
3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とんかつのむら

住所 :

Nishinippori, Arakawa City, 〒116-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishinippori, Arakawa City, 〒116-0013 Tokyo,Japan
masu masa on Google

ランチのカツカレー定食を頼みましたが、ルーが異常に少ないです。 カツは揚げたてなので美味しいですが、付け合せのキャベツが美味しくありません。
I asked for a cutlet curry set meal for lunch, but there were unusually few roux. The cutlet is freshly fried and delicious, but the garnished cabbage is not delicious.
D MR. on Google

CP normal. In this neighborhood it is good as it is. However, the shop owner's attitude is bad, and it is heard that other customers listen to the bad mouth of the guest who went home after dinner (which seems to be family-run). I can not feel the heart of hospitality at all.
福井剛 on Google

A semi-underground tonkatsu shop near the Nishi-nippori 5-chome bus stop. Smoking is not good. It doesn't taste bad. If you want to allow smoking, it is better to decline people who do not smoke. If that is not possible, you should quit smoking at lunchtime alone. If you are allowed to smoke, you should post a notice to that effect in the store and restrain those who dislike smoking. I wish I had a cigarette problem. I'm sorry.
katsuhisa nishiyama on Google

昨日何年かぶりに行きました。 以前とは人も変わり、サービスも良くなっていました。 またしばらく通おうかと思います。
I went there yesterday for the first time in years. People have changed and services have improved. I think I'll go there again for a while.
T Tanaka on Google

近所なので訪問しました。 揚げたてで値段もお手頃で良かったです。
I visited because it is a neighborhood. It was good that it was freshly fried and the price was reasonable.
松井英一 on Google

ランチが730円(だったと思います)と安く、注文してから揚げてくれるので、すっごいお得感があります。味もうまいです。 あと、大将が元気で、エネルギー貰えます(笑)
Lunch is cheap at 730 yen (I think it was), and it's fried after ordering, so it is a great deal. It tastes good. Also, the general is fine and I can get energy (laugh)
Lisa Liz on Google

It was crispy and voluminous and delicious.
pakun makun on Google

豚カツを食べ歩きしているのでかなり厳しい評価をさせて頂きました。 本来なら星3個でと思いましたが。。。 1 ロースカツ定食990円なのに1040円請求(勘違いでした) 2 トイレが汚い 3 ご飯が美味しくない(下限値ギリギリ) 4 肉の旨味、脂の甘みが一切ない 5 箸でつまむと衣が剥がれる 〇失礼ですがあまり良い印象がなかったです
Since I am eating pork cutlet, I gave it a very strict evaluation. Originally I thought it would be 3 stars. .. .. 1 Low cutlet set meal is 990 yen, but 1040 yen is charged (it was a misunderstanding) 2 The toilet is dirty 3 Rice is not delicious (barely lower limit) 4 No umami of meat or sweetness of fat 5 Pinch with chopsticks and the clothes will come off 〇 Excuse me, but I didn't have a very good impression.

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