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Contact (株)Mマート

住所 :

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.m-mart.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku City, 〒160-0023 Tokyo,Japan
ogorod morskoi on Google

プロの方向けの優良なプラットフォーム。 なので、素人さんはやらない方が良い。分かってる人の分かってる人向けの場所です。運営会社のスタッフさんがプロかどうかはまた別の話。
A good platform for professionals. Therefore, it is better not to do it for amateurs. It's a place for people who know and who know. Whether or not the staff of the operating company is a professional is another story.
Y M on Google

参加した店舗の販売実績を知りたいと言うと、頑なに拒否し怒った口調で説教された。当方が参加するかどうか考えるのに、既存参加店舗の実績・数字は全く関係ないそうです。それを熱く説教されました。は!?? 要するに見せられる実績がないからムキになっているだけ。あれば誇らしく自慢しないわけがない。信じられないほど幼稚なレベルの対応に呆れ返った。こんなの社会人になって20年超で初めてかもしれない。そんな接客をしておきながら「今日からどうですか?」と厚かましく迫ってくる。数字に追われているのが見え見え。 また従業員側サイトの口コミでも初年度で80%の店舗は退会する焼き畑商法とあった。参加したら大損確定、まず参加しない方が良いでしょう。意味不明な説教ありがとな。
When he wanted to know the sales performance of the stores he participated in, he stubbornly refused and was preached in an angry tone. It seems that the actual results and numbers of existing participating stores have nothing to do with whether or not we will participate. It was enthusiastically preached. Ha! ?? ?? In short, I'm just crazy because I don't have a track record to show. There is no reason not to be proud of it. I was amazed at the incredibly childish level of response. It may be the first time in more than 20 years to become such a member of society. While serving such customers, he urges me bravely, "How about from today?" I can see that I am being chased by numbers. In addition, according to word of mouth on the employee side site, 80% of the stores were withdrawn in the first year according to the slash-and-burn commercial law. If you participate, it will be a big loss, so it is better not to participate first. Thank you for the incomprehensible sermon.
高橋由和 on Google

I only think about my company. Both sellers and buyers try to follow their own convenience. If you use a marketplace operated by a specific rival, you will not let them use the M-Mart. According to a story I heard from an employee of this company before, there was also a farmer as a seller, and a female executive of M-Mart ridiculed at a simple one, "Peasant !!" I heard this story and lost my trust completely
佐藤錦 on Google

At the briefing session, the president only says, "If you make it cheaper than other companies, you can sell it." When asked, "Our industry is the first in M-mart and there is no comparable price for other companies. What should I do in that case?", I received a strange template answer, "I should make it a little cheaper than other companies." Is it a little weak? What about this old man? I was worried. The view of Shinjuku from the toilet was good (laughs)
?? on Google

Mマートに出店して分かったこと 新しいシステムが出来た時 何でそうなるのか聞いても 説明は無い。決まりですからで終わり Mマートの規約すら、自分達で理解出来てない 規約に反した事をしていないのに 一方的にこちらが悪者扱いされ、強制退店と言われ あまりに頭にきたので 弁護士の肩書を借りたら、弁護士には、きちんと対応出来てたみたい でも こちらには謝罪の言葉一つも無し だから皆んな出店を辞めていくんだろうなと思った
What I learned from opening a store at M-mart There is no explanation when asked why this happens when a new system is created. It ’s a rule, so it ’s over. Even the rules of M-mart cannot be understood by ourselves Even though I did not violate the rules, I was unilaterally treated as a bad guy, and I was told that I was forced to leave the store, so I got so confused that if I borrowed the title of a lawyer, it seems that I was able to respond properly to the lawyer. I don't have any words of apology, so I wondered if everyone would quit the store.
Curry Surf on Google

迷惑営業電話の会社。電話番号で検索すると迷惑営業の電話データベースにあるので判明。 留守番に入っていたので再生したところ「企業様に直接販売してほしいのでその件です」といっていた。 スパム営業をしている企業というシェアがなければコールバックするところ。 辛うじて虚偽ではないかもしれないが、紛らわしいことをいって引っかけようとしてくる要注意企業
Annoying business phone company. Searching by phone number reveals that it is in the junk sales phone database. I was in the answering machine, so when I replayed it, he said, "I want the company to sell it directly, so that's the case." If there is no share of a company that operates spam, it will be called back. It may not be false, but it is a company that needs attention to try to catch something confusing.
高野貴之 on Google

業務用食品EC モールとしては日本最大級。 モールなので、一部のコーナーを除き、品質や、価格については販売者と購買謝様の直接のやりとりになります。
Japan's largest commercial food EC mall. Since it is a mall, except for some corners, quality and price are directly exchanged between the seller and the purchaser.
Taso Map on Google

A company that does not play the role of a platform at all. The site is the worst in terms of usability and response, and it doesn't do any commission work. It is this company that there is no way to save, even if it does not take responsibility from top to bottom. I will never buy it again. We recommend that you do not use it either.

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