新宿近視クリニック - Shinjuku City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 新宿近視クリニック

住所 :

O-Guard Shinjuku, 3階 7 Chome-10-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 160-0023
Webサイト : https://www.sbc-lasik.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

O-Guard Shinjuku, 3階 7 Chome-10-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
nanae karita on Google

It's been a few months since I received the icl. It was my first time to have such an operation, so I was very nervous, but the teachers and staff were kind and I was able to receive it with peace of mind. Thank you! I've been in contact for more than a dozen years, but I'm really grateful that I can live with the naked eye without feeling any eye problems caused by contact lenses. I wish I knew early if it was so comfortable! I thought.
asami fukutomi on Google

友人がここでICLを受けてとても良かったとのことで、自分も受けに行きました。 視力が左右約0.05とかなり悪かったのですが、ICLを行ったことで左右1.5まで回復できました! お金も安くはないですし、手術も少し怖かったですが、それでもコンタクトなしの生活でこんなに世界が変わるんだってびっくりする位とても快適で、受けて本当に良かったです!!! とても緊張しましたが、先生方、受付さん、看護師さん皆とても優しく、安心感のあるとても良いクリニックでした。 視力で悩まれている方は本当にお勧めします。
My friend said that I was very happy to receive the ICL here, so I went to receive it. My eyesight was pretty bad at about 0.05 on the left and right, but I was able to recover to 1.5 on the left and right by performing ICL! The money isn't cheap and the surgery was a little scary, but it was so comfortable that I was surprised that the world would change so much without contact, and I'm really glad I received it! !! !! I was very nervous, but the teachers, receptionists, and nurses were all very kind and reassuring, and it was a very good clinic. I really recommend it to those who are suffering from eyesight.
mayu on Google

レーシックの手術を受けました。 スタッフさんや先生方にとても優しく接していただきとても安心して施術を受けることができました。 施術後の今ではとても視界がクリアで、もっと早くやっておけばよかったと思うくらい満足度の高い治療でした。 自信をもってオススメ出来るクリニックです。
I had LASIK surgery. The staff and teachers treated me very kindly and I was able to receive the treatment with great peace of mind. After the treatment, the visibility was very clear, and the treatment was so satisfying that I should have done it earlier. It is a clinic that we can recommend with confidence.
mix n_m on Google

適応診断の結果、医師の勧めでICLの手術をしました。 結果、両眼とも乱視用レンズが回転し、視力0.6とかになりました。 再手術も予約が埋まっているという理由で1月以上かかり、最低な対応でした。 また、夜間の見え方(瞳孔が開いた状態の見え方)について、事前の説明と異なる状態であることを説明しても、理解できないようでした。 現在も通院中なので、詳細なレポートをそのうち書いて公開します。
As a result of the indication diagnosis, ICL surgery was performed at the recommendation of a doctor. As a result, the astigmatism lens rotated in both eyes, resulting in a visual acuity of 0.6. Re-surgery also took more than a month because the appointment was full, which was the worst response. Also, it seemed that I could not understand how to see at night (how to see with the pupil open) even if I explained that it was in a different state from the previous explanation. I am still going to the hospital, so I will write a detailed report and publish it soon.
natsumi k on Google

ICLを受けました。 今までコンタクトによる結膜炎などで不便な思いをしてきたり、マスクでメガネが曇るのが不快だったので、今後かかるコンタクトのコスト面なども考慮し施術を受けることにしました。施術後は裸眼でもはっきりと見える世界に感動しました。またコンタクトやメガネをつける煩わしさもなくなり非常に満足しています。 施術中は麻酔のしみる感じやレンズを入れた時の圧迫感はありましたが、あっという間に終わりました。 散瞳薬を使用するので施術後はとても眩しかったです。 先生はじめスタッフのみなさんが優しかったので安心して施術を受けられました!
I received an ICL. Until now, I have been inconvenienced by conjunctivitis caused by contact lenses, and it was unpleasant for my glasses to become cloudy with a mask, so I decided to take the treatment in consideration of the cost of contact lenses in the future. After the treatment, I was impressed by the world that can be clearly seen with the naked eye. Also, I am very satisfied with the trouble of wearing contact lenses and glasses. During the procedure, I felt anesthesia and oppressive feeling when I put the lens in, but it ended in a blink of an eye. It was very dazzling after the treatment because I used mydriatic medicine. The teachers and staff were kind, so I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind!
_ maki on Google

ICL手術を受けました。小学生の頃から目が悪く、数十年メガネ・コンタクトの生活でした。近視と乱視が進んでいくにつれ、メガネの度が上がり、目が小さく見えてしまうので、人前でメガネになることが出来ないでいました。コンタクトも長時間つけていると頭痛がしてしまったりなど、手術を受けるまで本当に、目のトラブルが多かったです。 術前検査をうけた後、リスク説明や経過についての相談など、親身になって下さり、手術の決心が出来ました。 手術してから1週間後、見えづらくなった時が一瞬あり、不安になり電話すると、予約が混み合っていたにも関わらず、当日に受け入れて下さり診察をして頂きました。結果的に、術後視力が安定していないだけでしたが、目に炎症が起きていないか、レンズがズレていないかなど、とても細かく診察して下さり、安心して帰ることが出来ました。「手術を受けて終わり」ではなくアフターケアも充実しているクリニックだなと思いました。ぜひ、この朝起きても鮮明に景色が見えるという感覚を、目が悪い方皆様に味わってほしいと思いました。手術して下さった先生、クリニックのスタッフの皆様、本当にありがとうございました。
I had ICL surgery. Since I was in elementary school, I had bad eyesight and had been in contact with glasses for decades. As myopia and astigmatism progressed, the degree of glasses increased and my eyes looked smaller, so I couldn't wear them in public. I had a lot of eye troubles until I had surgery, such as having a headache when I had contact lenses for a long time. After undergoing a preoperative examination, I was able to make a decision on the surgery because I was kind enough to explain the risks and consult about the progress. One week after the operation, there was a moment when it became difficult to see, and when I called, I was accepted on the day of the surgery, even though the reservation was crowded. As a result, my postoperative visual acuity was not stable, but I was able to return with peace of mind because I was able to make a very detailed examination of whether my eyes were inflamed or the lens was misaligned. .. I thought it was a clinic with a lot of aftercare, not "finished after surgery". By all means, I would like everyone with poor eyesight to experience the feeling that the scenery can be seen clearly even if they wake up this morning. Thank you very much to the teachers and clinic staff for the surgery.
清水えみ on Google

ICLの手術を受けました。 先生やスタッフの皆様がとても優しくて安心して施術を受けることができました。 施術直後は、視界はぼやっとしてましたが時間が経つにつれクリアになっていきました。 もっと早くやっておけばよかったと思うくらい満足度の高い治療でした。 毎日のコンタクトレンズ装着から解放されストレスフリーです。
I had ICL surgery. The teachers and staff were very kind and I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. Immediately after the procedure, the field of vision was blurred, but it became clearer over time. The treatment was so satisfying that I wish I had done it earlier. You are free from wearing contact lenses every day and are stress-free.
Chatchai Lokniyom on Google

Got ICL surgery performed here. Staffs are very professional and everything was smooth. It took only 2 hours from reception til getting outside. The surgery itself finished just in the blink of an eye. I think it was less than 10 minutes for each eye. I didn't feel any pain during and after the surgery. I couldn't ask for more perfect operation! One note: somehow I felt that the whole operation is very programmatic. They explain well and do everything quickly so you don't waste any time, but that also means no emotional chit-chat talk at all. I like this style but for those who want to consult in a more personal way, this might not fit.

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