焼肉きんぐ 鹿沼店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉きんぐ 鹿沼店

住所 :

Nishimoro, Kanuma, 〒322-0029 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897788
Webサイト : https://www.yakiniku-king.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–12AM
Sunday 11:30AM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : Tochigi

Nishimoro, Kanuma, 〒322-0029 Tochigi,Japan
Satoshi Hojo on Google

一人焼肉してきました。スタッフは、ハキハキしていて、親切で良い感じ。58品食べ放題と飲み放題で満腹しました。スタッフとロボットが肉を運んでくれる。 全体的に良い印象でした。
I've been grilling meat alone. The staff are cheerful, kind and nice. I was full with all-you-can-eat and all-you-can-drink 58 dishes. The staff and robots carry the meat. It was a good impression overall.
Mgmg on Google

平日も混んでるから予約は絶対した方がいい。 提供遅いから食べ放題の時間半分くらい待ってる感じ。 常に何か頼まないと本当に待ってるだけ。 そして味が濃い。「タレor塩」の他に「味付けなし」の選択肢が欲しかった。 総合して家族(大人3人)で飲み放題付けないででも7~8000円は高い。他の焼肉店で同じくらいの値段で食べた方が満足する。 もう二度と行かない
It's crowded on weekdays, so you should definitely make a reservation. It's late to serve, so I feel like I'm waiting for about half the time for all-you-can-eat. If you don't always ask for something, you're really waiting. And the taste is strong. I wanted an option of "no seasoning" in addition to "sauce or salt". Overall, 7-8000 yen is expensive even if you don't have all-you-can-drink for your family (3 adults). It is more satisfying to eat at the same price at other yakiniku restaurants. I will never go again
ちんぼう on Google

2021/12/29日に行きましたが店員さんが強烈なワキガでまともに食事が出来ないくらい臭いがホールに漂って来ます。 食べ放題スタート時に注文したサンチュがラストオーダーくらいのタイミングで届いた。 もう肉を食べずにデザートを食べている時にサンチュだけ運ばれても 店長も外人で日本語不自由かな
I went there on December 29, 2021, but the clerk was so strong that I couldn't eat properly, and the smell drifted into the hall. The lettuce I ordered at the start of all-you-can-eat arrived at the timing of the last order. Even if only lettuce is carried while eating dessert without eating meat anymore The store manager is also a foreigner and Japanese is inconvenient
上野あきら on Google

二度目の来店です。前回の時はきんぐコースを注文し物足り無かったので、今回はプレミアムコースにしました。 前回は、注文すると直ぐに料理が来るし開き皿回収も絶妙なタイミングで来てたのですが、今回は注文しても忘れた頃に来るし、開き皿回収も来ないので、テーブルが開き皿でてんこ盛りになるしオーダーミスも3度も有り結局来ない品もあった。 国産カルビは脂身多すぎるし極みカルビは固めで噛み切れない部分が多かった。 てか、写真と違いすぎる!ホントに国産?怪しいレベル。 あのレベルなら、きんぐコースで充分でしょう。 まあ~行かんけど。
This is my second visit. Last time I ordered the Kingu course and it wasn't enough, so this time I chose the premium course. Last time, when I ordered, the food came immediately and the open plate collection came at the perfect timing, but this time it comes when I forget to order and the open plate collection does not come, so the table opens and the plate comes. There were a lot of dishes and there were 3 order mistakes and some of them didn't come after all. The domestic ribs were too fat and the extreme ribs were hard and had many parts that could not be chewed. It's too different from the photo! Really domestic? Suspicious level. At that level, the Kingu course will suffice. Well, I can't go.
パソコン太郎 on Google

オープンしてすぐ行ってみました。 リーズナブルで種類も豊富、肉もサイドメニューもとても美味しかったです。 肉のコスパもさることながら 店員さんの接客が凄ばらしく、特に焼肉ポリスの札をつけた2人は ・色々と知らない焼肉の知識 ・美味しい食べ方 ・網の交換のタイミング 本当に最高の接客でしたでした。 楽しくて写真を撮るのを忘れて、さつまいもしか撮りませんでしたが、また必ず行こうと思ってます
I went there immediately after opening. It was reasonably priced and had a wide variety, and the meat and side menu were very delicious. Not only the cost performance of meat The clerk's customer service was amazing, especially the two who put the yakiniku police tag ・ Knowledge of yakiniku that you do not know in various ways ・ How to eat delicious ・ Timing of net replacement It was really the best customer service. It was fun and I forgot to take a picture, I only took sweet potatoes, but I will definitely go again
松井久美子 on Google

最高に楽しい。ロボット君がお料理を運んでくれるので、子供も大喜び。 韓国フェアとか、北海道フェアとか定期的にメニューが変わるので飽きずに毎回楽しめる。 料理の提供時間もスピーディーで、味も美味しい!でも、人気で平日でも混んでいるので早めに行くのがいいかも。
The most fun. Children will be delighted because the robot will carry the food for you. The menu changes regularly, such as the Korea Fair and the Hokkaido Fair, so you can enjoy it every time without getting bored. The food is served quickly and the taste is delicious! However, it is popular and crowded even on weekdays, so it may be better to go early.
rika matsu on Google

