【守山店】有水塗装店(株式会社 結建装) - Nagoya

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 【守山店】有水塗装店(株式会社 結建装)

住所 :

Obata, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, 〒463-0011 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 463-0011
Webサイト : https://arimizutoso.jp/
街 : Aichi

Obata, Moriyama Ward, Nagoya, 〒463-0011 Aichi,Japan
水谷きよ子 on Google

I am relieved that the work has been completed safely. I am satisfied now and I am very grateful. At first, in the interviews with 4 companies including Mr. Arimizu, I was fully convinced that the first explanation was solid, and the couple agreed and decided on Mr. Arimizu. The painting work also proceeded properly and carefully according to the process, and it became clean. I received compliments from my neighbors. I'm really glad to ask Mr. Arimizu. Thank you. I pray for the further development of your company.
KC on Google

他社5社と比較して決めました! 決め手は塗装の種類や塗装の知識など一番丁寧に分かり易く説明され、価格は勿論の事、何よりも社長様の塗装に対する熱意を感じた点です。 塗装の色についても何度も納得いくように色見本を作って頂きました! 職人の方もとても感じが良く、細かい要望に応えて頂き新築のように蘇りました。 保証、メンテナンスもきちんとされているので安心です。
I decided in comparison with 5 other companies! The decisive factor was that the type of painting and knowledge of painting were explained in the most polite and easy-to-understand manner, and not only the price but also the president's enthusiasm for painting was felt. We asked you to make a color sample so that you would be satisfied with the color of the paint many times! The craftsmen also felt very good, and they responded to detailed requests and revived like a new construction. You can rest assured that the warranty and maintenance are in place.
M Ho on Google

外壁、屋根の塗装をお願いしました。 施工前のチェック、商品や工程の説明も丁寧でしっかりしてくれましたし、工事前の隣家への挨拶にも行ってくれました(俗に言う挨拶名目の営業活動ではなく)。 施工中は、進捗状況を職人さんがノートに書いて渡してくれました。 インコを飼っているので、塗料の影響を心配していることを伝えると、臭いの強い作業をする日は事前に教えてくれて、それにより目張り等の対応もできたので、全く体調を崩すことはありませんでした。 また、施工途中にした追加のお願いも職人さんたちは快く引き受けてくれました。 施工後に社長さんと一緒に全体をチェックして、手直しが必要なところについては、きちんと対応してくれました。 社長さんご夫婦で説明などに来てもらうことが多かったですが、お二方はもちろん、職人さんたちも人柄が良く、声をかけやすい雰囲気の方ばかりでしたので、相談やお願いがしやすく、安心できました。
I asked you to paint the outer wall and roof. He also checked before construction, explained the products and processes carefully and firmly, and also went to say hello to the neighbor's house before construction (not the sales activity in the name of greetings as it is commonly called). During the construction, the craftsman wrote down the progress in a notebook and handed it to me. Since I have a parakeet, when I tell them that I am worried about the influence of the paint, they will tell me in advance the day when I will work with a strong odor, and by doing so I was able to deal with the scales etc. It never happened. In addition, the craftsmen were willing to accept any additional requests during the construction. After the construction, he checked the whole thing with the president and responded properly to the parts that needed to be repaired. The president and his wife often came to explain, but not only the two but also the craftsmen had a good personality and the atmosphere was easy to talk to, so it was easy to consult and ask. ,You can rest assured.
子安幸子 on Google

有水さんに 塗装を お願いして とっても 良かったです? とても 丁寧で 素敵に仕上がり感激です‼️ 職人さん達も 感じが良く礼儀正しく 安心して任せられました。 誰にでも 紹介できます。
It was very nice to ask Mr. Arimizu to paint it ? It's very polite and nicely finished! ️ The craftsmen also felt good, polite and reassured. I can introduce it to anyone.
安達宣成 on Google

