早稲田総合格闘技ジム 暁道場

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 早稲田総合格闘技ジム 暁道場

住所 :

Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku City, 〒169-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89988
Webサイト : https://akatsuki-dojo.com/
街 : Tokyo

Nishiwaseda, Shinjuku City, 〒169-0051 Tokyo,Japan
大貫公助 on Google

There are times when I go to solve the lack of exercise, and there are many people who go to become professionals. I think it's a place where you can have a lot of experience. The atmosphere is good and I go there with the recognition that it is a lesson, but for that I have had a tremendous experience!
しみずよーすけ on Google

修斗とパンクラスで戴冠経験のある村山暁洋選手が設立した総合格闘技道場です。 村山選手は実績や指導力が超一流なのは勿論ですが、礼儀正しく人格者で人間性も素晴らしい方です。 暁道場は幅広い年齢層の男女が所属しており 格闘技を始めたばかりの会員も多いので 未経験の方も入りやすいと思います。 強くなりたい人だけでなく、キックボクシングで楽しく体を動かしたい人にもおすすめの道場です!
A mixed martial arts dojo established by Akihiro Murayama, who has been crowned in Shooto and Pancrase. Of course, Murayama has a top-notch track record and leadership, but he is also polite and has a great personality. Akatsuki Dojo is home to men and women of all ages. Many members have just started martial arts I think that even inexperienced people can easily enter. This dojo is recommended not only for those who want to be strong, but also for those who want to have fun with kickboxing!
Yoshiyuki Asaoka on Google

It seems that the hurdles are high when it comes to mixed martial arts, but it is a good gym where even beginners can move their bodies without hesitation to release stress, and if they get stronger, they can try more difficult exercises and sparring. .. Before and after the practice, you can easily talk about martial arts topics and casual chats, which is also attractive.
ra ke on Google

体験で参加させていただきました。 自分は初心者ですが、真剣に格闘技に取り組むことができ、強くなれる、そんな気がしました。曜日毎の練習内容も充実していて素晴らしいと思いました。ありがとうございました。
I participated in the experience. I'm a beginner, but I felt that I could take martial arts seriously and become stronger. I thought it was wonderful that the practice content for each day of the week was substantial. Thank you very much.
sho ken on Google

初心者でも丁寧に指導してくれました。格闘技ジムは敷居が高く感じましたが、3回の体験コースに参加し、雰囲気がつかめたので安心して入会検討できました。 子育てや仕事で忙しいときでも自分のペースで無理せず続けられる雰囲気もいいです。
Even beginners taught me carefully. I felt that the martial arts gym had a high threshold, but I participated in the experience course three times and got a feel for it, so I was able to consider joining with confidence. It is also nice to have an atmosphere where you can continue at your own pace without overdoing it even when you are busy raising children or working.
Takeki Ninomiya on Google

It's been six months since I joined here because I have no experience in martial arts, but every time I go, I feel happy.
M R on Google

Thank you for your help for about half a year (currently closed). I joined the gym without knowing anything about mixed martial arts just because it was the closest gym to solve the lack of exercise, but I received very careful guidance. Although there were few women, it was an atmosphere where I could participate without hesitation, and I was able to continue having fun with all the kind people. It was really nice to visit Akatsuki Dojo by chance. I would appreciate your favor if there is another opportunity.
あり on Google

ー良い道場だと思います。 ぼくは人生をめちゃくちゃ感覚的に生きてきてしまったので「この型の通りに動く」という事が苦手でした。 寝技の練習中「次に(相手の)頭を掴んで下さい」と言われて、ぼくは自分の頭を掴みました。たぶん、どの競技に置いても、自分の頭を掴むことって、ないですよね。。。動きながら考える事は出来ても、考えながら動く事が苦手なんです。お陰で、幾つかの道場を体験してみたのですが、たった数時間の体験にも関わらず、色んな意味でズダボロにされました。笑 「暁道場が合わなかったら、それはもう格闘技って分野が合ってないのだろうなぁ」何てことをぼんやり思いながら、ぼくは余り期待せずに暁道場の体験稽古へ参加しました。まず柔軟を約30分ほど行ってから稽古は始まるのですが、その柔軟を行ってる間、Nさんと云う、まぁ、暁道場の愛され教官がいらっしゃるのですが、ぼくが足を伸ばし始めてから二秒で声を掛けてくれました。繰り返しますが、足を伸ばし始めてから「二秒で」です。それがすごくうれしかったのを、今でも覚えています。 稽古も終始いい雰囲気の中で進んでいきました。笑顔の絶えない、というと少し語弊がありそうなのですが、高校の文化祭の準備を行ってる時の空気に近いのかも分かりません。和やかな空気で時間は過ぎてゆくのですが、皆が、一生懸命に取り組んでいました。 ぼくはサッカーもやっているのですが、体幹、瞬発力が格段に上がりました。周囲の人たちからも驚かれる程です。 そして、どんな方が向いてるか?なんてことを考えてみたのですが、格闘技に一ミリでも興味のある方なら誰でもいいんだと思います。ぼくは総合格闘技を何も知らない状態で入会しました。ですが、恐らく道場を跨ぐ敷居というのが、他の道場よりもいい意味で低いような気がしています。 暁道場には、ぼくみたいな超ド素人も居れば、プロで闘っている選手もいます。が、その実力の差はあれど、お互いにリスペクトを持ちながら、日々の稽古に励んでいます(お互いにリスペクトを持てているのが、道場内が良い雰囲気である秘訣のような気もしています) 長々とした口コミになってしまいましたが、暁道場のHPの村山先生の自己紹介文の方が、もっと長いです。笑 でも、本当にいい道場だと思います。ぜひ体験にだけでも来てみてください。きっとお逢いできるのを、楽しみにしています。
-I think it's a good dojo. I've lived my life insanely sensuously, so I wasn't good at "moving according to this pattern". While practicing my ground fighting, I was told, "Next, grab my (other party's) head," and I grabbed my head. Probably, no matter what competition you put it in, you never grab your head. .. .. I can think while moving, but I'm not good at moving while thinking. Thanks to that, I tried to experience some dojos, but despite only a few hours of experience, I was messed up in many ways. Lol "If the Akatsuki Dojo doesn't fit, it's probably because it's a martial art that doesn't fit in the field anymore." First of all, the practice starts after about 30 minutes of flexibility, but while doing that flexibility, there is a beloved instructor of Akatsuki Dojo called Mr. N, but after I started to stretch my legs He called out in two seconds. Again, it's "in two seconds" after you start stretching your legs. I still remember how happy it was. The training proceeded in a good atmosphere from beginning to end. There seems to be a bit of a misnomer when it comes to smiling constantly, but I don't know if it's close to the atmosphere when preparing for a high school school festival. Time goes by in a peaceful atmosphere, but everyone was working hard. I also play soccer, but my core and instantaneous power have improved dramatically. I am surprised by the people around me. And what kind of person is right for you? I thought about it, but I think anyone who is interested in martial arts can do it. I joined without knowing anything about mixed martial arts. However, I feel that the threshold that straddles the dojo is probably lower than other dojos. At Akatsuki Dojo, there are super amateurs like me, and there are also players who are fighting professionally. However, despite the difference in their abilities, they are working hard on their daily practice while having respect for each other (I feel that having respect for each other is the secret to having a good atmosphere in the dojo. increase) It has become a long word of mouth, but the self-introduction sentence of Mr. Murayama on the website of Akatsuki Dojo is longer. Lol But I think it's a really good dojo. Please come and experience it. I'm looking forward to seeing you.

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