麺屋びっぷ 知多本店 - Chita

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺屋びっぷ 知多本店

住所 :

Nishinodai, Chita, 〒478-0055 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 478-0055
Webサイト : https://www.menyavip.com/
街 : Aichi

Nishinodai, Chita, 〒478-0055 Aichi,Japan
8823 spitz on Google

愛知まで車を走らせ高校の同級生とラーメンへ。 今回訪問したのは「麺屋 びっぷ 知多本店」です。 お互い家系好き故の訪問で期待も高まります。 注文は家系ラーメン+ライスの固め濃いめ少なめ、 麺ライス両方とも大盛無料なのでお願いしました。 インスタをフォローして味玉トッピングゲットです、 雨も降ったので雨の日限定のネギ増しもゲット。 女性の店員さんが気さくに話しかけてくれて、 自分が三重から来たことを伝えるとかなり驚いてました。 【家系ラーメン】 想像以上にネギが盛られてて驚き。 もはや家系とは思えない見た目ですが、 中身はれっきとした家系ラーメンです。 濃いめのオーダーでしたがスープはくどさもなく、どちらかと言えば旨味が前面に出ているような味わいでかなり飲みやすいです。 所謂商店系のようなただただクリーミーなだけのスープとは違うのでそこは高評価。 驚いたのは味玉です。ノーマルでは玉子が入ってる店が少なく、あったとしてもうずらの店が大半ですが、ここの味玉は味がよく染みててかなり美味かったです。 他とはひと味違う美味しい家系でした。 食べ終わった後は店内の黒板に「びっぷ最高!!」 の直筆サインを残して退店、ごちそうさまでした。
Drive to Aichi and go to high school classmates and ramen. This time I visited "Menya Bip Chita Main Store". Expectations are also raised by visiting each other because they like their family. The order is Iekei Ramen + Rice, which is thick and light. Both noodles and rice are very free, so I asked for it. Follow Instagram to get a taste ball topping, It rained, so I got more green onions only on rainy days. A female clerk talked to me kindly, I was quite surprised to hear that I was from Mie. [Iekei Ramen] I was surprised that the green onions were piled up more than I imagined. It doesn't look like a family anymore, but The contents are a decent family ramen. Although it was a strong order, the soup is not dull, and it is rather easy to drink because it has a taste that makes the umami come out to the front. It is highly evaluated because it is different from the soup that is just creamy like the so-called shop system. What surprised me was the taste ball. Normally, there are few shops that have eggs in them, and most of them are quail shops, but the taste balls here were very tasty. It was a delicious family that was a bit different from the others. After eating, the blackboard inside the store says "Bippu is the best !!" I left the autograph of the store and left the store for a feast.
k t on Google

家系ラーメンの新しい形であっさりしていてとても美味しかったです!! ぺろっと食べれちゃいました! 店員さんも親切でとてもいい印象でした!! ぜひまた行きたいです(^ ^)
It was a new form of Iekei Ramen and it was very delicious! !! I was able to eat it! The clerk was also kind and gave a very good impression! !! I definitely want to go again (^ ^)
HR AZ on Google

パチ屋隣接。食券機。 卓上にニンニク有り。 バランス良くスープを薄めた家系ラーメンという感じ。 だが、それなりのパンチ力は有る。 昼は混んでいる様子。
Adjacent to a pachinko parlor. Ticket machine. There is garlic on the table. It feels like Iekei Ramen with a well-balanced dilute soup. However, it has some punching power. It looks like it's crowded during the day.
金さん on Google