CMを見て行ってみようかとなったのですが、職場の同僚から宇都宮店で過去にイヤな接客態度を取られたことがあると聞いていたので、昨年8月にオープンしていて家から近い鹿沼店に行ってみました。主人いわく前にデニーズがあった場所だそうです。 食べ放題の一番安いコースで頼みましたが大満足でした。 全てタッチパネルで注文します。 カルビは柔らかくてジューシーで。薄い肉のもありましたが、あの方がすぐに焼けるし食感も満足するし。 ヘタに厚いと裏返すまでの間時間が空くからとスープ飲んだり他のことしていてうっかり焼きすぎて焦げるということもない。網に置いたら早く食べたい!が実現する嬉しさ。 しかも頼んでから来るまでが早い! サラダやスープは遅れぎみでしたが、ドリンクまでもタッチパネルなのにすぐに来るし。 黒烏龍茶はしっかり濃くて美味しい。アイスもホットも質が良い。家族のどの飲み物もキチンと美味しかったです。自分で取りに行くタイプのような、うっすーいウーロン茶飲まなきゃいけなくなる心配もない(笑) お肉が結構脂っぽくても胃もたれしませんでした。 薬味に大根おろしがあると更に嬉しいかも。 いつかの時代に置き忘れてきたかのような、スタッフが一つになっての掛け声、威勢のよさ、声かけなくても網の交換はいかがですかと声をかけてくれてすぐに手早くしてくれる細やかな気付き。こういう接客に久々に会いました。まずスタッフの人数の多いこと!10人以上はいました。 今回初めて伺いましたが、しばらく焼き肉はここのお店になりそうです。
I decided to go see the commercial, but I heard from a colleague at work that I had had an unpleasant customer service attitude at the Utsunomiya store in the past, so it opened in August last year and from my house. I went to the nearby Kanuma store. It's the place where Denny's was before my husband said. I ordered the cheapest all-you-can-eat course, but I was very satisfied. All orders are made on the touch panel. The ribs are soft and juicy. There was also thin meat, but that one burns quickly and the texture is satisfactory. If it's thick, you won't have time to turn it over, so you won't have to drink soup or do other things and inadvertently overcook it and burn it. I want to eat it as soon as I put it on the net! The joy of realizing. Moreover, it's quick to come after asking! Salads and soups were late, but even drinks are coming soon even though they are on the touch panel. Black oolong tea is strong and delicious. Both ice and hot are of good quality. Every drink in the family was delicious. You don't have to worry about having to drink light oolong tea like the type you go to pick up yourself (laughs) Even though the meat was quite greasy, I didn't feel heavy in my stomach. It might be even better if the condiments have grated radish. As if it had been left behind in some era, the staff members shouted as one, the dashing power, and even if they didn't call out, how about exchanging the net? Noticed. I met this kind of customer service for the first time in a while. First of all, the number of staff is large! There were more than 10 people. I visited for the first time this time, but it seems that yakiniku will be here for a while.
Emi Ho on Google

オープンしてまだ新しいので店内はとても綺麗でしたが、床は微妙?下はあまり見なければOK(笑)。ネット予約でしたが案内の時、スムーズではありませんでした。お店はとても活気があり、賑やかです。店員さん同士の話し声も目立ち、元気だけど邪魔な会話も目立ちました 提供はスムーズ。美味しく食べることは出来ました。 メニューについて店員さんに聞いた時『まだ入りたてもバイトでわからない』と?バイトとは言えお店に立つ以上答えて欲しかったです。 また、キッチンの一部が見えるのですが、ゴミや残飯を破棄している箇所がかなり床まで散乱していて、忙しいのだろうけど、もう少し見えるところは見えるなりに…とも思いました。見えない方が美味しく頂けると思います。不衛生に見えました。せっかくチェーン店として決してレベルの悪いお店ではないのに、もったいない。次行く時は他の店舗に足を運んでみようと思います。
The inside of the store was very beautiful because it was opened and still new, but the floor is delicate ? If you don't look too much underneath, it's OK (laughs). It was an online reservation, but it was not smooth at the time of guidance. The shop is very lively and lively. The conversations between the clerk were also conspicuous, and the energetic but disturbing conversations were also conspicuous. The offer is smooth. I was able to eat it deliciously. When I asked the clerk about the menu, he said, "I don't know even if I'm still in the part-time job." Also, I can see a part of the kitchen, but the parts where garbage and leftover food are discarded are scattered all the way to the floor, so I think I'm busy, but I can see a little more. I think that those who cannot see it will be delicious. It looked unsanitary. It's a waste even though it's not a bad chain store. The next time I go, I will go to another store.

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