NISSAN Tama Newtown - Tama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact NISSAN Tama Newtown

住所 :

6 Chome-22-2 Nagayama, Tama, Tokyo 206-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 206-0025
Webサイト :

6 Chome-22-2 Nagayama, Tama, Tokyo 206-0025, Japan
蔦川孝佳 on Google

It was a regular inspection and maintenance. I bought a book and spent 1 hour drinking coffee because it was close to the book.
1 Take on Google

The reception is always comfortable. There is BOOK / OFF next to it, so you won't have to wait for repairs and inspections.
杉浦正一 on Google

The car life advisor and mechanic are very kind and polite. It will keep you updated on the progress of the work. A reliable person. It's safe to leave it (*^o^*)
Lover Tomy on Google

丁寧親切優しい! どの方にあたってもいつも気持ちのよい対応で本当に満足しています。 これからも是非利用したいと思わせてくれるディーラーさんです。
Polite, kind and gentle! I am really satisfied with the pleasant response to everyone. It is a dealer who will make you want to use it from now on.

I stopped by to charge an electric car. The charger is installed beside the entrance on the Kamakura Kaido side, so you can easily find it, but it's a bit cramped and you have to turn it back several times, so it's difficult to stop. However, although the store was small, the hospitality was good, and I was able to spend my time comfortably with free drinks.
匿名希望アカウント on Google

もう何年もお世話になっています。営業の方もメカニックの方も、みなさん気さくで親身。店内の居心地もよくて、お店へ行くのが楽しみになるディーラーさんです。あと、電話したときによく出てくれる女性スタッフの方が明るくて礼儀正しくて本当にさわやか! このお店でがんばっている方々のために、日産にはぜひ魅力的な新型車をお願いしたいです。
Thank you for many years. Both sales people and mechanics are friendly and friendly. The dealer is comfortable in the store and looks forward to going to the store. Also, the female staff, who often come out when I call, are brighter, more polite, and really refreshing! For those who are doing their best at this store, I would like to ask Nissan to make an attractive new model.
kex 042 (kex042) on Google

点検で6ヶ月毎にお世話になっています。 いつもとても丁寧に対応して頂いています。 タイヤやバッテリーの交換時期にきていても押し売りはなく、その事実だけを伝えてくれます。 お陰様で安心して車に乗れています。
I am indebted to you every 6 months for inspection. They are always very polite. Even if it's time to replace the tires and batteries, there is no push sale, only that fact. Thanks to you, I can get in the car with confidence.
鶴田雅樹 on Google

点検で伺いました。 仕事場から近かったという理由だけで予約をし、こちらの店舗で購入している訳でもないですが、とても気持ちの良い対応をしていただきました。 盆休み中の雨外出で車内が汚れていましたが、何も言わず掃除がされていたのを帰りに気付いて感動しました。 クチコミ評価通りの優良店でした。 ありがとうございました。
I visited for inspection. I made a reservation just because it was close to my workplace, and I didn't buy it at this store, but it was a very pleasant response. The inside of the car was dirty when I went out in the rain during the Bon holidays, but I was impressed when I noticed that it was being cleaned without saying anything. It was an excellent store according to the word-of-mouth evaluation. Thank you very much.

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