昨年の10月にオープンした横浜家系ラーメン屋さん☆ パチンコ店の敷地内に有る店舗は、過去に何回もお店が入れ替わっている場所で尚且つ、最近知多半島でもオープンラッシュ気味だった横浜家系のお店かと思い、初訪問した時はついつい物珍しさから、あっさり鶏醤油つけ麺を食べて、その物足りなさに唖然としたことから、看板メニューを食べずに時が経ちました? 丁度、平日の昼時にこちら方面に立ち寄りましたので、最近フォロワーさんの家系レビューに触発されて、ラーメンライスが食べたい気分でしたので、こちらを思い出しまっしぐら?‍♂️ 最近コロナ禍になってからパチンコ店に立ち寄ることも無かったので分かりませんがこの日はパチンコ店共用の駐車場もそこそこ混んでて立駐の2階へ停めて、お店に向かいます。 13時、少し前に伺うと、7席程のカウンターは2席の余りで流行ってる雰囲気?✨✨✨ 入口左手の券売機でチケットを購入して、店員さんにチケットを渡してオーダーです。 ◯家系ラーメン+ライス  ¥930 ◯味玉          ¥120 以前、限定で醤油で真っ黒に味付けした黒玉が人気だった様で、9月は黒玉変更可能でしたので、味玉券を買って、店員さんに黒玉へ変更でオーダーしました♪ 家系ラーメンとライスは昼は大盛りサービスがあるとの事でしたが、ダイエット中の為、オール並で? ラーメンの好みもすべて普通でオーダー☆ しばし、カウンターで待ってると、店内は男性率100%で、この界隈でも家系ラーメンがランチで浸透してるのかなという印象☆ 着丼した家系ラーメンは、丼一面にレアチューシューが覆い尽くされていて、黒玉が見当たらなかったので、まさかチャーシューの下に無いよね❓ とキョロキョロしてたら、店員さんが、『別皿で黒玉でます』との言葉に一安心(笑) 早速、別皿で来た黒玉を丼にセルフ盛りして写真をぱちり♪ ここまで黒い味玉は食べた記憶が有りませんが、食べるとそこまで味付けが濃いと言うこともなく、黄身の美味しさを満喫できる美味しさ? 次回も黒玉が有れば変更したいなと♪ レアチャーシューは、とあるラーメン筋に詳しい方からコスパの良い豚肉を使ってるとの事で、食べてみれば納得のレアチャーシューで、最初にご飯にワンバンして食べたのは、チャーシュー・オン・ザ・ライス‼️ 気を良くして、食べたかった海苔巻きライスを食べると、少しスープの塩気を感じる味付け♪ お勧めの食べ方でコショーを掛けると書いてありましたが、流石にそこまでは必要ないかなという感じで、3枚あった海苔の最後は、卓上の豆板醤をライスに付けてからの海苔巻きライスでピリ辛うまw 横浜家系と謳われてますが、かなり飲みやすいとろみの有る豚骨スープは、そこまで塩気は強く無く、腰の有る中太縮れ麺とスープの相性も良く完食♪ 残りのスープは少し塩気が強くなって来たので、卓上の酢をかけたら、以外と飲みやすくなり危うく完飲の一本手前でご馳走さま?‍♂️ 最近は家系チェーン店の家系ばかり食べていたので、びっぷの、家系ラーメンライスが美味しく感じました? 本格家系の味まではいきませんが、知多半島で食べる家系ラーメンなら今のところ此方が推し麺ですね♪ ご馳走さまでした?‍♂️
Yokohama Iekei Ramen shop opened in October last year ☆ The store on the premises of the pachinko store is a place where the store has been replaced many times in the past, and I think that it is a store of the Yokohama family that has recently been open rushing on the Chita Peninsula, so when I first visited it, it was unusual. Then, I ate chicken soy sauce tsukemen lightly, and I was stunned by the lack of it, so time passed without eating the signature menu ? I just stopped by this area at noon on weekdays, so I was inspired by the family reviews of my followers recently, and I felt like eating ramen rice, so I remembered this ?‍♂️ I haven't stopped at the pachinko shop since I became a corona sick recently, so I don't know, but on this day the parking lot shared by the pachinko shop is so crowded that I parked on the second floor of the station and headed for the shop. At 13:00, when I visited a little while ago, the counter with about 7 seats had a trendy atmosphere with more than 2 seats ?✨✨✨ Purchase a ticket at the ticket vending machine on the left side of the entrance and hand the ticket to the clerk to place an order. ◯ Family ramen + rice ¥ 930 ◯ Ajitama ¥ 120 Previously, it seems that black balls seasoned in black with soy sauce were popular for a limited time, and it was possible to change the black balls in September, so I bought a taste ball ticket and ordered the clerk to change to black balls ♪ Iekei Ramen and Rice are said to have a large service during the day, but because they are on a diet, they are on par with all ? All ramen tastes are normal and ordered ☆ When I waited at the counter for a while, the male rate was 100% in the store, and I got the impression that Iekei Ramen is pervading at lunch even in this neighborhood ☆ The Iekei Ramen that I wore was covered with rare pork all over the bowl, and I couldn't find any black balls, so it's not under the char siu ❓ When I was wandering around, the clerk was relieved to hear the words, "I'll have a black ball on a separate plate" (laughs). Immediately, put the black ball that came in a separate plate on the bowl and snap the photo ♪ I don't remember eating black taste balls so far, but when I eat it, I don't say that the seasoning is so strong, and I can enjoy the deliciousness of yolk ? I want to change it next time if there is a black ball ♪ Rare char siu is said to be using pork with good cost performance from a person who is familiar with ramen muscles, and it is a rare char siu that is convincing when I try it, and the first one I ate with rice was char siu on. The Rice! ️ When you feel good and eat the seaweed-wrapped rice that you wanted to eat, you can feel the saltiness of the soup ♪ It was written that the recommended way to eat it would be to hang the pepper, but I felt that it wasn't necessary for the stones, so the last of the three pieces of seaweed was wrapped in seaweed after adding the tabletop doubanjiang to the rice. Rice and spicy horse w Although it is touted as a Yokohama family, the thick pork bone soup that is fairly easy to drink is not so salty, and the chewy medium-thick curly noodles go well with the soup ♪ The rest of the soup has become a little salty, so if you sprinkle vinegar on the table, it will be easier to drink, and it will be a treat just before the end of the drink ?‍♂️ Recently, I've been eating only Iekei Ramen from Iekei chain stores, so I felt that Iekei Ramen Rice was delicious ? I can't go to the taste of authentic family, but for the family ramen that I eat on the Chita Peninsula, this is the recommended noodle for now ♪ Thank you for the treat ?‍♂️
TOM on Google

