家庭料理 佐和井

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 家庭料理 佐和井

住所 :

Nishimoncho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0044 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
街 : Shizuoka

Nishimoncho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0044 Shizuoka,Japan
しんかいのぶひろ on Google

It is a quiet shop. There is also a private room. It is an elegant dish.
hiroyuki matsnaga on Google

Course cooking is delicious
小鉄 on Google

Even in the same course, the contents of the food change every month and it is delicious. It is good for the female general clerks as well.
Matilda on Google

A home-cooked store that sits quietly in a residential area.
大羽貴世 on Google

とても落ち着いている。 華々をたくさんいけてあり、かつ、家庭的なコースで素敵
Very calm. A lot of brilliance, and a nice homely course
大野健司 on Google

家庭料理と書いて有りますが家庭料理のミシュラン星付きと言えると思います。 良い食材と丁寧な調理、何よりもコースのバランスが大変素晴らしいと言えます。ホテルじゃ堅苦しくしけど大切な方の接待とか家族の記念日とかそんな時な利用するととても良い思い出になると思います。 我が家もそんな時に利用しています。
Although it says home-cooked food, it can be said that it has a Michelin star for home-cooked food. The balance between good ingredients, careful cooking, and above all, the course is very good. It's hard at the hotel, but I think it will be a very good memory if you use it for entertainment of loved ones, family anniversaries, and so on. I also use it at such times.
天野妙子 on Google

There are 2 courses of monthly menu, and I am satisfied with the girls' association every time! The price is cheap and I want to have a regular meeting every month.
Flow H on Google

一本裏手の道路に面したお店。静かに会話と料理を楽しむ雰囲気の良い和食屋さん。日本酒の種類が少ないのが難点。 お値段も控えめで良い。
A shop facing the road behind one. A Japanese restaurant with a nice atmosphere where you can enjoy conversation and cooking quietly. The drawback is that there are few types of sake. The price is also modest.

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