Noboricho Park - Hiroshima

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Noboricho Park

住所 :

11 Noboricho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0016, Japan

Postal code : 730-0016

11 Noboricho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0016, Japan
Kota Zeze on Google

高鉄棒があります。 通りに面していないので割と静かです。 背の高い木も多く、子どもたちが遊んだりしてますが、落ち着けます。 #高鉄棒
There is a high horizontal bar. It is relatively quiet because it does not face the street. There are many tall trees, and children play with them, but they are calm. #High horizontal bar
シャネルマーサ(マーサ) on Google

広島市内のまん中にあります。かなり広く、遊具もあるので、子どもを遊ばせるには良いと思います。 ベンチもあり、天気の良い日にはお弁当持参で、家族でのんびりと過ごされるのも良いと思います。
It is located in the center of Hiroshima city. It's quite large and has playground equipment, so I think it's good for letting children play. There is also a bench, so if the weather is nice, you can bring your own lunch box and spend a relaxing time with your family.
0915 silversv on Google

Cigarette butts were scattered in the park, and it was like coming to a vacant lot in the mountains.
久保田敏彦 on Google

It's in the city, but you can relax
橋本進 on Google

Visited on April 3, 2022. There was only one cherry tree.
Hirotosi. Arima. (ぶち猫 TOM) on Google

オフィス街住宅街の混然とする市街地にある公園 トイレの設備なし
A park in a chaotic city area of ​​an office district and a residential area No toilet facilities
しらたま on Google

駐車場は近隣に多数ありますのでアクセスしやすいです。 子どもを乗せる2人用自転車で行きましたが、自転車で行くのはオススメしません。すべての入り口にポールが複雑に配置されており入れないようになっています。(子ども用なら入りますが…) 中はブランコとすべり台、鉄棒、バネの乗り物があります。幼児~小学生向け。後は大きいグラウンドがあります。 南に大きい立体駐車場があり、日当たりが悪く冬は寒いです。
There are many parking lots nearby, so it is easy to access. I went by bicycle for two with children, but I don't recommend going by bicycle. Pole is intricately arranged at all entrances to prevent entry. (If it's for children, you can enter it ...) Inside there are swings, slides, horizontal bars, and spring vehicles. For infants to elementary school students. After that there is a big ground. There is a large multi-storey car park in the south, and it is not sunny and cold in winter.
Norazah Anwar on Google

This park is just a small park nearby Chisun Hotel in Hiroshima, very peaceful and mind relaxing.

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