Nomugitoge Ski Resort - Matsumoto

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nomugitoge Ski Resort

住所 :

1173-13 Nagawa, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-1611, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 390-1611
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–4PM
Sunday 8:30AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM
Description : Mountain resort with beginner & advanced ski slopes, plus ski lessons & restaurants.

1173-13 Nagawa, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-1611, Japan
TTT III on Google

大雪の後でコンディションが良い事を期待して初訪問。 道の雪も殆どなく、3連休の中日で混んでいるかと思ったが駐車場はP3の中ほどに止められた。 標高が高いから? 雪質は片栗粉のようにギュッと密度が高く締まった感じ。 まずは2本のリフトを乗り継いで山頂まで行ってみる。 リフト上から眺めてると、スキーもボードも殆どが上級者らしく高速で滑り下りてくる。 山頂に到着すると、周囲の見事な山並みが見渡せて気持ちがいい。 早速下ってみると、山頂付近は狭く斜度もかなりあり、中上級者がどんどん行くので初心者には厳しい感じ。 縦に長いと聞いていたが、途中からコースが分岐するので密集はしないみたい。 スカイラビットの乗り場までは、林間コース含めいくつかのコースがあるので、技量に合わせて選ぶことができる。 ただ、いくつかのリフトが動いていない(廃止?)ため、コースが閉鎖しているようだ。 せっかくコースがあるのだから、動かしてくれればいいのに。 食事ができるレストランは、麓とスカイラビット付近の2か所。 今回は上の〝樹海〟で食う事にした。 メニューは大きく分けて4種の〝ラーメン/カレー/丼/定食〟で1000円前後。 味噌ラーメンとハンバーグ定食を注文、可もなく不可もなく妥当な食事だと思う。 ただ、広くなく席数が少ないので、早めに行って早めに出たほうがよさそう。 あと、一人席があるのは、お互いのためにとても良いと思う。 食事のあと、また山頂から数本滑り麓へ降りる事に。(4時間券だったので) 〝パノラマゲレンデ/たて水の坂〟が、広いのに人が居なくて滑りやすかった。 リフトが無いので、クワッドで行くしかなさそう。 ちょっと遠いけど通いたいスキー場だった。 残念だったのは駐車場。 元々ゲレンデまで坂などをかなり歩く必要があるので、当然近い場所から埋まっていくのだが、収容量が少ないのかゲレンデへのアクセス道の入り口付近まで無法状態に駐車されている。 他の通路も路駐状態になってるし、幾重にも重なるような状態は、出入りの際にトラブルにならないのか心配。
First visit in the hope that the conditions will be good after heavy snowfall. There was almost no snow on the road, and I thought it would be crowded during the three consecutive holidays, but the parking lot was stopped in the middle of P3. Because the altitude is high? The snow quality is tight and tight like potato starch. First, take two lifts and go to the top of the mountain. Looking from the lift, most of the skis and boards slide down at high speed like advanced skiers. When you arrive at the top of the mountain, you can see the magnificent surrounding mountains and feel good. As soon as I went down, the area near the top of the mountain was narrow and the slope was quite steep, and intermediate and advanced people went on and on, so it felt tough for beginners. I heard that it is long vertically, but it seems that it will not be crowded because the course branches from the middle. There are several courses up to the Sky Rabbit platform, including the forest course, so you can choose according to your skill. However, it seems that the course is closed because some lifts are not moving (discontinued?). Since there is a course, I wish I could move it. There are two restaurants where you can eat, at the foot of the mountain and near Sky Rabbit. This time I decided to eat at the above "Aokigahara". The menu is roughly divided into 4 types of "ramen / curry / bowl / set meal" for around 1000 yen. I ordered miso ramen and hamburger steak, and I think it's a reasonable meal. However, it is not large and the number of seats is small, so it seems better to go early and leave early. Also, having a single seat is very good for each other. After eating, I decided to go down from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. (Because it was a 4-hour ticket) The "Panorama slope / Tatemizunozaka" was wide but slippery without people. There is no lift, so I have to go by quad. It was a ski resort that was a little far away but I wanted to go to. It was a pity that the parking lot. Originally it is necessary to walk a lot on the slopes to the slopes, so naturally it will be filled from a nearby place, but probably because the capacity is small, it is illegally parked near the entrance of the access road to the slopes. Other aisles are also parked, and I'm worried that there will be no trouble when going in and out if there are multiple layers.
原鉄也 on Google

