Ishii Gastroenterology - Nakano City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ishii Gastroenterology

住所 :

4 Chome-31-11 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 165-0025
Webサイト :

4 Chome-31-11 Numabukuro, Nakano City, Tokyo 165-0025, Japan
gerg dgwe on Google

風邪で行ったのに、関係ない整形外科の既往症のことを根掘り葉掘り聞かれて、肝心の症状についてはほとんど何も教えてくれなかった。薬の血中濃度が下がると効果が薄れることを考えて、効果的な飲み方を知りたかったのに、こちらの話を聞かずに決めつけ、「自分で判断してください」の一言で終わり。抗生物質を出されたけど、風邪に抗生物質はきかないしむしろ逆効果だって今どき常識じゃないんだろうか。 クリニックの壁に貼ってある記事には「パソコン画面ばかり見て患者の顔を見ない医師が増えているそうですが私はそんなことしません」って書いてあったけど、先生ずっとPCばかり見ていた。たぶんもう行きません。
Although he had a cold, he was digging deep into his unrelated history of orthopedics and he gave almost nothing to him about the essential symptoms. I wanted to know how to take an effective drug, thinking that the effect will fade when the blood concentration of the drug decreases, but I decided without listening to this story, ending with a word of "Please judge for yourself" .. I was given antibiotics, but I don't think it's common sense that antibiotics are not effective against colds and rather have the opposite effect. The article posted on the wall of the clinic said, "It seems that more and more doctors are looking at the computer screen and not seeing the patient's face, but I don't do that." Was there. Maybe I won't go anymore.
八重山 on Google

電話で問い合わせをしてから受診 受付から1時間以上待つからと一時帰宅 言われた時間に行ってから再度30分は待つ 混んでるからいい先生なんだろうなあと期待 看護師さん達は割と円滑に進めるために 頭を使ってテキパキとした印象 いざ診察 最初は素人にもわかりやすく丁寧な説明 が、問い合わせた内容と違う返答に こちらが疑問を投げかけると 調べれば出てきますよ国で決まってる 時間がないのはみんな一緒 問い合わせに答えたのは先生ではないけれど 丁寧な謝罪もない 界隈で同じくらいの待ち時間なら 断然横富に行きます。
Make an inquiry by phone and then see a doctor I went home temporarily because I waited for more than an hour from the reception Wait 30 minutes again after going to the time you were told I'm expecting it to be a good teacher because it's crowded For the nurses to proceed relatively smoothly Impression that it was crisp with the head Medical examination At first, a polite explanation that is easy for amateurs to understand However, the response is different from the inquiry When this asks a question If you look it up, it will come out. It's decided by the country. Everyone has no time together Although it was not the teacher who answered the inquiry No polite apology If you have the same waiting time in the neighborhood I will definitely go to Yokotomi.
ちょよこ on Google

名前を呼ばれてから早15分、 隣で雑談をしている看護師、 乱雑に置かれた書類、 前回の人のパソコンのデータはそのまま ちなみに誰もいない室内に放置されるため、 してませんが、パソコンは覗き放題です。 イライラが溜まって行く待ち時間。 40度の熱が出た際にも来た際にはしんどいにもかかわらず寝かせて貰えず、座ったまま。 今回は喉の痛みのみだったものの さすがに、意味のわからない待ち時間が長すぎるためもう利用しません。 しんどい方は更に具合を悪くされると思います。ぜひ違う病院をオススメします。
15 minutes after my name was called, A nurse chatting next door, Documents that are messed up, The data on the personal computer of the previous person remains unchanged By the way, because it is left indoors, I haven't done it, but I can peek at my computer. Waiting for frustration. Even if I had a fever of 40 degrees, when I came, I couldn't let me lie down, but I sat down. This time I only had a sore throat As expected, I do not use it anymore because the wait time without meaning is too long. I think that those who are tired can get sick even worse. I definitely recommend a different hospital.
pp dep on Google

先生がとても優しくて、快活で気持ちよく診療を受けれます。 クリニック内も清潔で、体調悪い時はすぐにお邪魔したくなります。 ただし、待ち時間が長すぎる印象。だいたい1時間くらいは待たされます。 一度帰宅できるにしても、受付に行かないとダメなのでシステムを変えてほしい。
The teacher is very gentle, cheerful and comfortable. The inside of the clinic is also clean, and when you feel unwell, you will want to bother you immediately. However, the impression that the waiting time is too long. You will have to wait for about an hour. Even if you can go home once, you have to go to the reception, so I want you to change the system.
ゆう散歩好き on Google

