Numabukuro Kumin Katsudo Center - Nakano City

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Numabukuro Kumin Katsudo Center

住所 :

中野区障害者福祉会館 2 Chome-40-18 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 165-0025

中野区障害者福祉会館 2 Chome-40-18 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan
山口正子 on Google

The place is good but there is not much to do at the window
早川愛子 on Google

外側駐輪場は、館内利用者だけでなく置いて電車買い物に行く人が目立つ、公園内の駐輪も朝から1日置いてありもう少し外にも目を向け希望あり 前には、美味しいラーメンやかずがあります大きい餃子食べごたえありですよ☺️
The outside bicycle parking lot is not only for the users of the hotel but also for those who go to train shopping. The bicycle parking in the park is also placed for one day from morning and there is hope to look a little outside. Before, there are delicious ramen and kazu.
和田たま on Google

I went to the multipurpose room to practice table tennis. There are two units, and the space is wider. It is difficult to make a reservation, but it is a meteorological public facility. Rental fee for 700 yen for three hours is unquestioned.
汐丘遼馬 on Google

いつも周りをきれいにして頂いています。 裏の公園も休日はご近所の年配の方のゲートボールや今はちょうど終わってしまいましたがラジオ体操、平日の夕方は子供達が安心して遊べる環境にあります。
I always have the surroundings clean. The park in the back is also in an environment where children can play with peace of mind on the gateball of elderly people in the neighborhood and now it is just over, but radio exercises and weekday evenings.
持田きわ子 on Google

みんなの音楽で知り合った『ねこの手』の皆と、音楽室でリハーサルをした。ステージがあって、広ーい観客席があり、車椅子の方も楽しめるように大きな入口とステージ横のスロープは、センターで活動する人には便利なアイテム。2019年の締めくくりに12/15(日)の14:00からクリスマスイベント『Oh! Happy Day!そうHappy Day!』の 本番がある。私もお手伝いで参加する、楽しみだなあ。
I rehearsed in the music room with everyone from "Neko no Te" who I met in everyone's music. There is a stage, a large audience seat, and a large entrance and a slope beside the stage that can be enjoyed by wheelchairs are useful items for those who are active in the center. At the end of 2019, Christmas event “Oh! Happy Day! Happy Day! "of There is a production. I am also looking forward to participating with help.
竹村一男 on Google

当施設を卒業した者です。施設関係者の皆様にはお世話になりました。おかげさまで、事故前の職場に復帰し、仕事も増えています。 この施設は、私たち障害者に、真摯に、かつあたたかく向き合い、障害の改善へ、社会復帰へと導いてくれます。更に、大学・短期大学の実習生を受け入れることで、教育、福祉・医療部門を中心とした高等教育にも貢献されています。秋の会館祭りには、普段から運営に尽力されている元区議会議長をはじめ、国会・区議会、短期大学学長など、国政・区政、学術関係者の参加があります。口コミ欄でも、ある方が写真をまじえて具体的に説明されていますが、当施設の関係者・利用者及びそのご家族、一般・学生ボラティアの方々はもちろん、芸能タレントから、国際大会クラスのパラアスリート、地域や大学のサークル、地域の腕自慢などの様々な参加があります。 ともにリハビリを頑張った利用者(障害者)の方々も思い出されます。朗らかにリハビリに励まれ、体力を要する建設業に現場復帰された方や、重篤な障害に耐えながら、最期まで積極的にリハビリに参加し、常に場の雰囲気を和ませようとされていた方など。ここは、私たち障害者が今後の人生を有意義に過ごすための学びの場、一時の休息の場、あるいは、復活への滑走路であります。 「立(建)て直して、幼稚園を作(造)れば~~」との残念な口コミを目にしたので、勝手ながら施設内の実情を報告させていただきました。
Those who have graduated from this facility. Thank you to everyone involved in the facility. Thanks to you, I have returned to the workplace before the accident and my work is increasing. This facility will deal with people with disabilities sincerely and warmly, and will lead them to improve their disabilities and reintegrate into society. Furthermore, by accepting trainees from universities and junior colleges, we are contributing to higher education centered on education, welfare and medical departments. The autumn hall festival is attended by the former ward council chairman, who has been working hard on a regular basis, the Diet / ward council, the president of a junior college, and other national / ward administration / academic officials. In the word-of-mouth section, one person explains in detail with photos, but from the people involved in the facility, their families, general and student volunteers, as well as entertainment talents, to the international competition class. There are various participations such as para-athletes, community and university circles, and bragging rights of the community. It also reminds me of the users (disabled people) who worked hard on rehabilitation together. Those who were cheerfully encouraged by rehabilitation and returned to the construction industry, which requires physical strength, and those who endured serious obstacles, actively participated in rehabilitation until the end, always trying to soften the atmosphere of the place. One etc. This is a place of learning, a place of rest, or a runway to the resurrection for us disabled people to spend their lives meaningfully in the future. I saw a disappointing word of mouth saying, "If you rebuild and build a kindergarten ...", I reported the actual situation inside the facility without permission.
吉野明弘 on Google

On August 11th, I took my second vaccine. To be honest, it's a more relaxing place than the apartment you rent. The landlord gets angry, so around here ⁉️
ケン on Google

この施設で1年に1度 秋の文化祭が行われる 毎年とても楽しみにしていますワン。 特に障害者の方々の作品&バザーが楽しみで大人買いすると決めています。プロのお茶?の先生や生徒さんがたてたお茶を楽しめます。ダンスのショーもプロの先生&生徒さんがパフォーマンスしてくれ正に文化に触れる1日となります。
The autumn cultural festival is held once a year at this facility I look forward to it every year. In particular, we have decided that adults with disabilities will enjoy buying works and bazaars. You can enjoy tea made by professional tea teachers and students. The dance show is also a day where professional teachers and students perform and the culture is truly exposed.

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