初めての訪問。ロングランもでき、ピステンも丁寧、そこそこコースも多彩で降雪状態によってはかなり面白い。 当て込みが出来るバンクや壁が増えると更に面白くなりそう
First visit. Long runs are possible, pisten is polite, and the course is diverse and quite interesting depending on the snow conditions. It will be even more interesting as the number of banks and walls that can be applied increases.
Yasuo Shibusawa on Google

Although it is a minor ski resort in Nagano prefecture, it is about an hour's access from Matsumoto city! You can enjoy a long run of 2.6km and the altitude is high and artificial snow is used together, so the burn is firm and firm. 220130, 220206
k k on Google

A ski resort where you can get a relatively cheap 4-hour ticket. There are many snow-packed roads along the way. The parking lot under the slope (3rd?) Was almost full, and although the slope was not so large, there was little waiting for the lift. There are few ice burns and there are no extremely difficult courses, so it is slippery. There are places where the slope disappears or becomes a slope in the middle of the course, so it is a little confusing when I go for the first time. The toilet facilities in the center house are good. I couldn't eat this time, but the restaurant sold soba noodles from the Otaki group (Genjiro Ogisoya), and sandwiches were also sold at the coffee stand.
0803 norisan on Google

道のりがカーブが多く運転に気を使いました。コースは中急斜面が多く、カービングターンができる人には最高に楽しめます。コースも終日荒れにくいので安定して滑れます。 山頂からの景色もいいのですが、気温が低いので防寒対策は必要です。
There are many curves along the way and I was careful about driving. The course has many medium and steep slopes and is the most enjoyable for those who can make carving turns. The course is also hard to get rough all day, so you can slide stably. The view from the top of the mountain is nice, but the temperature is low, so you need to take measures against the cold.
夏目郁也 on Google

It is a slope for intermediate and advanced skiers. The snow is well compressed and there are carving ski slopes and bumps! ️ Weekends and holidays are also relatively uncrowded. Alpine snowboarders are also inspiring for me too! ️ Sanzoku-yaki set meal is delicious ?
KOHEI AKUI on Google

初野麦峠スキー場に行きました。 1月後半の土曜日に行きましたが、晴天で景色は最高でした。 アクセスはあまり良くないですが、その分穴場なだけあって、リフト待ちはほとんどなかったです。 駐車場は1番上の第3駐車場からが1番アクセスが良さそうです。 コースのレベルは中上級コースが多めで、滑れる方なら楽しめると感じました。初心者の方はちょっときついかも…でも広々滑れるので、その点は安心です。非圧雪コースに一部ブッシュが生えてる場所もありましたが、そちらは自己責任ですべることができました。 ランチはセンターハウスで頂きました。お値段の割にボリュームがあり、満足できました! また行きたいスキー場です!
I went to Hatsuno Nomugitoge Ski Resort. I went there on Saturday in late January and it was sunny and the scenery was amazing. Access is not very good, but there was almost no waiting for a lift because it was a little-known spot. The parking lot seems to be the best access from the 3rd parking lot on the top. The level of the course is a lot of intermediate and advanced courses, and I felt that those who can slide can enjoy it. If you are a beginner, it may be a little tough ... but you can slide widely, so that's a relief. There was a place where bushes grew on the non-compacted snow course, but I was able to slide at my own risk. I had lunch at the center house. There was a lot of volume for the price and I was satisfied! This is the ski resort I want to visit again!
qianyun wu on Google

It was really a pleasant trip. Convenient free shuttle bus + friendly and helpful staff and trainer + nice scenery + reasonable price + good weather (snow then sunny). Really glad that I came here on the last day of 2019. Highly recommend!

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