NTN Okayamaseisakusho Jinkoshiba Field - Bizen

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact NTN Okayamaseisakusho Jinkoshiba Field

住所 :

500-1 Hatakeda, Bizen, Okayama 705-0015, Japan

Postal code : 705-0015

500-1 Hatakeda, Bizen, Okayama 705-0015, Japan
benatawa hiro on Google

ぱお on Google

小盛一幸 on Google

高橋裕昭 on Google

It was a beautiful artificial turf.
米田恵子 on Google

I went there for the first time, but it was a beautiful grass ground for the first time in a long time. It was night ...
Red嵩晃 on Google

NTN岡山の所有する企業グランド。 人工芝の具合はとても良く、走りやすい。3種以上のフルピッチの白いラインに加え、4種のジュニア用の青いラインが2面分描かれているので、ジュニアの大会も開催可能。企業の許可が必要だが。こんな整備されたキレイな人工芝グランドでジュニアの大会ができることはとても恵まれていると思う。駐車場が不便なのは、公共ではなく、企業グランドなので仕方ないこと。5分弱歩けばファミリーマートがあり、飲み物の補充も困らない。 野球場側にはフットサルのラインもある。マークは旧競技規則ですが、それは致し方ないですね。昨年改正されたから。
A corporate ground owned by NTN Okayama. The condition of the artificial turf is very good and it is easy to run. In addition to 3 or more full-pitch white lines, 4 types of blue lines for juniors are drawn on 2 sides, so junior tournaments can also be held. I need a company permit. I think it is very fortunate to be able to hold a junior tournament on such a beautiful artificial turf ground. The inconvenience of parking is not public but corporate ground, so it can't be helped. If you walk for less than 5 minutes, you will find FamilyMart, and you will not have any trouble replenishing drinks. There is also a futsal line on the baseball field side. Mark is the old competition rule, but it can't be helped. Because it was revised last year.
秋田芳宏 on Google

Visited to watch a regional league game. It's been a long time. Until the facility was built in Masada, Fagiano Okayama was occasionally used for practice. At the time of a soccer game, the parking lot on the company side is used, so you can easily watch the game even in the city.
チャーチャコ on Google

サッカーの公式戦でお邪魔しました。とてもキレイな人工芝のグラウンドで、良い環境でプレーさせて戴きました。ベンチがありましたが、関係テントに置かれて居たので試合等を見る方は椅子か敷物持参がお勧めです。 会社さんの持ち物なので、関係車両のみが横の駐車場に入れ保護者や観客は「従業員専用駐車場」に車を置いて欲しいとの事。それが会場まで結構歩きます❗荷物(椅子や日傘等)を持っての移動だし、途中には柵が全く無い踏切を通ったり…駐車場の問題が無ければ評価はアップかな。近くに店等見つからないし??遠方からたどり着いての徒歩移動は酷でした?
We disturbed you in the official soccer game. I played in a good environment on a very beautiful artificial grass ground. There was a bench, but because it was placed in a related tent, it is recommended that you bring a chair or a rug if you want to watch the game. As it is the property of the company, only related vehicles should be placed in the parking lot beside and parents and spectators want their cars to be placed in the "employee parking lot". It walks to the venue pretty much ❗ It is a movement with luggage (chair, parasol etc.) and passes through a level crossing with no fence at all along the way ... If there is no problem with the parking lot, the evaluation will be up. It was hard to find a store nearby, and the walk movement to reach from far away was terrible

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