気が無く、後ろ向きの心に負けた人が低評価をつけているのかな、と思います。 甘えの心、他力本願の心、臆病な心、諦めの心から、薄紙を剥がすように良くなっていく軌道に進む勇気と希望、忍耐力が肝心です。 母原病については、院長の義理の父親が提唱者であり、激変する時代にあって何よりもまず自力本願で主体的に家族を守っていくことを推奨していたので、系譜を貫いていらっしゃるのでしょうね。
It's often misunderstood because the treatment is special, but the clinic here doesn't focus on dosing or listening. It doesn't matter what the past was like in the treatment. Regardless of the surroundings and environment, we emphasize training to be able to love ourselves, to love ourselves, and to relax our self-punishing feelings toward ourselves. We provide radical treatment in the sense of changing one's own way of life and way of thinking. That is also emphasized in the book. It is imperative that people who tend to be bittersweet get a medical examination right away. I'm losing to negative emotions, so I'm not following the guidance, I can only say that I should try radical treatment. I think that people who are not willing to follow the guidance and lose their negative hearts give a low rating. The courage, hope, and patience to move on to the path of improving from the heart of sweetness, the heart of this application, the timid heart, and the heart of giving up are essential. Regarding motherhood disease, the director's father-in-law was the advocate, and in an era of drastic changes, first and foremost, he recommended that he take the initiative in protecting his family with this application, so he is following the genealogy. Probably.
田村礼子 on Google

あるかたのご紹介で、通院を開始して足掛け約26年。 「こころとからだを温める」は、一貫して変わりません。 主治医の尊敬できるところは、実際にご自分が様々な健康法を実際にやってごらんになって、効果があがったものを患者さんに薦めていらっしゃることです。 繰り返し、繰り返し薦めるのは、半身浴と散歩です。 更に、食べ物、飲み物、その量まで詳しく知識だけでなく、臨床を通して教えてくださいます。 盲点なのは、水分摂取量。 過剰な水分摂取は、たとえ温かい飲み物であってもからだを冷やす、ということ。 私は、朝晩1時間~2時間の散歩、30分~1時間の半身浴、根菜など野菜中心の食生活に変えました。これを約半年間実践して、寛解しました。 思考を変えることは難しかったですが、於保先生の「大好き、大丈夫、大安心」 つとめて笑うこと、笑いを誘う様な映画やTV、本を選びました。 こころが変われば行動が変わる 行動が変われば習慣が変わる 習慣が変われば人格が変わる 人格が変われば運命が変わる これは故野村克也氏の著書に書かれてあった中国の誰か忘れてしまいましたが、著名な方のお言葉です。 主事医のアドバイスをよく聞いて素直に実践できる人が勝利者です。
It has been about 26 years since I started going to the hospital with the introduction of a certain person. "Warming the mind and body" is consistently unchanged. What I can respect from my doctor is that I actually practice various health methods and recommend the ones that are effective to the patient. Repeatedly and repeatedly recommended are half-body baths and walks. In addition, we will teach you not only in detail about food, drink, and the amount, but also through clinical practice. The blind spot is water intake. Excessive fluid intake cools the body, even if it is a hot drink. I changed to a vegetable-based diet such as a 1-2 hour walk in the morning and evening, a 30-minute to 1-hour half-body bath, and root vegetables. I practiced this for about half a year and was in remission. It was difficult to change my thinking, but Professor Oho said, "I love you, it's okay, I'm relieved." I chose movies, TVs, and books that would make me laugh and laugh. If your mind changes, your behavior will change If your behavior changes, your habits will change If your habits change, your personality will change If your personality changes, your destiny will change This is the word of a prominent person, although I forgot someone in China that was written in the late Katsuya Nomura's book. The winner is the person who can listen carefully to the advice of the doctor in charge and practice it obediently.

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