手打ち蕎麦 三峯屋

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打ち蕎麦 三峯屋

住所 :

Noborimachi, Shirakawa, 〒961-0962 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Fukushima

Noborimachi, Shirakawa, 〒961-0962 Fukushima,Japan
shun u on Google

皆様のような高評価はしかねます。私が相性が悪いのか 耳障りなBGM と ご夫婦の息の合わないオペレーションに片目をとられながら食べた蕎麦は残念でした。
We cannot give high marks like everyone else. I wonder if it doesn't go well with me. It was a pity that I ate soba while being caught by the jarring BGM and the couple's breathless operation.
Ton Suzu on Google

「蕎麦らしい」蕎麦と香ばしい天ぷら。とても美味しかったです♪ 欲を言えば、めんつゆがもう少し多いと嬉しい。麺をおつゆに「どぶっ」とつけて食べる「邪道な」蕎麦好きなので。頼めば、おかわり頂けるんでしょうけどね。また行きます!
"Soba-like" Soba and fragrant tempura. It was very delicious ♪ Speaking of greed, I'm glad if there is a little more noodle soup. Because I like the "innocent" soba noodles, which I eat with "Dobu" as a soup. If you ask, you will be able to change. I will go there again!
星野高志 on Google

そばはそこそこ。 付け合わせの薬味がわさびかと思ったらゆず胡椒だったのがすごく裏切られた感。 東北では普通なんでしょうか?
Soba is decent. When I thought that the condiment of the garnish was wasabi, it was Yuzu Kosho, which was very betrayed. Is it normal in Tohoku?
。*マリオ*。 on Google

天ざる大盛りを頂きましたが、他の蕎麦屋より、量が多くお腹がいっぱいになりました(^^) かえし(そばつゆ)も出汁がきいており、程良いしょっぱさで、そばの香りを無くす事なく美味しく頂けました! また行きます?
I received a large serving of Tenzaru, but the amount was larger than other soba restaurants and I was full (^^) Kaeshi (soba soup) also has a good soup stock, and it has a moderate saltiness, and it was delicious without losing the aroma of soba! I will go again ?
mitizou on Google

Tensoba 1,000 yen is cheap. Tempura was delicious. But the amount of noodles is large.
sake power on Google

There are not many menus, but soba is delicious. There is no alcohol menu but it will tell you what it will do if you ask
roccia piccola on Google

新しく出来た長屋の一番端のお蕎麦屋さん。 基本もり・ざる・かけのみでプラス付け合わせが数種類。 ざる蕎麦は緑ががっていて良く締めてありました。 天婦羅はからっと揚がっていて美味しかったです。 蕎麦つゆ天つゆともに薄味でインパクトは無し。 つけもの・山葵・生姜は既製品の物ですね。 蕎麦湯はさらさらタイプ。 私は家が近いのでさっと食べてすぐ出るお店として重宝しそうですが総じてインパクトが弱いので、美味しい蕎麦屋さんが沢山ある白河で優先順位は低いです。
Soba shop at the end of the newly built tenement house. Several types of plus garnish with basic mortar, bamboo shoots and overcoat only. ZARU buckwheat was green and was well tightened. The temple was finally fried and tasty. Buckwheat noodle and tsukuyu are both tasty and there is no impact. Tsukemono, mountain Aoa and ginger are items of ready-made goods. Soba-tou is smooth type. I close to home, so it seems to be useful as a store to eat quickly but overall the impact is weak, so the delicious buckwheat shop has a lot Shirakawa, the priority is low.
大久保鉄平 on Google

I want to stop by on the way home from work and finally enter the store at the end of my work at a good time. A reasonable price of 1000 yen. Certainly pickles and wasabi are ready-made. Tempura is so good. Soba is reasonable. Tsuyumoto is not a strong impact, but it is good. Never bad. Certainly, if you pay more, there may be more delicious shops. However, there are days when you want to eat easily at this price. In that sense, the best store in Shirakawa.

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