Nishikido Momijimanju Cake Shop - Hiroshima

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishikido Momijimanju Cake Shop

住所 :

5-11 Tanakamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 730-0026
Webサイト :

5-11 Tanakamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0026, Japan
ばっくん on Google

八昌さんに伺った時にお土産を買いに伺います。 比較的に空いてますので、ゆっくりと買い物が出来ます。 当然ながら、品揃えは全てが揃ってます。
When I visit Mr. Yasho, I will come to buy souvenirs. It's relatively free, so you can shop slowly. Naturally, the product lineup is complete.
yoshitaka on Google

にしき堂さんのもみじ饅頭チーズ20年前位に食べて惚れました?当時は宮島SA上りしか売ってるの知らなくて広島来るたび買ってました下りには無かったのです当時は 2年前厳島神社行った時探したのですが見つけられなく他のチーズもみじ饅頭買ったけど何か違う?今回ホテルの近くのにしき堂さん見つけ来店昔の話しながら店員さんに聞いた所パッケージが昔と変わったと聞きました私の記憶と全く違う包み紙分からんわな〜何か味も少し変わったと聞きました家に帰って食べてやっぱちと昔と変わった感じでしたが美味しく頂きました それと昔無かった生もみじ饅頭モチモチでメッチャ美味しいですね〜初めて食べました
Nishikido's Momiji Manju cheese I ate for 20 years ago I fell in love with it ? At that time I didn't know that Miyajima SA only sells up, so I bought it every time I came to Hiroshima It was not there at the time I looked for it when I went to Itsukushima Shrine two years ago, but I couldn't find it and I bought other cheese maple buns, but is it something different? I visited Mr. Nishikido near the hotel this time and visited the store while talking to the clerk I heard that the packaging has changed from the past I heard that the packaging paper is completely different from my memory ~ Some taste has changed I went home and ate it and it looked like it was different from the past, but it was delicious Also, it was delicious with a fresh maple bun that was never used before. It was delicious!
安田彩子 on Google

昨年末、実家へのお土産を買いに寄らせて頂きました。 落ち着いた雰囲気の店内には、多くの種類のもみじ饅頭をはじめとする和菓子がたくさんあります。 街中で買えるところも限られているので、すごく助かりました。
At the end of last year, I stopped by to buy souvenirs for my parents' home. There are many kinds of Japanese sweets such as maple buns in a calm atmosphere. The places where you can buy in the city are limited, so it was very helpful.
突然ですいません on Google

ひろしまドリミネーションへ来るたびに一度はよってみたいと思います。広島県民としてもみじまんじゅうは好きだし。 2019年ひろしまドリミネーション。もみじの形をしたイルミネーションの後ろににしき堂のお店が。ちょっと意外だった!
I would like to say once every time I come to Hiroshima Domination. As a Hiroshima citizen, I like mijimanju. 2019 Hiroshima Domination. Behind the maple-shaped illuminations, there is a Nishikido shop. It was a bit surprising!
Shichiune Sugihara (仮名) on Google

近くにある音戸温泉を利用した後に、お土産を買うために立ち寄りました。買ったのは、チョコクリームと芋あんのもみじ饅頭でしたが、もっと種類は豊富ですし、もちろん、もみじ饅頭以外もいろいろ。 少量の購入でもしっかりした手提げ袋を用意してくれる心遣いに、感謝です。
After using nearby Ondo hot spring, we stopped by to buy souvenirs. I bought chocolate cream and potato anno maple bun, but there are many more types, and of course there are many other than maple bun. I am grateful for the kindness to prepare a solid carrying bag even for small purchases.
ゆき on Google

コロナ禍の大変な時にご来店ありがとうございます、とメッセージカードと共にもみじ饅頭を一つプレゼントして頂きました。 こんな大変な時なのに素敵なお気遣いで、こちらの方が有り難くとても幸せな気持ちでお店を後にすることが出来ました。 お店の方の対応がとても気持ちよかったです。
Thank you for visiting our store during the difficult time of Corona, and you received a message card and a maple bun. Even though it was such a difficult time, I was able to leave the shop with great care and thanks for being very happy. It was very pleasant for the shop to respond.
黒瀬みか on Google

Speaking of Momiji Manju, Nishikido. Not only the buns but also the Christmas cakes are delicious so I made a reservation this year as well! !! I'm looking forward to Christmas.
小林けるべろす on Google

2019.4.30に訪れました! 人生で初めての生もみじ饅頭を食べて みたくて、、、 まず2つ購入し店内のちょっとした休憩スペース で食べてみました。 1つ食べてみて思ってた生のイメージと違う、、、 2つ食べてみてこれはこれで美味しい となったので旅のお供に購入し素敵な おやつとなりました。 既存のもみじも美味しいけど、生もみじまた食べたいです。 早い時間からお店開いてるのも助かりましたし 、ちょこちょこ買いにも嫌な顔をせず対応して 頂けました。
I visited 2019.4.30! Eat the first raw Momiji bun in your life I want to see First buy two and a small break space in the store I ate it. It is different from the raw image that I thought of eating one, ... Try eating two and this is delicious As it became, we purchased for companion of trip and are wonderful It became a snack. The existing maple is delicious, but I would like to eat raw maple again. It was also helpful that the shop was open from an early time Correspondence without a disgusting face even buying a little bit It was possible.

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