Crest - Shinjuku City

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Contact Crest

住所 :

4F 7 Chome-10-6 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 160-0023
Webサイト :

4F 7 Chome-10-6 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0023, Japan
Ryo Iga on Google

クソ&クソ業者。 平気で法律違反を行う。 首都圏不動産公取協、宅建協会、国交省に通報済み。 管理物件を賃貸しようとしたところ、契約書の特約に 「借主は、賃料・管理費等を 1 回以上延滞し通知催告を受けた場合又は、第 6 条によって契約を解除された場合、 貸主又は株式会社クレストが指定するものが玄関鍵を交換し又は封鎖し、給湯等の供給を停止しても借主は異議がない。 前記により借主が損害をこうむって、貸主に何らの請求をしない。」等の借地借家法違反の契約文言が。 (最高裁の判例では、ここまで強行措置が認められるのは家賃3ヶ月以上滞納してから。しかも鍵の封鎖は違法との判例あり。) この点について指摘すると「じゃあ契約やめましょう」の一点張り。 こんな違法業者が公然とのさばっている不動産賃貸業界に、宅建士として吐き気がします。
Fucking & fucking trader. Violate the law without hesitation. Reported to the Metropolitan Real Estate Public Corporation, the Housing Association, and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. When I tried to rent a managed property, it became a special contract "If the borrower is overdue for rent, management fee, etc. more than once and receives a notification notice, or if the contract is canceled according to Article 6, The borrower has no objection even if the lender or the one designated by Crest Co., Ltd. exchanges or blocks the entrance key and stops the supply of hot water. As a result, the borrower suffers damage and does not make any claim to the lender. The contract wording that violates the Land and House Lease Law. (In the Supreme Court's case, the forced measures are only allowed after the rent has been delinquent for three months or more. Moreover, there is a case that the key blockade is illegal.) If you point out this point, there is only one point, "Let's stop the contract." As a homebuilder, I feel nauseous about the real estate leasing industry, where such illegal companies are openly open.

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