三ツ星青果緑 広島本店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三ツ星青果緑 広島本店

住所 :

Noboricho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0016 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Webサイト : http://fruit-and-vegetable-store-138.business.site/
街 : Hiroshima

Noboricho, Naka Ward, 〒730-0016 Hiroshima,Japan
藤山みどり on Google

虫食いとかあっても、無農薬ならではだと思いますが、腐った野菜をそのまま売るのはどうかと…。 もう少し店内の商品に気を配っていただければと思います。
I think that even if you eat insects, it is unique to pesticide-free, but how about selling rotten vegetables as it is .... I hope you will pay attention to the products in the store a little more.
TSUGUKA on Google

I go every week. You can buy fresh and very delicious vegetables and fruits at a reasonable price.
반주파다 on Google

Of course, I was able to meet rare vegetables and enjoy shopping as well as being fresh and delicious. Also, thank you!
えまげん on Google

I buy my vegetables here. Maybe the season is over, but the strawberries here are so delicious that you'll want to give them to your neighbors and acquaintances.
川上敏応(とっちゃん) on Google

お客様としては、安価な店は望ましい 従業員としては、無駄な労力に安い賃金 コロナでクラスターが発生しPCR検査を 保健所から要請され1週間休みを申し出て 休んだ次の日に解雇になりました。 不当解雇で労働基準監督署に通報致しました。広島店、福山店最悪です。 代表取締役社長 金谷和樹です。
As a customer, cheap stores are desirable As an employee, wasteful labor and low wages Clusters occur in the corona and PCR tests are performed Requested by the health center and offered a week off I was dismissed the day after I took a rest. I notified the Labor Standards Inspection Office of unfair dismissal. Hiroshima store and Fukuyama store are the worst. I'm Kazuki Kanaya, President and CEO.
dyyahdijby jjhykj on Google

本来の香りと味がある野菜を置いてあります。 自分が晩飯担当の時は、口が肥えた嫁の為に野菜を求めに行ってます。
Vegetables with the original aroma and taste are placed. When I'm in charge of dinner, I go to ask for vegetables for my bride who has a good mouth.
だいち on Google

質の良い野菜をお高く無く販売されているのでたびたび利用しています。 プロの料理屋さんもよく買いに来られているみたいです。 お店の方も親切です。
I often use good quality vegetables because they are sold at a low price. It seems that professional restaurants often come to buy it. The shop is also kind.
Ebi Kani on Google

こちらの果物や、野菜はとても美味しいです。 近隣にスーパーもできましたが、勝手に応援しています。 昔ながらの八百屋さんという雰囲気です。業者の方もよく利用されています。 デパート等で購入するよりも安くて味が濃く、美味しい、知り合いや友達にも安心して渡しやすいです。 中々、ありませんよね、安心して渡せるフルーツって。お野菜も、珍しいものがあります。 高級だいこんも、シーズン中に食べたいです(^o^) 店長さんやスタッフの方々の人柄もよく、この場所で頑張ってほしいです!
The fruits and vegetables here are very delicious. There is a supermarket in the neighborhood, but I am supporting it without permission. It has the atmosphere of an old-fashioned greengrocer. It is also often used by traders. It is cheaper and has a stronger taste than purchasing at a department store, and it is delicious and easy to hand over to acquaintances and friends. There aren't many fruits that you can give with confidence. Some vegetables are also rare. I also want to eat high-class radish during the season (^ o ^) The store manager and staff have good personalities, and I want you to do your best in this place!

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