
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パン工房

住所 :

Nissatomachi, Utsunomiya, 〒321-2118 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : http://www.romanticmura.com/area/village.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday 10AM–4PM
Monday 10AM–4PM
Tuesday 10AM–4PM
Wednesday 10AM–4PM
Thursday 10AM–4PM
Friday 10AM–4PM
街 : Tochigi

Nissatomachi, Utsunomiya, 〒321-2118 Tochigi,Japan
田中康裕 on Google

The sweet bread was conscientious and delicious. There are no full-scale hard rolls. It's a pity that there is a wood-burning kettle in front of me, it's too wasteful!
小野口貴子 on Google

ブルーベリーブレッドがとても美味しくお勧めです? 翌日でも美味しいです。 以前は焼き立てが店頭に並んでいて焼き立てパンが買えたのですが、ここ数年焼き立てが店頭に並ぶことがなくなり、ファンとしてはとても残念です。 また焼き立てが並びますように...
Blueberry bread is very delicious and recommended ? It's delicious the next day. In the past, freshly baked bread was lined up in stores and I could buy freshly baked bread, but in the last few years, freshly baked bread has not been lined up in stores, which is a shame as a fan. I hope the freshly baked products will be lined up again ...
mama Saku on Google

パン工房のメープルくるみ、紫芋のパン、塩バターあんぱんは本当に絶品です。 全国パンを食べ歩いて来ましたが、3本の指に入る美味しさです!夏に買ったオレンジのパンも爽やかな香りと甘みで毎日食べても飽きない味でした✨
The maple walnuts, purple potato bread, and salt butter anpan from the bread studio are truly exquisite. I've been eating bread all over the country, and it's delicious enough to fit on three fingers! The orange bread I bought in the summer had a refreshing aroma and sweetness, and I couldn't get tired of eating it every day.
Yuichi Abe on Google

今市の知人に連れられて行ったのが最初です。その後、数回訪れています。今年はまだ出かけていませんが、過去の記憶を辿って書いてみます。 率直に、私が訪れて感じた事は、地元の福島県や新潟県で目にする道の駅の規模を大きく超えている感じを受けます。やはり関東圏の道の駅と言った印象を受けました。 パン工房のパンもおいしいですが、野菜部門のブースは新鮮な種類豊富な、また品数も多く目を見張るものがありました。そして安価だと思いました。そして土日、祝日には、栃木県内だけでなく、関東の他の県からや東海地方などからの車も数多く見かけました。ただ三年前の事ですが。また道の駅内に、温泉施設もあり、電気自動車の充電ステーションなどの施設も完備されていて、利便性、憩い、娯楽を同時に堪能出来る大規模な道の駅ではないでしょうか
The first time I was taken by an acquaintance in Imaichi. Since then, I have visited several times. I haven't been out yet this year, but I'll try to trace my past memories. To be honest, what I have come to feel is that it is far beyond the size of the roadside station I see in local Fukushima and Niigata prefectures. After all, I got the impression that it was a road station in the Kanto area. The bread at the bakery is delicious, but the vegetable booth was abundant and fresh with a large number of items. And I thought it was cheap. On Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, I saw many cars not only in Tochigi Prefecture but also from other prefectures in the Kanto region and from the Tokai region. Just three years ago. In addition, there is a hot spring facility in the road station, and there are facilities such as a charging station for electric cars.
ごまきなこくるみ on Google

I purchase it every time I go home, but the pulverized bread here is very delicious. However, it is a bit disappointing that I feel a little smaller recently.
山田伝太郎 on Google

I bought it because bread was sold cheaply the day before.
Mikamo Chan on Google

I went to the roadside station and stopped by. Especially the stock is good, not the expensive bakery. Blueberry yogurt? I bought this bread because it seems famous, but I didn't really like it. Menta France is also hot and painful. The blueberry bread was soft and fluffy, but the taste was still different for everyone. Put it in a freshly baked bag and pour water. I tried some other bread, but it was all normal.
Ohけんぢ on Google

ろまんちっく村の中にあるパン工房です。店は小さいけどブルーベリーブレッドとオレンジブレッド、こしあんパンを買ってみました。ブルーベリーもオレンジもしっとりとした焼き上がりで美味しかったです。 こしあんパンは子供に食べられてしまいましたが、美味しかったようです。
This is a bread workshop in Romancchi village. I bought a blueberry bread, an orange bread, and a little bread. The blueberries and oranges were both moist and delicious. Koshian bread was eaten by a child, but it seemed delicious.

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