家系ラーメン麺屋びっぷさんですが、つけ麺をいただきました。 と言うのも、見た目まるで昆布水つけ麺⁉️ と思わせるほど麺が浸たるほどにスープ⁉️に浸った麺をみて気になりオーダーしてみました? さっそく到着したつけ麺? メニューの写真の様に 麺がひたひたに浸かってました‼️ さっそく麺だけを啜ってみると… 昆布水では無いもののこれだけで十分食べられる?? 続いてつけダレに浸して… 味濃っ‼️? と言う事でほぼつけダレ無しで完食? 最後に麺が浸っていたスープにつけダレを投入するものの ん〜〜〜? 味見程度で終了しました。 これ⁉️つけダレ無しでいいんじゃない⁉️ 一緒にオーダーした炒飯を完食しお店を出ました。 ご馳走さまでした?
I'm Bippu, a family ramen noodle shop, but I got tsukemen. It looks like kelp water tsukemen ⁉️ I saw the noodles soaked in soup ⁉️ so that the noodles were soaked so much that I was curious and ordered ? Tsukemen arrived immediately ? Like the picture on the menu The noodles were soaked in the water! ️ When I try to sip only the noodles ... It's not kelp water, but it's enough to eat ?? Then soak it in the sauce ... Tasteful! ️? By saying that, it is almost complete with no sagging ? At the end, add the sauce to the soup that the noodles were soaked in Hmm ~~~ ? It was finished with tasting. This ⁉️ It's okay without dripping ⁉️ I ate the fried rice I ordered together and left the restaurant. Thank you for the treat ?
鳴護 on Google

当方、つけ麺を食べるのが大好きです。 このお店には家系しかないと思ってこれまでスルーしてきましたが、 いざレビューを見てみるとつけ麺のものもあったので速攻で凸。 ほかの方の仰る通り麺が浸っているスープにもしっかり味がついていて◎ つけ汁はたしかに薄味も組み合わせて二種の楽しみ方ができるので大変満足でした。 ただ付け合せのメンマは正直合わない。酸っぱさがあるのでつけ汁に浸すと それ以降の味も酸っぱさを感じてしまいます。 また、TPで頼んだ味玉はラーメンには合いそうもつけ麺には合わず… ただ800円ほどで大盛り無料なこと、麺そのものの楽しさが豊富なことを踏まえると大満足です。 次は特盛も頼んでみたい! これまで撤退続きの立地なので、長くやって欲しいです。 2021.11/4追記:特盛だと思って「得」を頼んだら特製でチャーシューが増えた感じでした。 最大で大盛りまでなのかな。量的にはもう一段階欲しいところ…
I love eating tsukemen. I've been through this shop thinking that there is only a family line, but When I looked at the reviews, there were some tsukemen, so it was quick and convex. As other people say, the soup in which the noodles are soaked is also well-flavored. I was very satisfied with the soup because I could enjoy it in two ways by combining it with a light taste. However, the garnish Menma does not match honestly. It's sour, so if you soak it in soup The taste after that also feels sour. Also, the taste balls I ordered at TP seemed to go well with ramen, but they didn't go well with tsukemen ... It's just about 800 yen and it's free of charge, and I'm very satisfied with the abundant enjoyment of the noodles themselves. Next time I would like to ask for Tokumori! Because it is a location that has been withdrawn so far, I want you to do it for a long time. 2021.11 / 4 Addendum: When I asked for "profit" because I thought it was special, I felt that the number of specially made char siu increased. I wonder if it's up to a large serving. I want another step in terms of quantity ...
日比野美咲 on Google

とってもおいしかったです☺️ 飲めるとんこつ! 期間限定も美味しいものばかりで、シーズンごとにいきたいほどです✌️ 特に、冷やし坦々麺が美味しい!鴨肉がよくマッチしていました。早く夏がこないかなあ あと、店長がイケメンです!!! 写真は坦々麺です
It was very delicious ☺️ Tonkotsu that you can drink! Only delicious foods are available for a limited time, and I want to go every season ✌️ Especially, the chilled dandan noodles are delicious! The duck meat matched well. I wonder if summer will come soon Also, the store manager is handsome! !! !! The photo is Tantan noodles
do pa on Google

なかなか美味しいラーメンです。看板メニューの家系ラーメンはコッテリしているけど、全部食べれてしまいます。 また、レアチャーシューがもの珍しく味も美味しい。 チャーハンもいい感じだと思います。 自分よりも後から来た客が自分と同じ品物を注文をして、わずかながらも後から来た客に先に提供するのはあまり気分が良くない。アルバイトだと思うが。
It's a very delicious ramen. Iekei Ramen on the signboard menu is sloppy, but I can eat it all. Also, the rare char siu is unusual and the taste is delicious. I think fried rice is also good. It doesn't feel very good for a customer who comes later than me to order the same item as me and offer it to a customer who comes later, albeit slightly. I think it's a part-time job.

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