
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ドラミカフェ

住所 :

Nishiwaki, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8044 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Webサイト : https://dorami-coffee.com/
街 : Shizuoka

Nishiwaki, Suruga Ward, 〒422-8044 Shizuoka,Japan
たなかあやの on Google

A stylish smoking cafe with cigarettes ok. There is a parking lot. 3 Japanese style toilets and 1 Western style toilet. Wi-Fi available. There is an outlet for the time being. 2nd floor on the stairs
里枝泉 on Google

The food and desserts were all delicious. It was a great deal because it was quite cheap when made into a set. I want to go again!
capi vala on Google

お料理どれもきちんと作ってあって美味しかったです。 日替わりランチ780円だったかな?とてもコスパいいです! 野菜がとろとろに溶けた具沢山のスープ◎ サラダはスライスマッシュルームや酸っぱいドレッシングがいい存在感で嬉しい◎ メインのチキンと茄子もバルサミコ酢のソースが美味しくてごはんが進む◎ 食後にデザートとコーヒーも頂きましたが、丁寧に作ってあって満足感高かったです。 珈琲好きとしては、コーヒーがちゃんと美味しいのは、嬉しいポイントです♪ なんだか立地が微妙なので期待してなかったんですが、リピートすると思います!
All the dishes were prepared properly and were delicious. Was it 780 yen for a daily lunch? Very cospa is good! A lot of soup with melted vegetables ◎ Sliced ​​mushrooms and sour dressing are nice for the salad. The main chicken and eggplant also have a delicious balsamic vinegar sauce and the rice goes on ◎ I had dessert and coffee after the meal, but I was satisfied with the careful preparation. As a coffee lover, it's a nice point that coffee is delicious ♪ I didn't expect it because the location is delicate, but I think it will be repeated!
美華 on Google

I am grateful to be able to eat outside during the corona season. It's very comfortable to have an umbrella stand when the sun is shining (^^)
yuri g- on Google

テラスはペット可で、ミニドッグランもあって、愛犬家にはとても嬉しい場所でした? 風が強くてパラソルがさせなくて、日差しが強くて暑くて大変でした?屋根がついてたらいいのにな〜? お料理はとてもおいしかったです? 店員さんの対応もとても良かったです? 風のない日にまた行きたいです?
The terrace was pet-friendly and there was a mini dog run, so it was a very nice place for dog lovers ? The wind was strong and I couldn't make the umbrellas, and the sunlight was strong and it was hot and difficult ? I wish I had a roof ~ ? The food was very good ? The correspondence of the clerk was also very good ? I want to go again on a windless day ?
ma can on Google

メニューどれも魅力的で迷います。 完全分煙なので禁煙者にも喫煙者にも嬉しいと思います。 クチコミを事前に確認し、大盛りにさせてもらいました。 デザートも気になりました‼︎
All the menus are attractive and I am at a loss. I think that both non-smokers and smokers will be happy because the smoke is completely separated. I checked the word-of-mouth communication in advance and made it a big one. I was also interested in dessert! ︎

ランチで初訪問。 炭入りのお水にびっくりしますが 味は変わらずです。 ソファ席でゆっくりと座れますが 食べるのは少し食べにくいかな。 パスタ大盛りにしたらお腹パンパンでした! お天気のいい日は ワンちゃん連れでもいいかな。
First visit at lunch. I'm surprised at the water with charcoal The taste is the same. You can sit slowly on the sofa Is it a little difficult to eat? When I made a large serving of pasta, I was hungry! When the weather is nice Is it okay to bring a dog?

友達と一緒にランチに行きました! TSUTAYAが1階にあり、カフェは2階にあります。 行って気が付きましたが、ドッグカフェや喫煙席が分けられてあってびっくりしました ? ★入ってみると雰囲気が良くかったです。 ★デザートが可愛くて料理も美味しかったです。 ★炭入りの水を無料でもらい、味も癖がなく美味しく飲めて、ダイエット中だったためとても嬉しかったです。 ★値段も手軽で美味しくいただけるので有難いです。 ▲デザートが来るのが忘れてるのかな?って思うほど遅いです。 ▲店員さんを呼んだのになかなか来なくて来たと思ったら呼んでない客のテーブルのところに行ってしまい困りました。
I went to lunch with my friends! TSUTAYA is on the 1st floor and the cafe is on the 2nd floor. I noticed that I went there, but I was surprised that the dog cafe and smoking seats were separated ? ★ The atmosphere was good when I entered. ★ The dessert was cute and the food was delicious. ★ I was very happy because I was on a diet because I got water containing charcoal for free and had no habit of drinking it. ★ I am grateful that the price is easy and delicious. ▲ Have you forgotten that dessert is coming? It's as slow as I think. ▲ I called a clerk, but when I thought I hadn't come, I went to the table of a customer who didn't call me, and I was in trouble.

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