Aun - Shizuoka

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Aun

住所 :

815-5 Nishiwaki, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8044, Japan

Postal code : 422-8044

815-5 Nishiwaki, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 422-8044, Japan
kujsjkujsj mjuiu on Google

庭が凄い! というのも静岡県が所管しているオープンガーデン静岡という団体に入会されている この団体の会員は、個人宅や店舗の庭を公開されていて、どこも手の込んでいる所ばかり 店内も凄く凝っている アルコール消毒からトイレの中まで遊び心が溢れている どんな仕掛けかはあえて書かない 秋だと菊の花まで置かれている 庭と言い、店内の花といい、園芸に凄く詳しいのがよくわかる 料理も、祖父母の家に来ている様な感じがして凄く良い カニクリームコロッケやから揚げを単品でとっても凄くボリューミー るるぶやまっぷるに掲載されていないし、他県ナンバーの車も見かけない所をみると、あまり旅行者は来て欲しくないと感じる
The garden is amazing! Because I am a member of an organization called Open Garden Shizuoka, which is under the jurisdiction of Shizuoka Prefecture. The members of this group are open to the public in their private homes and store gardens, and all of them are elaborate. The inside of the store is also very elaborate Playful from alcohol disinfection to the inside of the toilet I don't dare write what kind of mechanism Even chrysanthemum flowers are placed in autumn It's called a garden, and it's called a flower in the store, so you can see that you are very familiar with gardening. The food is also very good as it feels like you're at your grandparents' house Crab cream croquette and fried chicken are very voluminous as a single item Looking at places that are not listed in Rurubu Yamapuru and I do not see cars with other prefecture numbers, I feel that tourists do not want to come
山田マキ(エース) on Google

隠れ家と言うか、なんて言うか。看板見つけてたどって行けば見つかりますが幹線道路から入った住宅街にあります。その割に駐車場が二カ所もあるしお庭もあるし別棟にカラオケルームもあったり、店内30席くらいあってベビーベットまであったりする。電気を使ったギミックと電飾? いやはやカオスだけどジモの憩いの場でもある感じ。だが店内の広さと席数に対して手が回らない様子ですごく待ちました。食べ物メニューもあるし、パンやケーキ、スィーツもある。ユッタリと待てて雰囲気が気に入ったらよい店だと思います。オシャレなカフェ巡り女子にはどうかなぁ。
What do you call a hideaway? You can find it by finding the signboard and following it, but it is in a residential area that you entered from the main road. For that reason, there are two parking lots, a garden, a karaoke room in a separate building, and there are about 30 seats in the store, up to a baby bed. Gimmicks and illuminations using electricity? No, it's chaos, but it feels like a place for Jimo to relax. However, I waited a long time because I couldn't handle the size of the store and the number of seats. There is also a food menu, bread, cakes and sweets. I think it would be nice if you could wait for a while and like the atmosphere. How about fashionable cafe tour girls?
586 on Google

I ordered the new menu "Fried chicken in sweet and sour sauce". It's sweet and sweet, and it seems that women like it. I'm glad that the salad with garnish is also stable and has many items. It is served with about 14 kinds of nuts and avocados, and tuna with plenty of sesame seeds.
Mitsuru Takenouchi on Google

I wanted to know earlier. If you ask, it's a famous store loved by the locals. It's fun just to have a store and a garden handmade by the owner who also handles electrical work and forestry. It seems that the rice ball set meal is a standard, but this hamburger set meal was also very delicious. Not only do you have a calm time, but there is also a karaoke room, so it's a fun place to have fun with your friends.
ユノハナ on Google

お昼にうかがいました! おにぎり定食(600円)を注文しました。 おにぎり2種類を選び、お味噌汁、小鉢、漬け物がついてくるスタイルでしたが、優しい味でまとまっていて、満足です! ぜひまた来訪したいお店の一つになりました。
I visited at noon! I ordered a rice ball set meal (600 yen). I chose two types of rice balls and came with miso soup, small bowls, and pickles, but I am satisfied with the gentle taste! It has become one of the shops I definitely want to visit again.
healey sprite 948mk1 on Google

