滝ノ上温泉 滝観荘

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 滝ノ上温泉 滝観荘

住所 :

Nishine, Shizukuishi, Iwate District, 〒020-0584 Iwate,Japan

Webサイト : https://ryukanso.com/
街 : Iwate

Nishine, Shizukuishi, Iwate District, 〒020-0584 Iwate,Japan
上伊南昌明 on Google

SakuraDY on Google

The scenery in autumn is wonderful
小野政明 on Google

露天風呂では無いけど、内風呂の窓を解放するだけで、滝と川の音色で癒されます。 平日午前中は、貸し切り状態です。
It's not an open-air bath, but you can be healed by the sounds of waterfalls and rivers just by opening the window of the indoor bath. It is reserved in the morning on weekdays.
パロンボ on Google

The scenery and the quality of the spring are good, but the hot springs are a little narrow. I'm glad it's in a chartered state. There is a road closure in winter, so check before you go.
羽柴碧 on Google

久々に行きましたが、変わらずの良いお湯です。 日帰り入浴700円。内湯は一つで洗い場も4つとそれほどの大きさではありませんが、窓からの景色が抜群。お湯と景色だけ楽しむには、星5つでも良いかなとは思います。 これからの時期は紅葉が見事になります。 令和3年9月7日現在枝先が微妙に変わりはじめですので、後1~2週間というところでしょうか? 冬場は通行止めになりますので、10月にはやっているかどうかを確認の上向かって頂けると安心です。 冬場通行止めになるだけあって、道路の状況は余り良くはありません。二車線にすらならない場所もありますので向かうまでの道のりは気をつけて。葛根田渓谷の景色が見事なので、見とれているとカーブなんかで停まっている車がいたりもします。登山口が近くでもありますので、わりと交通量は多めです。 施設の駐車場もわりとファジーな感じなので、置く時にはそれぞれに気をつけて。 また近郊には飲食店や食料を購入できるような場所がありません。施設内でカップラーメン程度なら購入できます。その点で利便性が良くないと星一つ分減らします。
It's been a while since I went there, but it's still good hot water. One-day bathing 700 yen. There is only one indoor bath and four washrooms, which is not that big, but the view from the window is outstanding. To enjoy only the hot water and the scenery, I think 5 stars is fine. Autumn leaves will be wonderful in the coming season. As of September 7, 3rd year of Reiwa, the tip of the branch has begun to change slightly, so is it about a week or two later? It will be closed in winter, so it is safe to check if you are doing it in October. The road conditions are not very good as it is closed in winter. There are places where you don't even have two lanes, so be careful about the way you go. The view of the Katsuneda Valley is spectacular, so if you look at it, some cars may be parked on curves. There is a lot of traffic because the trailhead is also nearby. The parking lot of the facility is also rather fuzzy, so be careful when placing it. Also, there are no restaurants or places to buy food in the suburbs. You can buy cup ramen at the facility. In that respect, if it is not convenient, it will be reduced by one star.
Kouichi Itou on Google

久々に行きました!! 掛け流しで良いお風呂です!! 受付最後の時間に行ったせいか、誰も居ませんでした(笑) 洗い場が2席だけなので、人が多いと難しいかも・・・ でも、泉質はサイコーです!! 最終受付が17時で、最終退室が18時!! 今日は夕日が良かったので欲場からみる景色が一層良かったです!!
I went after a long time! ! It's a good bath that is free flowing! ! Nobody was there, probably because I went to the reception last time (laughs). Since there are only 2 seats for washing, it may be difficult if there are many people... But the quality of the spring is so good! ! The last reception is at 17:00 and the last exit is at 18:00! ! The sunset was good today, so the view from the greed was even better! !
おがちゃん on Google

It is a hot spring located in front of the Mitsuishiyama mountain climbing entrance, near the Karasuhatake mountain climbing entrance, heading toward the Katsuneda geothermal power plant along the road from Genbu. Personally, the quality of the spring here seems to match, and I feel tired. Depending on the quality of the hot springs, there are some hot springs where you may feel tired, drowsy or drowsy after rising, but this is a hot spring that suits you. There are about 4 to 5 parking lots on the side of the building, but there is a large parking lot near the hot spring building, so you don't have to worry about parking. The entrance is large and the bathroom is a decent size, but if you enter a few people, it will be ? thank you. There are two spaces to wash your body. There is no open-air bath, but you can soak in the hot springs while gazing at the steam from the mountains and the Kakkonda River. After taking a bath, it's best to relax in the lobby. It takes time to get there, but ... it's a precious hot spring.
H. A on Google

窓から見える モクモクの水蒸気と紅葉の景色が良かった。ほのかな硫黄臭の良い温泉でした。
The view of the water vapor of Mokumoku and the autumn leaves seen from the window was good. It was a hot spring with a faint sulfur smell.

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