最初に。私はおすすめしません。 ☆評価を上げる為にコメント無しで☆5を連投、適当なコメントで高評価を連投している時点でお察しです。 初診から余計な言葉数の多い女医さんだと思っておりましたが、回を重ねるごと全く関係のないお喋りが多く、雑です。こちらの症状を聞かない。もう1度伝える羽目になる。服用している薬はお薬手帳を提出しているにも関わらず、「ごめんなさい、全員分なんて覚えられないの〜」と言いながらPC内のデータを見るも操作がおぼつかず私がお薬手帳を出して説明。 私は引っ越しのため元々服用していた薬を処方して頂く為にお世話になりましたが、あるとき体調を崩し検査してもらうも、処置は別の病院へ紹介状を書いていただくのみでした。何の疑いがあるかも全く話がなく、この時だけ無言。こちらで診断をしていただくには心許ないので絶対に知人にはおすすめしません。 また、待ち時間に女医の怒鳴り声と看護師の返事(慣れたように流している)が聞こえました。 看護師さんは丁寧かつ簡潔に対応してくださる方なので心が痛みます。 感情的な女医で毎回の診療が安定しません。お喋り大好きなので井戸端会議をしに行くには良いと思います。適切な処置は期待できません。 混むのは人気だからではありません。余計な話が長いから長引く、そして混むのだと気づきました。もう一度書きますが、知人には絶対におすすめしません。 薬のみの処方でいいと思っていましたが、今後は遠くても別の病院を探します。 持病があり様々な病院でお世話になってきましたが、こんなに最悪な対応をされたのは初めてです。
At first. I do not recommend it. ☆To improve the rating, I cast 5 stars without comments, and I think it will be when I have a high comment with appropriate comments. I thought that it was a female doctor with a lot of extra words from the first visit, but as I repeat it, there are many talks that are completely unrelated and miscellaneous. I don't hear your symptoms. I will have to tell you again. Despite submitting the medication notebook for the medicine I'm taking, I saw the data on the PC saying "I'm sorry, I can't remember all of them", but the operation was uncertain and I took the medication notebook. To explain. I was taken care of to prescribe the medicine I was originally taking for moving, but at one time I got sick and had an examination, but the procedure was just to write a letter of introduction to another hospital. did. There is no talk about what suspicion there is, only this time it is silent. I would not recommend it to any acquaintances, as I am unwilling to have a diagnosis here. Also, during the waiting period, I heard the female doctor yelling and the nurse's reply (flowing as I was used to). Since the nurse is a person who responds politely and concisely, my heart hurts. I am an emotional female doctor and my medical treatment is not stable. I love talking, so I think it's good to go to a well-end meeting. We cannot expect appropriate measures. It's not because it's popular. I realized that the extra talk was long and it was crowded. I'll re-write it, but I would never recommend it to anyone I know. I thought it would be okay to prescribe only medicines, but in the future I will look for another hospital even in the distance. I have had chronic illness and have been assisting in various hospitals, but this is the first time I have dealt with such a worst case.
ぽるこぽるこ on Google

The waiting time is long anyway. Even in the morning, it is natural for more than an hour. I used it because it was close, but I haven't used it anymore because it is overwhelmingly faster to go to another hospital a little away. The teacher is a female doctor who often speaks, so I think that when an elderly patient comes, the story will be long.
hello hello on Google

先生がとても優しく、こちらの質問にも丁寧に答えてくれます。 待ち時間はとても長いですが、患者さんひとりひとりの話を聞いてくれるので時間がかかるのかな…と思います。 近隣に内科はたくさんありますが、こちらの話をあまり聞いてくれないドライなお医者さんもたくさんあるので、好みは分かれると思います。 受付の方や、看護師さんも親切で丁寧な対応をしてくれるので、安心して通っています。
The teacher is very kind and will answer this question politely. The waiting time is very long, but I think it will take some time because each patient will listen to the story. There are many internal medicine departments in the neighborhood, but there are also many dry doctors who don't listen to this story so much, so I think they have different tastes. The receptionist and the nurses are also kind and polite, so I can go there with peace of mind.
Tsuneaki on Google

A female doctor is the director's clinic. To put it simply, he is kind and treats me with a friendly feeling even at the first visit. I don't often listen to patients, whether the bad thing is that they are doctors or their personality. Also, remake the story for your own convenience. Shall I give you medicine? I was told that I would leave it to the teacher, and then I was told to follow up, but at the time of my re-examination, I was told that I should take medicine. Mild illness is fine, but if you have a very painful illness, you should hit another.

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