本日お昼ごはんに相方と行ってきました。手の行き届いた綺麗な庭を見ながら写真のおにぎり定食とフライドポテトを注文おにぎりは優しい味でどれも美味しく頂きました。スタッフのお母さん達も丁寧な対応でとても優しい感じです。ドリアとかはんばーぐとかもあるそうです。サンドウイッチは不定期でパンを焼いた時だけだそうです、運が良ければ!↓?ね 四ツ星の理由はおにぎりなんで 緑茶かと。 お茶出してくれたら間違いなく5つです。少しわかりにくいところにありますが皆さん是非!
I went with my partner for lunch today. I ordered the rice ball set meal and french fries in the photo while looking at the beautiful and well-kept garden. The rice balls were all delicious with a gentle taste. The mothers of the staff are also polite and very kind. There are also Doria and Hanbagu. It seems that sandwiches are only used when baking bread irregularly, if you are lucky! ↓? The reason for the four stars is rice balls Is it green tea? If you serve tea, there are definitely five. It's a little confusing, but everyone!
ながおかさとみ on Google

何でも美味しいです???????☕?? ちょっと分かりづらい場所と入りづらい・すれ違い出来ない(笑)道路なんですけども、駐車場は広いし中入れば凄く落ち着きます✨ ご飯は、凄く丁寧に作られてます? 例えばサラダは、何種類もの葉物野菜に人参にアボガドにナッツに干しぶどうに・・・? お味噌汁は、具沢山の飲みやすい優しい味の豚汁みたいだったり? ご飯が、また美味しいんですよ?✨ ですので、何を頼まれても満足しますし、落ち着きますよ〜(∋∇∈)✨ オーナーの職業柄?趣味?で、若干からくり屋敷な感じがします(笑) 大浜街道を入って直ぐなので、車でいらっしゃっても、公共交通機関として静鉄バスで来てもどちらでも良いと思います???
Everything is delicious ???????☕?? It's a road that is a little difficult to understand and difficult to enter / cannot pass (laughs), but the parking lot is large and it will be very calm if you enter inside ✨ The rice is very carefully made ? For example, salads include many kinds of leafy vegetables, carrots, avocados, nuts, and raisins ... ? Miso soup is like pork soup with a lot of easy-to-drink and gentle taste ? The rice is delicious again ?✨ So, no matter what you ask, you will be satisfied and calm down ~ (∋∇∈) ✨ The occupation of the owner? hobby? And it feels like a karakuri mansion (laughs) It's right after entering the Ohama Highway, so I think it doesn't matter whether you come by car or by public transportation by Shizutetsu Bus ???
加賀政和 on Google

ずーっと気になっていた喫茶店「阿吽」さん 広めの駐車場 和モダンな雰囲気の店構え ご夫婦で営まれているのでしょうか? 奥さまらしき方が調理と運びをされていました。 店内は4人がけテーブルが10席くらいあったと思います。 パーテーションには絵手紙が貼られていて、落ち着いた雰囲気 BGMは宇宙系?オルゴールのような静か過ぎる(笑)演出 おトイレは非接触設備が凄い! あと気になるのは外気温や風力計などの設置、手作りな鹿威しなど… きっと「好き」を詰め込んだのでしょう。 残念なのは喫茶店なのにコーヒーが1種類しかない。大・小の選択のみ。しかも薄い! 美味しいコーヒーを求めて伺ったので残念な感じでした。 個室のカラオケルームがあるようで ご年輩の方々の集いには良いのかも…
Coffee shop "Aung" who has been worried for a long time Large parking lot Japanese modern atmosphere Is it run by a married couple? A wife-like person was cooking and carrying. I think there were about 10 tables for 4 people in the store. A picture letter is attached to the partition, and it has a calm atmosphere. Is BGM a space system? Too quiet like a music box (laughs) The toilet has great non-contact equipment! Also, I'm worried about the installation of outside temperature and anemometer, handmade deer, etc ... I'm sure it was packed with "likes". Unfortunately, although it is a coffee shop, there is only one type of coffee. Only large / small selection. And it's thin! It was a shame because I asked for good coffee. There seems to be a private karaoke room Maybe it's good for a gathering of older people ...

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