外装塗装及び玄関のリホームをお願いしました。4社相見積もりを取らしてもらいましたが、営業さんの人の良さに惚れて決めさせて頂きました。無理難題にも嫌な顔せず対応して頂きました。守山からはかなり遠い場所になりますが、社長さんにも足を運んでいただきました。とても嬉しく思いました。有水塗装店さんにやって頂き満足しております。 最後に、とても優秀な部下を持っている社長さんが、羨ましくおもえました。 巡り会えたご縁に感謝いたします。 この度は、ありがとうございました。
I asked you to paint the exterior and rehome the entrance. I got an estimate from the four companies, but I fell in love with the goodness of the sales staff and decided on it. I was able to respond to difficult problems without making an unpleasant face. It's a long way from Moriyama, but the president also visited us. I was very happy. I am satisfied with the work done by the Arimizu paint shop. Finally, the president, who has very good subordinates, envied me. Thank you for meeting me. Thank you for this time.
真理子 on Google

今回外壁塗装をしていただきました! 施工前から丁寧な説明をしていただき決めさせていただきました! 最後まで丁寧に、希望に沿った対応をしていただき、大変満足しています!
I had you paint the outer wall this time! We gave a polite explanation before the construction and decided! I am very satisfied with the polite response to my wishes until the end!
Rei on Google

他も含めて3社見積もりを取りましたが、見積もりや家の現状の説明も分かりやすく、一番納得できたので契約しました。 高速を使っても店舗から我が家まで30分以上かかるのに、契約前から相談や説明など何度も来ていただき、契約後もこまめに進捗状況の連絡があったので安心して任せることが出来ました。 塗装作業も丁寧に行っていただき、気になったところは相談するとすぐに対応してくれました。 有水塗装店さんで契約して良かったと思います。本当にありがとうございました。 これからもよろしくお願いします。
Other also took the three companies estimate including, but easy to understand also the description of the estimates and the house of the status quo, was contracted Now that you have the most convincing. To take home up to 30 minutes or more also from the store using a high-speed, I will come again and again, such as consultation and explanation from the previous contract, was able to leave with confidence because after the contract also had a contact diligently progress rice field. Painting work also will be done carefully, was worried about was me correspondence as soon as the consultation. I think that it was good to contract Arimizu paint shop's. I'm really thankful to you. I look forward to working with you.
山崎雅士 on Google

そろそろ築後12年程経つので外壁塗装を考えていました。 相見積もりを取ろうと思い 塗装の色々なサイトを訪問し5社ほど登録しました。 サイト一社で一社紹介と思っていたらその後メールやら電話やらで大変な事になってしまい断り切れずに結局18社から見積を取る事になってしまいました。 まず見積りの下見の段階で対応力、接客の良さ、説明の分かりやすさなどから、勝手に5段階評価して先ずは8社に絞らせてもらいました。 その8社から見積と共に塗料の性能などを納得がいくまでお聞きし最終3社に絞らせて頂きました。 さらにその3社で塗装の性能と価格をそれぞれ比較し、塗料が一番長持ちし、価格もかなりリーズナブルにして頂き、更に社長からの誠実さと熱意がすごく感じられた有水塗装さんでお願いすることにしました。 工事期間中は、分からない事を質問しても直ぐに答えて頂いたり、礼儀正しく、職人さんが全て対応の良い方ばかりで教育が行き届いて居るなあと感じました。 おかげさまで、家が新築した時の様に蘇りました。 有水塗装店さんという素晴らしい塗装店に巡り会えて本当に良かったと思いました。約4週間ありがとうございました。
It's been about 12 years since it was built, so I was thinking about painting the exterior walls. I'm thinking of getting a phase estimate I visited various painting sites and registered about 5 companies. I thought that one company would introduce one company on the site, but after that it became a big deal by e-mail and telephone, so I couldn't refuse and ended up getting a quote from 18 companies. First of all, at the stage of previewing the estimate, we evaluated it on a 5-point scale without permission based on its responsiveness, good customer service, and easy-to-understand explanations, and first narrowed it down to 8 companies. We asked the eight companies about their estimates and the performance of the paint until they were satisfied, and narrowed down to the final three companies. In addition, the three companies will compare the performance and price of the paint, and the paint will last the longest, the price will be quite reasonable, and Mr. Arimizu, who felt the sincerity and enthusiasm from the president, would like to ask. I made it. During the construction period, even if I asked questions that I didn't understand, they answered immediately, and I felt that all the craftsmen were polite and well-educated. Thanks to you, it revived like when the house was newly built. I was really happy to meet a wonderful paint shop called Arimizu Paint Shop. Thank you for about 4 weeks.

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