しゃぶ葉 土浦北店 - Tsuchiura

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact しゃぶ葉 土浦北店

住所 :

1丁目-36 Nishimanabemachi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Postal code : 300-0054
Webサイト : https://www.skylark.co.jp/syabuyo/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–11:30PM
Sunday 11AM–11:30PM
Monday 11AM–11:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–11:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–11:30PM
Thursday 11AM–11:30PM
Friday 11AM–11:30PM

1丁目-36 Nishimanabemachi, Tsuchiura, Ibaraki 300-0054, Japan
つねちゃんです on Google

Shabu-shabu and curry and noodles, simple desserts, and even alcohol are served at the drink bar for an additional fee. Meat and vegetables are of reasonable quality, but it is a good restaurant for those who want to eat full.
中川令 on Google

タッチパネルになってからは注文が楽になった。 日曜夕方5時頃行ったときは空いていたが、あっというまに来店客が押し寄せていた。 いつも意気込むけれど、結局すぐギブアップ。
Ordering has become easier since the touch panel. It was vacant when I went there around 5 pm on Sunday evening, but in a blink of an eye, customers were rushing in. I'm always enthusiastic, but in the end I give up soon.
Rika AKAMATSU on Google

There was some food left on the table. I didn't want to touch the touch panel for ordering because it was flying. There was no lye. There was no vegetable tongs. Even if I call it, it doesn't come. However, if I asked for it, I was able to respond for the time being. So ★ 3.
Jhayni on Google

Cardápio variado , muitas opções. Bom pra ir em família , amigos , grupos…
Varied menu, many options. Good to go with family, friends, groups…
K.W on Google

すかいらーくグループが経営する、しゃぶしゃぶ食べ放題のチェーン店で、平日は999円で「豚バラ肉の食べ放題」から楽しめます。 基本、韓国の国旗のような2種類に分かれるスープから選べ「基本だし+お好み(一部除く)」は追加料金なし。十文字型の「4つ割鍋」なんていうツワモノもあります。 2種類のダシでも、「もみじおろし」や「わさび」など、調味料も豊富なので無限な組み合わせが楽しめる上、野菜も豊富、カレー、うどん、かき氷、ソフトクリーム、ワッフルまであります。 さらに鍋はIHの電磁調理なので、子供づれでも、火の注意の必要がなく楽しめます。
It is a chain store of all-you-can-eat shabu-shabu run by the Skylark Group, and you can enjoy it from "All-you-can-eat pork ribs" for 999 yen on weekdays. You can choose from two types of soup, such as the basic and Korean flags, and there is no additional charge for "basic soup stock + preference (excluding some)". There is also a cross-shaped "four-split pot" called "Tsuwamono". Even with the two types of dashi, there are plenty of seasonings such as "grated maple" and "wasabi" so you can enjoy an infinite number of combinations, as well as abundant vegetables, curry, udon, shaved ice, soft serve ice cream, and waffles. Furthermore, since the pot is IH electromagnetic cooking, even children can enjoy it without having to be careful of fire.
MSM HDK on Google

Meat is served by robots, so it's fast. Vegetables are covered with an acrylic plate on the top to prevent corona, making it difficult to pick up in the back. Isn't it impossible for people without reach? ?? But it can't be helped. The quality of the meat is not good, but not bad. Weekday lunch is a great deal. I eat a lot of soft serve ice cream for dessert.
土屋洋 on Google

つくばのお店はたまに行きますが、ここは初めて訪れました。 この店はつくばの店とは違い注文は全てタッチパネルなので便利でした。 タレの種類が豊富にありトッピングも色々できます。 おすすめはゴマたれ+食べるラー油っぽいやつ。担々麺みたいな味わいになります。 ソフトクリームにもトッピングが色々でき、かき氷もありました。 今は感染症対策としてバイキングを利用する時はマスク+ビニール手袋が必須となります。 2022年3月6日に来店。 なんと!ホールスタッフが猫型ロボットに入れ替わっていました。 さすがロボットの街土浦!
I go to Tsukuba shops once in a while, but this is my first time visiting. Unlike the Tsukuba store, this store was convenient because all orders were on the touch panel. There are many types of sauce and you can make various toppings. I recommend the sesame sauce + the chili oil-like one you eat. It tastes like dandan noodles. There were various toppings on the soft serve ice cream, and there was also shaved ice. Now, when using Viking as a measure against infectious diseases, mask + vinyl gloves are indispensable. Visited on March 6, 2022. What! The hall staff was replaced by a cat-shaped robot. As expected, Tsuchiura, the city of robots!
武蔵野真玄 on Google

久々に、来店しました。初めて来店したときには、鍋のだしがきめられていました。また、だしがあまり美味しくなかったです。今回、友人より、美味しくなったと聞き来店しました。鍋のだしが最大4種類選べることに感動しました。また、ドリンクバーや具材の充実には驚きました。肝心のだしについてです。例えば、すき焼きのだしについてです。以前は、醤油の味が全面に押し出されていて、醤油だし鍋を食べていているようでした。 今回は、だしに甘みがあり、すき焼きだしになりましたと言う感じでした。 他3種のだしは美味しかったです。
I came to the store after a long time. When I first came to the store, the soup stock of the hot pot was decided. Also, the dashi stock was not very delicious. This time, I heard from a friend that it became delicious. I was impressed that you can choose up to 4 types of hot pot soup stock. Also, I was surprised at the drink bar and the enrichment of ingredients. It's about the essential soup stock. For example, about sukiyaki soup stock. In the past, the taste of soy sauce was extruded all over, and it seemed that I was eating a soy sauce soup stock pot. This time, the dashi was sweet and I felt that it was sukiyaki. The other three types of dashi were delicious.

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